2000字范文 > 团队人才机制 personnel mechanism of the team英语短句 例句大全

团队人才机制 personnel mechanism of the team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 07:48:09


团队人才机制 personnel mechanism of the team英语短句 例句大全

团队人才机制,personnel mechanism of the team

1)personnel mechanism of the team团队人才机制

2)innovative talent team创新人才团队


1.Constructing an Innovative Talent Team of Agricultural Science and Technology to Solve Food Security Problems in Yunnan Province建设农业科技创新人才团队 解决云南粮食安全问题

2.The Construction of Teacher s Innovative Teams in Universities under the Strategy of "Talent Oriented";“人才强校”战略下的高校师资队伍创新团队建设

3.Relying on Key Laboratory to Cultivate Science and Technology Innovation Team;依托重点实验室 培养科技创新团队人才

4.Study of New Cultivation Principle and Creative Mode of Chinese Pharmaceutical Scholars Based on Teaching Team基于教学团队建设的中药学人才培养创新模式

5.Jointly Constructing Research Team with Teachers and Students to Set up Platform for Training Creative Talents师生共建科研团队 构建创新人才培养平台

6.Pioneer Figure and Innovation Team-Inspiration of Wangzhibiao Team;领军人物与创新团队—王智彪团队的启示

7.Creation And Establishment of Effective Cooperating Groups in Mid-small Town And Township Enterprises;论乡镇中小企业高效人才合作团队的创建

8.On Cultivating Creative Talents and Developing Innovative University Teachers;创新型人才培养与高校创新型教师队伍的建设

9.Changsha City High-level Creative Talents Team Construction;长沙市高层次创新人才队伍建设研究

10.Establish Scientific Research Echelon of Students to Promote the Cultivation of Innovative Talents;建立学生科研梯队 促进创新人才培养

11.The Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Enterprise Technology Innovation Talents" Team企业技术创新人才队伍综合评价研究

12.Academic Innovation Team′s Research Based on Social Network Analytic Method--Take the S Institute of Human Resources Develepment as the Example基于社会网络分析法的学术创新团队的研究——以S人才发展研究中心为例

13.Impact of the goal orientation in a team on individual and team innovation:A multilevel framework;团队中的目标取向对个人与团队创新的影响——多层次研究框架

14.The Human Resource Management Mode of the Research Team of the University;高校科研团队人力资源管理模式创新研究

15.Building a Learning Team: New Thinking Way of NGO Human Resource Management in Our Country;创建学习型团队:我国NGO人力资源管理新思路

16.Research on Human Capital Teams of Enterprise Technology Innovation Ability;企业技术创新能力提升与人力资本团队研究


18.Research on the innovation of the human resources management mode of the research team in colleges & universities;高等学校科研团队人力资源管理模式创新研究


innovative talent team创新人才团队

3)robot team机器人团队

1.The paper,using Markov course and evolution calculation theory for reference,researches the difference between team and organization in conception and the formation mechanism ofrobot team from cooperative entity layer and ability layer.借鉴Markov过程和进化计算,从协作主体层和能力层研究了机器人团队和组织的区别及团队的形成机制。

4)talent mechanism人才机制

1.Talent Strategy and Talent Mechanism should change from the concept, multi-channel selection of personnel and retaining talent by creating conditions.要从转变人才观念、多渠道选拔人才和创造留住人才的条件等角度,调整中小企业的人才策略,并持续完善人才机制。

2.Archives management is of great importance in college administration,in which innovativetalent mechanism,information mechanism,network mechanism and service mechanism should be established in the guidance of the spirit of the 17th National Congress of CPC and the scientific development view.构建高校档案管理的新机制必须以党的十七大精神为指导,贯彻落实坚持科学发展观,努力创新高校档案管理的人才机制、信息机制、网络机制和服务机制。

3.Proposes that the construction of a newtalent mechanism should be the key to carry out talent strategic project and promote the enterprise competition.提出构建新的人才机制是实施人才战略工程、提升企业竞争力的关键举措,并有针对性地提出了当前迫切需要创新的几种人才机制。

5)intellectual mechanism人才机制

1.Set-up and practice ofintellectual mechanism in small and mid-sized enterprises;中小企业人才机制建立与实践

6)talented person mechanism人才机制

1.State-owned commercial banks have to adjust and perfecttalented person mechanism,which plays an important role in improving human resource management and enhancing the international competitive ability of talented person.如何进一步健全国有商业银行人才机制,对于促进我国国有商业银行人力资源管理水平和人才国际竞争能力的提高,有着极其重要的意义。


