2000字范文 > 煤矿测量 surveying of coal mine英语短句 例句大全

煤矿测量 surveying of coal mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-01 18:04:31


煤矿测量 surveying of coal mine英语短句 例句大全

煤矿测量,surveying of coal mine

1)surveying of coal mine煤矿测量


1.Analysis and Prevention of Work Mistake and accident in Coal Mine Survey煤矿测量工作失误和事故分析与预防

2.Terms relating to coal mining--Mining surveyingGB/T15663.6-1995煤矿科技术语矿山测量

3.Research on Prediction Technology of Gas Emission in Zhaoguan Mine赵官煤矿瓦斯涌出量的预测技术研究

4.Research on Wireless Test System of Air Volume in Coal Mine Based on nRF24E1基于nRF24E1的煤矿风量无线测试系统研究

5.Application of GPS D Level Control Measurement at Banji Coal MineGPS在板集煤矿 D级控制测量中的应用

6.The Forecast Model of Mine Water Discharge s Research about Coal Mining Area in Shanxi Province;山西省煤矿区矿井水涌水量预测模型研究

7.Groundwater Dynamic Research and the Water Quantity Prediction on the Yutianbao Coal Mine鱼田堡煤矿矿坑水动态分析及涌水量预测

pare of methods testing the displacement of air compressors using in the coal mines煤矿用空气压缩机排气量测量方法比较

9.Reservoir Simulation for CBM/CMM Production Forecasting and Field Optimisation煤层气产量预测和矿区优化的储层模拟

10.Study on laser absorption spectroscopy for measuring gas of mine利用激光吸收光谱法测量煤矿瓦斯气体的研究

11.Technical practice of a long-distance connectingsurvey in the north ventilation shaft of Taiping coal mine太平煤矿北风井长距离贯通测量技术实践

12.Study on Classification and Code of Coal Mine Geology and Survey Information and Its Application Technology;煤矿地质测量信息分类编码技术及其应用研究

13.Ground Stress Measuring and Analysis in Dongtan Mine;东滩煤矿三采区地应力测量及应力场分析

14.Application of Support Vector Machines in Forecast of Coal Mine Underground Water Table;支持向量机在煤矿地下水位预测中的应用

15.Calculation of Water Yield and Analyses the Condition of Water Filling in Wanghe Coal Mine in Xingyang City荥阳王河煤矿充水条件分析与涌水量预测

parsion study on water inrush prediction methods of coal mining under rich water aquifer in underground mine富含水层下煤矿开采涌水量预测方法对比研究

17.Design on Vector Graphic System of Underground Mine Position Monitoring and Measuring Based on DWG基于DWG的煤矿井下定位监测矢量图形系统设计

18.Analysis of Hydrogeological Conditions and Forecast of Water Inflow in Liudian Mine刘店煤矿水文地质条件分析及涌水量预测


productive surveying of coal mine煤矿生产测量

3)mining survey and geology煤矿地质测量

4)coal mine measurement data煤矿测量数据

5)coal mines cadastral measurement煤矿地籍测量

6)Measurement standard for coal geology煤矿地质测量标准


