2000字范文 > 国际竞技健美操规则 aerobic gymnastics code英语短句 例句大全

国际竞技健美操规则 aerobic gymnastics code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-18 00:23:35


国际竞技健美操规则 aerobic gymnastics code英语短句 例句大全

国际竞技健美操规则,aerobic gymnastics code

1)aerobic gymnastics code国际竞技健美操规则

2)competitive callithenics regulations竞技健美操规则

1.It made an analysis of FIGcompetitive callithenics regulations of 1997~2000 edition,2001~ edition,2001~ revised edition and ~ edition from the three aspects of artistic arrange in order,difficult technique and performance of movements,so as to knew well the main effects of alteration for the regulations on the development of competitive callisthenics technique.从艺术编排、难度技术、动作完成三方面,对1997~2000年版、2001~版、2001~修订版及~版的国际体操联合会(FIG)竞技健美操规则进行分析,了解规则的改变对竞技健美操技术发展的主要影响。


1.Effects of Alteration for Regulations of FIG Competitive Callithenics on Development of Its Technique;FIG竞技健美操规则的改变对竞技健美操技术发展的影响

2.The Analysis of the Technolgy Development of Our Country Aerobic Exercise from the Changes of Regulations of FIG Aerobic Exercise从FIG竞技健美操规则的变化分析我国竞技健美操技术的发展

3.Discussion on Developing Trend of Aerobic Gymnastics from the New Rules Change;从新规则变化看竞技健美操发展趋势

4.The Analysis of the Difficulty Changes in the New FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Code of Points;国际竞技健美操新规则难度变化分析

5.Innovative Bright Spot of Aerobic Gymnastics by the Change of New Competition Rule;从新规则变化看竞技健美操创新亮点

6.On the Development Trend of Tournament Aerobics from the Comparison of the New and Old Rules从新旧规则看竞技健美操的发展趋势

7.The Tendency for Competitive Calisthenics: An Analysis of the Revised Rating Rules for Competitive Calisthenics;从竞技健美操评分规则的修订看竞技健美操的发展方向

8.The competitive Prospect and Main Characteristics of New Regulation Changing of Sports Aerobics;竞技健美操新规则变化的主要特点及竞技展望

9.Tallking on Characterstics of Changes of Artistic Point through Athletic Aerobics Gymnastics Rules;从竞赛的规则谈竞技健美操艺术分变化的特点

10.The Development of the Difficult Motion Along with the Changes of the Competition Rules;从规则的演变看竞技健美操难度动作的发展

11.Characteristic of sports aerobics under the new regulation and suggestions for training;新规则下竞技健美操的特点与训练建议

12.Discussion on the Tendency and Countermeasure of the Competitive Calisthenics from the Point of View of Changes of FIG Rules;从FIG规则的变化谈竞技健美操发展趋势和对策

13.To View Development Trend of Sports Aerobics Difficulty Through New Rules;从版新规则看竞技健美操的发展趋势

14.On the Competitive Aerobics Training Countermeasures Under the New Rules;从新规则变化谈我国竞技健美操训练对策

15.Analysis on the Interact Mechanism of New Rules and Difficult Movements System of the Competitive Aerobics;竞技健美操新规则与难度动作体系的互动机制

16.The development tendency of gymnastics of our country under the new period regulations;新周期规则下我国竞技健美操的发展趋势

17.The Main Characteristics of the International Scoring Regulation of Sports Aerobics;竞技健美操新规则变化的主要特点

18.On the Developing Trend of Athletic Aerobics by Analyzing the Rules Change;从规则变化分析竞技健美操的发展趋势


competitive callithenics regulations竞技健美操规则

1.It made an analysis of FIGcompetitive callithenics regulations of 1997~2000 edition,2001~ edition,2001~ revised edition and ~ edition from the three aspects of artistic arrange in order,difficult technique and performance of movements,so as to knew well the main effects of alteration for the regulations on the development of competitive callisthenics technique.从艺术编排、难度技术、动作完成三方面,对1997~2000年版、2001~版、2001~修订版及~版的国际体操联合会(FIG)竞技健美操规则进行分析,了解规则的改变对竞技健美操技术发展的主要影响。

