2000字范文 > 刚漏比 ratio of stiffness to leakage英语短句 例句大全

刚漏比 ratio of stiffness to leakage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 15:15:47


刚漏比 ratio of stiffness to leakage英语短句 例句大全

刚漏比,ratio of stiffness to leakage

1)ratio of stiffness to leakage刚漏比

1.ratio of stiffness to leakage and relatively high film stiffness as optimizing targets, analysis has been made on factors that may affectratio of stiffness to leakage, film stiffness, bearing capacity and leakage so as to achieve the optimized groove parameters.通过数值计算的方法应用涡量 流函数方程、纳维 斯托方程、雷诺方程对密封端面间气膜刚度进行计算 ,以获得最大的刚漏比和较大的气膜刚度作为优化目标 ,对影响刚漏比、气膜刚度、承载能力、泄露量的因素进行分析 ,从而获得最佳的槽型参数 ,对于干气密封的设计具有一定的指导意

2)leakage rate漏比


1.A Comparative Study of Apical Leakage of Different Root Canal Sealers;不同根充糊剂的根尖微渗漏比较研究

2.Just a minute. What was the percentage of breakages and leaking?请等一下,破损及渗漏的百分比是多少?

parison of useful breakout prediction system models(A)几种常用漏钢预报系统模型的比较(上)

parative Study on the Back-calculation Methods for the Intensity of Leakage Sources in Chemical Leakage Accidents危险化学品泄漏事故泄漏源强反算方法比较研究

5.In this paper, four calibration methods for pressure leak are introduced, namely, the constant varying pressure, the constant varying volume, the dynamic comparison method with quantitative gas and the dynamic comparison method with a reference leak.介绍了定容变压法、压变容法、量气体动态比较法、考漏孔动态比较法对正压漏孔进行校准方法。

6.Don"t trap when two inks have this percent or greater in common:两种黑色有此百分比或通常较大时不补漏白:

7.It ignites more easily than any other common gas and a high pressure leak can even ignite spontaneously.它比任何其它的气体易燃,高压泄漏时能够自燃。

8.Many ancient Chinese men of letters left behind beautiful verses about the clepsydra.作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。

9.Calculation and Comparison of the Field Distributions of the Indoor Antenna and Leaky Coaxial Cable室内天线及漏缆辐射场分布的计算与比较

10.The leakproof of our product,exceptionally good of its kind.我们的产品的防漏性,在同类中是比较好的.

11.A Compartive Study of Microleakage of Titanium and Composite Inlays;纯钛嵌体和复合树脂嵌体微渗漏的对比研究

12.A Comparative Study of Coronal Leakage in Roots Filled with Different Obturation Materials;不同根管充填材料冠方渗漏的比较研究

13.How to Reduce the Missing of the First Foul Movement in Basketball Games;篮球比赛中如何减少漏判第一犯规动作

14.Analysis of the phenomenon of the wrong or lost judgement made by referees in football match;对足球裁判员在比赛中错、漏判现象剖析

15.Three man manufacture against two man punishing to decide the comparing research that the mistakes and omissions is decided in CBA S league matches;CBA联赛中三人制与二人制裁判错漏判的比较

16.The Study of Microleakage of Bonding Different Inlays with IDS and DDS TechniquesIDS与DDS技术粘结不同嵌体的微渗漏对比研究

17.LabVIEW-based Pipeline Leak Detection SPRT Technology Research基于LabVIEW的管道泄漏序贯比检测技术研究

18.Analysis of the Nozzle Model and Hole Model Associated with High-pressure Natural Gas Pipeline Leakage高压输气管道小孔与大孔泄漏模型的比较分析


leakage rate漏比

3)ratio of leakage-distance泄漏比距

4)specific leakage magnetic conductivity比漏磁导

1.This paper describes an effective method for calculating rotator current supposed value while determiningspecific leakage magnetic conductivity on the upper part of the slots of the rotator of a three-phase asynchronous motor.论述了三相感应电动机电磁设计过程中 ,对于转子槽上部为半圆形的闭口槽 ,当求取其槽上部比漏磁导时 ,转子电流假设值的一种实际计算方

5)funneling ratio漏斗比率

6)bit leaking比特泄漏

1.On the basis of an analysis of various kinds ofbit leaking circuits, an adaptivebit leaking circuit based on events is developed and the structure and principle of the circuit are discussed.在分析了各类比特泄漏电路的基础上,给出了一种依据事件的自适应比特泄漏电路,对电路的结构、原理进行了分析,给出了抖动特性的理论分析和实测结果。


