2000字范文 > 理工科院校文科学报 journals of arts in scientific and technological universities英语短句 例句大全

理工科院校文科学报 journals of arts in scientific and technological universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-12 07:48:38


理工科院校文科学报 journals of arts in scientific and technological universities英语短句 例句大全

理工科院校文科学报,journals of arts in scientific and technological universities

1)journals of arts in scientific and technological universities理工科院校文科学报

1.To run a journal with features has been discussed for long time,and now it is imperative to construct specificjournals of arts in scientific and technological universities.特色化办刊议题由来已久,而理工科院校文科学报特色化建设也势在必行。


1.Measures about Constructing Journals of Arts in Scientific and Technological Universities理工科院校文科学报特色化建设的措施和途径

2.Running Journals of Humanities and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities of Science and Engineering: Reflections;办好理工院校人文社会科学学报的思考

3.The Goal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Edition of the Journal in Universities of Science and Engineering;略论理工院校人文社科学报之办刊愿景

4.The Background and Purposes of Humanities and Social Sciences Journal in Science and Engineering Universities;试谈理工农医院校文科学报办刊背景与宗旨

5.On Coordinated Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Institutions of Science and Engineering;论人文社会科学在理工科院校的发展

6.On Enhancing the Education of Humanities in China s Universities of Science and Engineering;切实加强理工科院校人文学科的教育

7.Analysis of characteristics of journals of social sciencesedition in science, engineering, agriculture and medical universities;理工农医院校社科学报栏目特色探析

8.Difficulties Faced by Social Science Journals in Science and Engineering Institutions and Countermeasures;理工科院校社科学报面临的困难及对策

9.On Strengthening the Polytechnical University Students’ Literary Quality;理工科院校应加强大学生的文学素养

10.The Jam Faced by the Human & Social Science Subjects in a Science & Engineering University and Approaches of Solving It理工院校人文学科科研管理的困境及解决途径

11.The Significance of Strengthening the Building of College Culture In Colleges of Science and Engineering;理工科院校加强大学文化建设的意义

12.Probe into the Enhance of Students Humanism Education in Science and Engineering Colleges and Universities;加强理工科院校学生人文教育的探讨

13.Integration of Humanities Education and Science Education in Technical Colleges and Universities;人文教育与科学教育在理工科院校的融合

14.On Fusion of Science and Humanities Education in University of Science and Engineering;论理工科院校科学教育与人文教育的融合

15.On Blending of Humanities Education and Science Education in Colleges of Science and Engineering;论理工科院校人文教育与科学教育的融合

16.On Disciplinary Construction of Humanities and Social Sciences in Colleges of Science and Engineering;关于理工院校人文社科学科建设的思考

17.The President"s Report on the Teaching Assessment of Undergraduate Programs of Dali University大理学院本科教学工作水平评估校长报告

18.Elementary exploration on editorial skill for literature supplement of engineering college s newspaper;工科院校校报文艺副刊编辑技巧初探


Science and technology college students理工科院校学生

3)university of science and engineering理工科院校

1.Experience in developing social sciences research in theuniversity of science and engineering;发挥优势 形成特色 力求发展——理工科院校发展社科研究的实践探索

4)universities of science and engineering理工科院校

5)science and engineering universities理工科院校

1.But thescience and engineering universities which have influenced by the tradition education methods appear to disjoin the development of humanities spirit and education of science technique.但理工科院校受传统人才培养模式的影响,不同程度地存在着人文精神培养与科学技术教育相互脱节和分离的现象,这对人文精神的培育和形成是极其不利的。

2.The achievement of public art education attained byscience and engineering universities in our country is analyzed according to the survey combining with the relative legal documents and theories.再根据调查情况,结合相关的法规文件与理论观点,分析我国理工科院校的公共艺术教育已取得的成果,审视和剖析理工科院校的公共艺术教育的问题,运用艺术教育论、心理学等理论方法深度探究了问题的成因所在,并结合实际提出了相关的解决策略和方法。

6)science and engineering college理工科院校

1.Thescience and engineering college in the non-central city is limited by the environment,the resources,the insufficient open consciousness,and the impeded information etc.非中心城市理工科院校地域环境受限、资源短缺、开放意识不足、信息不畅等是制约其发展的现实瓶颈,但真正能够使非中心城市理工科院校在长期目标上建立竞争优势的是其无形资源,大学精神是这种无形资源的中心。

2.Based on the rule of language-acquisition,characteristics ofscience and engineering college and the proper placement of extracurricular activities,institute-oriented activities not only provides a platform for learners to enhance the awareness of autonomous study,but also promote in-class teaching to improve learners comprehensive ability.遵循语言教学原则,针对理工科院校的特点,对第二课堂的准确定位,探寻一条适合校情的英语第二课堂模式,为学生的英语学习提供一个广阔的平台,既能发挥学习者主体的潜能,提高英语学习的效率,又能促进大学英语教学,增强语言的综合能力。

3.Science and engineering colleges for the status quo of public physical education,from teaching ideology,teaching contents,teaching methods,teaching evaluation,put forward a number of recommendations.公共体育教学对于提高理工科院校学生的身心全面发展,为社会培养合格的理工科人材起着重要的作用。