3)FIG Aerobic Gymnastics code of points国际健美操规则

4)Sports aerobics竞技健美操

1.On function and composition of music in sports aerobics;竞技健美操音乐的功能及其配制

2.Characteristic of sports aerobics under the new regulation and suggestions for training;新规则下竞技健美操的特点与训练建议

3.An Analysis of Regional Distribution of Teenage Athletes for Sports Aerobics in China;我国竞技健美操少年运动员区域分布特征与分析

5)athletic aerobics竞技健美操

1.It offers some theoretic proves on the development of domesticathletic aerobics.通过对1997-新旧竞技健美操评分规则的分析比较,运用文献资料法和专家访谈法探讨新旧规则中难度动作的变化特点及发展,以期能对我国的竞技健美操运动的发展提供一定的理论依据。

2.This article researches the application of three interval training approaches (highly intensive interval training, intensive interval training and progressive interval training) inathletic aerobics training, in order to provide some references for the scientificathletic aerobics training.探讨了高强性、强化性、发展性三种间歇训练法在竞技健美操训练中的应用方案,旨为竞技健美操的科学训练提 供参考。

6)competitive aerobics竞技健美操

1.Considerations on non-training factors affectingcompetitive aerobics level of China;对影响我国竞技健美操水平的几个非训练学因素的思考

2.Research on the Competitive Aerobics Special Training System in an Orderly Manner from the View of Dissipative Structures;耗散结构视野下竞技健美操专项训练系统有序性探讨

3.Classification of difficult movement and principle of mechanics forcompetitive aerobics;竞技健美操难度动作分类及力学原理的研究


健美操健美操jm㈣躯洲c(j0健美操融体操、舞蹈为一体并对健、力、美有特定要求的一种运动项目。分为竞技、健身2类。国际健美操联合会成立于1983年,总部设在日本,有会员20多个。1981~1983年传人中国,初期一些高等院校编排了健美操成套0 ” 一~n j;H?~~■e一“…#ⅢE!“:■女子三人隧美操动作,如“女青年健美操”、“哑铃健美操”、“形体健美操”等。1983年举办了第1届国际健美操比赛。1984年北京体育学院成立健美操研究组,编排了“青年韵律操”。许多高校将健美操内容列入体育教学大纲。同期,表演性健美操和竞技性健美操也开始在学校中出现。1987年由康华健美研究所、北京体育学院、中央电视台等单位联合举办了全国首届“长城杯”健美操比赛;同年,北京体院健美操队访问了日本。1988年中国举办了“长城杯”健美操友好邀请赛,有中国、日本、香港、中国台北等国家和地区的运动员参赛。1992年中国健美操协会成立。1993年起开始每年在大学生中推广一套由中国大学生协会健美操艺术体操分会审定的健身健美操。1995年底中国派队参加了在法国举行的第1届世界健美操锦标赛。1997年初中国健美操协会由社会体育中心并人国家体育总局体操运动管理中心,先后制定了《健美操活动管理办法》、《全国健美操指导员专业技术等级实施办法(试行)》、《全国健美操大众锻炼标准实施办法》;把全国锦标赛改为全国锦标赛暨运动会,增加了中老年组健身健美操的比赛,并把青年组按比赛成绩分为甲、乙组;同年,分别派队参加了在日本举行的世界杯赛、在意大利举行的第4届健美操世界锦标赛。1997、1998年中国参加了国际裁判员培训班和国际教练员培训班。中国每年举行的正式健美操全国比赛有全国健美操锦标赛、冠军赛以及行业系统的比赛,如:全国大学生健美操比赛和全国职工健美操比赛。
