2000字范文 > 乘幂算法 power arithmetic英语短句 例句大全

乘幂算法 power arithmetic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 13:54:39


乘幂算法 power arithmetic英语短句 例句大全

乘幂算法,power arithmetic

1)power arithmetic乘幂算法

1.Thepower arithmetic in engineering survey software based on J2ME mobile phone基于J2ME手机的工程测量软件中的乘幂算法


1.The power arithmetic in engineering survey software based on J2ME mobile phone基于J2ME手机的工程测量软件中的乘幂算法

2.An Algorithm for Fast Finding Signal Subspace Based on Power Algorithm;一种基于乘幂法的信号子空间快速求解算法

3.Large Number Modular Power Multiplication Algorithm for Software Implementation Method Based on the Discrete Logarithm Cryptosystem;基于离散对数体制的大数模幂乘算法的软件实现方法

4.This paper introduces a mathematical method-Power A l gorithm, which is used to calculate maximum eigen-value and corresponding eigen vector of a matrix.作者在本文中引入了计算矩阵最大本征值及其对应的本征向量的一种数学计算方法,即乘幂法。

5.A modified power method for the PageRank problem一种求解PageRank问题的修正乘幂法(英文)

6.Binary partition table searching method for fast computation of modular exponentiation方幂模快速计算的二进制分组查表法

7.Implementation of SPA Resistant RSA Exponentiation Algorithm抵御简单功耗分析的RSA模幂算法实现

8.of or relating to the fourth power.属于或关于四乘幂的。

9.Booth algorithm of binary multiplication二进制乘法的布斯算法

10.Multiplication can be proved by division.乘法可用除法来验算。

11.However, by using traditional multiplier, there is data dependency between iterations. To reduce the delay of data dependency, a novel multiplier, named oblong multiplier by its partial product shape is proposed.用传统的平行四边形乘法器实现大数模幂乘 ,存在两次迭代之间的数据相关问题 .

12.Three to the third power is three times three times three, which equals 27.3的3次幂相当于3乘3乘3,等于27。

13.“A Practical Fast Exponentiation Algorithm for Public key”关于公开密钥的一种实用的快速取幂算法

14.Inprovement of the Method on Derivative Calculation of the Power-Exponential Function and Their Application;幂指函数的导数计算方法的改进与应用

15.A Recursion Method of Calculating Power Sum;计算方幂和sum from k=1 to n (k~m)的一种递推方法

16.An ICA Algorithm Based on Exponential Power Family of Densities and Gaussian Mixture Densities Models基于指数幂族和高斯混合密度模型的ICA算法

17.Method based on power average operator for interval multi-attribute decision-making基于幂均算子的区间型多属性决策方法

18.Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Involution and Factorial of High Effective Locations高有效位数的加、减、乘、除、乘方和阶乘运算法


power exponentiation乘幂运算

3)power algorithm乘幂法

4)modular exponentiation algorithm模幂乘法

5)modular exponentiation模幂乘运算

1.Arming at the complicated largemodular exponentiation of public-key cryptography and digital signature such as RSA, Elgamal and DSA, this paper has analyzed some algorithms for implementation largemodular exponentiation.针对 RSA、Elgamal、DSA等算法在进行数据加密或数字签名时都要进行复杂的大数模幂乘运算 ,本文分析了目前常用的几种大数模幂乘算法 ,并在此基础上提出了一种动态匹配快速算法 。

6)exponentiation algorithm模幂算法

1.By analyzing the addition chainexponentiation algorithm, it is found that not only the speed of RSA encryption can be accelerated, but also SPA attack can be resistant with this algorithm.通过分析加法链模幂算法,发现其不仅能提高RSA的加密速度,而且可以抵御SPA攻击。


