2000字范文 > 宝玉 Baoyu英语短句 例句大全

宝玉 Baoyu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-23 22:53:13


宝玉 Baoyu英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis ofBaoyu s Outlook on the Love for Things and its Context;宝玉的爱物观及其语境分析

2.Miaoyu s position in "the Twelve Hairpins of Jinling" indicates her special love entanglement withBaoyu.妙玉以靠前的排序进入“金陵十二钗”,证明她与宝玉有特殊的情缘纠葛。


1.Zhen Baoyu and Jia Baoyu - A Contrast and Foil of True and False;真假相映、虚实相衬的甄宝玉和贾宝玉

2.The Intension Explanation on “Birth with Jade” --On Jia Baoyu s “Jade Morals”;“衔玉而诞”之内涵——论贾宝玉之“玉德”

3.Baoyu fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.那宝玉就枕便睡着了

4.Nodding in appreciation Baoyu looked round him."宝玉听了,点头称赏."

5.Baoyu"s spirits rose again at this."宝玉听了,方又鼓起兴来."

6.Someone subsequently gave an admirable picture of Baoyu in these two verses written to the melody of The Moon over the West River"后人有>二词,批宝玉极恰"

7."Smiling slightly, Baoyu quickly helped him up"宝玉忙含笑携他起来

8."What worried her, though, was that he was too headstrong to listen to her advice.""只因宝玉性情乖僻,每每规谏宝玉,心中着实忧郁."

9.A Treasured Jade in Form,A Hard Rock in Essence--An Analysis of the Implied Meaning of the Name of Jia baoyu,a Character from the Chinese Classic Novel A Dream of the Red Mansion;假宝玉,真顽石——《红楼梦》贾宝玉名字的寓意探析

10.A Cultural Perspective on Jia Baoyu"s Fear of his Father--A study on Jia Baoyu V贾宝玉惧父心理的文化透视——贾宝玉论之五

11.Baoyu observed that Daiyu was looking even more ethereal."宝玉心中品度黛玉,越发出落的超逸了"

paring"sense of reality and Buddhism"anddifferent result of Miaoyu and JIA Bao-yu;妙玉和贾宝玉色空观及其结局之比较

13."Baoyu, remembering that he had not said goodbye to Daiyu, hurried to her room.""宝玉忽想起未辞黛玉,因又忙至黛玉房中来作辞"

14."The old lady so doted on her grandson that she wanted to make sure he was well looked after and for this reason she gave him her favourite, Xiren, a good, conscientious girl. ""贾母因溺爱宝玉,生恐宝玉之婢无竭力尽忠之人,素喜袭人心地纯良,克尽职任,遂与了宝玉."

15."Baoyu leaned forward too, and taking the stone from his neck laid it in her hand. ""宝玉亦凑了上去,从项上摘了下来,递在宝钗手内."

16."Baoyu rose with a smile to offer her a seat while Baochai asked cheerfully, "What do you mean?""宝玉等忙起身笑让坐,宝钗因笑道:""这话怎么说?"

17.Sometimes, she saw the wedding of Baoyu and Baochai while she herself was drifting between them.忽而看到宝玉与宝钗成亲--她在其间飘忽不定

18.a kind of pink beryl used as a gemstone.绿玉的一种,用作宝石。


Bao Yu宝玉

1.The Freak of Flourishing in the Last Stage of the Feudalism Society——The Third Reading of A Dream of Red Mansions(Chapter Ⅱ) and Discuss the Art Image ofBao Yu Dialectically with Scholar FENG Qi-yong ZHOU Ru-chang,etc. Simultaneously;封建社会末期“盛世”的“怪胎”——《红楼梦》的第三种读法(之二)兼就全面辩证地看宝玉的艺术形象问题同冯其庸、周汝昌等诸位红学前辈商榷


1.One is when Jia Zhen lashesBao-yu, the other is when Jia She flogs Jia Lian.一是贾政拷打宝玉,二是贾赦杖责贾琏。


1.Effects of weed control yubao herbicide in maize Ⅱ. Study on different dose ofYubao herbicide;除草剂“玉宝”防除玉米地杂草的效果Ⅱ.不同使用剂量的除草效果

2.Study on the effiecency of weed control ofYubao herbicide in maizeⅠ. Study on effiecency of different dosage in different growth stage of maize;除草剂“玉宝”防除玉米地杂草的效果Ⅰ不同施用时期和不同剂量除草效果的初步研究

5)Precious stones and gems宝石宝玉

6)pai yii(bai yii)白玉,宝玉


