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收稿 receiving manuscripts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-20 06:17:46


收稿 receiving manuscripts英语短句 例句大全

收稿,receiving manuscripts

1)receiving manuscripts收稿

1.Elementary introduction toreceiving manuscripts for scientific journals in information era做好信息时代科技期刊的收稿工作


1.Three theories contain the function with prevalence.这三论都包含一定的优收稿日期:2002—03—04;

2.We receive several new typescripts a day.我们一天收到几份打出的文稿.

3.At twelve midnight he put away his dictionary and translation draft.午夜十二点时,他收起了词典和译稿。

4.The magazine included many interesting contributions.那本杂志收进了许多有趣的稿件。

5.The temple library apparently began as a collection of sacred scriptures.寺院图书馆始于宗教文稿的收藏。

6.This is a red-letter day for me. I first received a check for my magazine article.这是我非常开心的日子;我初次收到了向杂志投稿的稿费。

7.(xi) Direction of the Chinese Center of Receiving and Transmitting Author"s Remuneration concerning Receiving and Transmitting Remuneration About the Press Extract the Published Works(xi) 中国接收和传送作者稿费中心关于新闻媒体摘录已出版作品时接收和传送稿费的指示

8.The said 6 months shall be calculated from the date of receipt by the publisher of the manuscripts.六个月期限,从出版者收到稿件之日起计算。

9.On receipt of the manuscript the compositors stared to cast it off.一收到手稿,排宇工人就开始估计印刷篇幅。

10.On receipt of the manuscript the compositors started casting (it) off.一收到手稿,排字工人就开始估计印刷篇幅。

11.Do tidy your papers away ; your desk looks in a terrible mess .把文稿收藏好,你的书桌看上去真是乱七八糟。

12.The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum.此诗现存最早的原稿收藏在这座博物馆里。

13.All Embracing,Least but Best--A Review of The Theory of Modern Distance Teaching;兼收并蓄惟精惟一——《现代远程教学论稿》评介

14.New Gain From the Research of Yi Jian Zhi: Comment on Research on Yi Jian Zhi;《夷坚志》研究的新收获——评张祝平《夷坚志论稿》

15.Many papers were collected and published in this period of our journal as a special discussion.本期收集多篇这方面稿件,集中刊出作为专题讨论。

16.This course features a selection of lecture notes and, in the tools section, a set of animations.本课程的特色在于收录了课堂讲稿集以及工具区中的整套动画。

17.Two and a half centuries of bookcollecting and half a million manuscripts were wiped out.两个半世纪以来收集的藏书和五十万份手稿竟被一扫而光。

18.Science editors recognized the manuscript"s import almost as soon as it arrived.《科学》杂志的编辑几乎一收到稿件就意识到了它的重要性。


received date收稿日期

1.Suggestions on recording "received date" for papers in sci-tech periodicals;科技论文“收稿日期”标注建议

3)Income Derived from Written Articles,Copyright Books,Musical Compositions,Musical Productions,Dramas,Cartoons稿费乐谱作曲编剧漫画收入

4)NUCMC National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections手稿收集品全国联合目录(美国)

5)internal and external manuscripts内稿外稿



乘舟过贾收水阁收不在见其子三首【诗文】:爱酒陶元亮,能诗张志和。青山来水槛,白雨满渔蓑。泪垢添丁面,贫低举案蛾。不知何所乐,竟夕独酣歌。袅袅风蒲乱,猗猗水荇长。小舟浮鸭绿,大杓泻鹅黄。得意诗酒社,终身鱼稻乡。乐哉无一事,何处不清凉。曳杖青苔岸,系船枯柳根。德公方上冢,季路独留言。已占蒲鱼港,更开松菊园。従兹来往数,儿女自应门。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十一
