2000字范文 > 国家蹦床队 national trampoline team英语短句 例句大全

国家蹦床队 national trampoline team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 06:42:27


国家蹦床队 national trampoline team英语短句 例句大全

国家蹦床队,national trampoline team

1)national trampoline team国家蹦床队


1.The article researches and analyses on training and competition of juvenile athlete of Jiangsu Province intrampolining.对江苏省少年运动员蹦床训练和比赛的情况进行研究分析,提出姿态训练的重要性及简单的训练方法。

2.This paper explains the motion essentials and way of practice on taking off skill intrampolining by investigation on video tape and inspect and learn from the World Trampolining Championships and training of Jiangsu men s event intrampolining.通过对录像资料的整理和观摩世界蹦床锦标赛及年龄组比赛的技术调研,结合作者对江苏男子蹦床队的教学训练,阐述了网上起跳技术的动作要领和实践成果。

3.This paper explains the regulations of subduing attrampolining display after investigation and analysis.对蹦床项目制胜的因素探讨、分析后认为,稳定是基础、难度是途径、质量是根本、心理是保证。


1.an old trampoline that has lost some of its spring失去一些弹性的旧蹦床.

2.Rhythmic Gymnastics and Trampoline Individual for men and women.男女体操和蹦床比赛。

3.An Analysis of the Situation of the Real Strength of World Trampoline Powers--Comments on the World Trampoline Championship in ;世界蹦床强国实力格局剖析——兼评世界蹦床锦标赛

4.On the Origin and Development of Trampoline and Countermeasures to Win Gold Medals for China in the Olympic Games of ;蹦床运动的起源、发展与奥运会我国蹦床项目夺金的对策

5.A gymnast on the trampoline was turning (ie performing) somersaults.有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻.

6.Status Analysis of Trampoline the Mothball Players in Shandong Provinean and Countermeasures;山东省蹦床后备人才现状分析与对策

7.Research on Trampoline Players Achievement Motivation and Attribution;蹦床运动员的成就目标及归因的研究

8.Investigation on the Current Situation of Trampoline Coach Team in China;我国蹦床教练员队伍现状调查与研究

9.On Training Excellent Trampoline Athletes;优秀蹦床运动员若干训练问题的探讨

10.A Study on the Injuries of Chinese Elite Trampoline Players;我国优秀蹦床运动员的运动损伤研究

11.Function Monitoring and Recuperative Measures for Distinguished Trampolinists;优秀蹦床运动员机能监控与恢复措施

12.Current situation of trampoline backup talents in Guangdong province and developing countermeasures;广东省蹦床后备人才现状与发展对策

13.The Commenting and Analyzing on the Trampoline Matches of the 10th National Games in ;全运会蹦床网上比赛评析

14.Research on the Control of the Pre-competition Training of the Shanghai Men Trampoline Team Preparing for Important Competitions;上海男子蹦床队大赛前训练控制研究

15.Study on the Relationship Between Attribution and Performance of Trampoline Players;蹦床运动员归因与运动成绩关系研究

16.Analysis of implementation of 2002~ national trampoline special regulations;2002~国内蹦床特定规则的实施情况

17.Current Situation and Trend of Trampoline in China;我国蹦床运动的现状及发展趋势研究

18.Research on Woman s Individual Self-selection Movement of OurBouncing Net;我国蹦床网上女子单人自选动作分析



1.The article researches and analyses on training and competition of juvenile athlete of Jiangsu Province intrampolining.对江苏省少年运动员蹦床训练和比赛的情况进行研究分析,提出姿态训练的重要性及简单的训练方法。

2.This paper explains the motion essentials and way of practice on taking off skill intrampolining by investigation on video tape and inspect and learn from the World Trampolining Championships and training of Jiangsu men s event intrampolining.通过对录像资料的整理和观摩世界蹦床锦标赛及年龄组比赛的技术调研,结合作者对江苏男子蹦床队的教学训练,阐述了网上起跳技术的动作要领和实践成果。

3.This paper explains the regulations of subduing attrampolining display after investigation and analysis.对蹦床项目制胜的因素探讨、分析后认为,稳定是基础、难度是途径、质量是根本、心理是保证。


1.Analysis of regulating breathing intrampoline action;试析蹦床成套动作中呼吸的配合与调节

2.An Analysis of the Situation of the Real Strength of World Trampoline Powers——Comments on the World Trampoline Championship in ;世界蹦床强国实力格局剖析——兼评世界蹦床锦标赛

4)recreation bouncer蹦床;弹床


1.On the Origin and Development of Trampoline and Countermeasures to Win Gold Medals for China in the Olympic Games of ;蹦床运动的起源、发展与奥运会我国蹦床项目夺金的对策

2.The results showed that the pre-jump ability of Chinese elite athletes oftrampoline had been improved,but the routine movement duration was shorter,horizontal displacement was not sufficient,the difficulty degree of.结果表明:中国优秀女子蹦床运动员的预跳能力有所提高;成套动作时间有所下降;位移方面存在不足;整体动作难度与世界先进水平还有一定距离;竞技水平发挥不稳定。

3.China strampoline timely drafted a standard for the displacement occurring during the process of acting, following the international rule.随着蹦床运动的不断发展,国际上对蹦床比赛的评分要求越来越高、也越来越细化。

6)compectitive trampoline竞技蹦床


