2000字范文 > 资源税率 resources tax rate英语短句 例句大全

资源税率 resources tax rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-20 00:37:53


资源税率 resources tax rate英语短句 例句大全

资源税率,resources tax rate

1)resources tax rate资源税率

2)resources tax system资源税税制


1.Mechanism analysis of promoting western district recycling economy development with perfecting resource tax system完善资源税税制以促进西部地区循环经济发展的机理分析

2.Learning from Western Experiences and Perfecting China s Resources Tax System;西方资源税制及其对完善我国资源税制的借鉴

3.Sino-Foreign Resources Tax System:A Comparison and Its Perfection;中外资源税制比较及我国资源税制的完善

4.Resource Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities.资源税由税务机关征收。

5.This system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation.此制度的所需资金来源于全国保险税和赋税。

6.Research on the Taxation System of Resource Tax in the Development of Mine Enterprises;矿山企业发展中的资源税税收制度研究

7.Orientation of the Resources and the Environment Tax under the Condition of the Green Tax System构建绿色税制条件下资源环境税的现实取向

8.Research on Right Allocation between Central and Local Taxes--Thinking about Game Theory on Resource Tax分税制下中央和地方间税权配置研究——由资源税博弈引发的思考

9."Tax for fees reform": realization of substitution of water resources fee collecting institution by water resources protection tax;费改税:实现水资源保护税制对水资源费征收制度的替代

10.Study On the Price-Tax Revenue-Compensation Mechanism for Resources Mining;资源价格-税收-有偿开采机制研究

11.The Legal System of Land Tax-from the Perspective of the Resources Protection土地税收法律制度——资源保护的视角

12.On Resource Tax Reform and Coordinating Inter-regional Fiscal Capacities in China资源税制改革与统筹区域间财政能力

13.On the Orientation of the Resource Tax and its Position in the Overall Tax Reform of China;略论我国资源税的定位及其在税制改革中的地位

14.Analysis and Reflection on the Resource Tax in Our Current Tax System;对我国现行税制中有关资源税收政策的分析与思考

15.Study of Perfecting China s Natural Resource Tax System and Environmental Protection Financing Potential;完善我国资源税制与环境保护筹资潜力研究

16.This paper thinks that the mulberry tax in Jin dynasty derived from the mulberry tax system of Liao dynasty.金代桑税渊源于辽和北宋的桑税制度。

17.Study on the Reformation of Land Taxation System Based on the Sustainable Land Use;基于土地资源可持续利用的土地税制改革研究

18.Studies and Proposals on Policies of Chinese Mineral Resources Taxes and Fees;我国矿产资源税费制度研究及政策建议


resources tax system资源税税制

3)Resource tax资源税

1.The study of reasonable resource tax based on capital evaluation of coal resource;基于煤炭资源资产评估的合理资源税研究

2.On the resource tax under sustainable development;可持续发展视野下的资源税

3.The Resource Taxation s Effect on the Cumulated Output of Exhaustible Resources under Perfect Competition;完全竞争条件下资源税对于不可再生资源累积开采量的影响

4)resources tax资源税

1.The author discusses regulation of taxation policies for China"s mine enterprises to make sure that the depleted reserves can be compensated by mineral resources compensation fees and incomes from mineral products at grades can be adjusted with theresources taxation in a sc.为了使矿产资源补偿费能够真实地补偿所消耗的资源储量,使得资源税能够更加科学合理地调节级差收益,同时运用好其他税收政策,促进矿产资源合理开发利用,作者对我国矿山企业的税费政策调整进行了探讨。

2.Finally, It points out that there is no theoretical basis forresources tax and there are also some mistakes in explanation of compens.明确指出资源税没有立税的理论依据 ,补偿费理论解释存在错误 ,建议取消资源税和现在的补偿费 ,设立权利金制

3.Therefore,this paper puts forward thatresources tax should be adjusted and improved from the perspective of sustainable development.因此,本文在可持续发展视角下提出应调整和完善我国现行的资源税,使之成为一个贯穿环保思想的生态资源税制。

5)water resources tax水资源税

6)resource tax system资源税制

1.Suggestions of setting up and perfecting the Science & Technology tax system, environment protecting tax system andresource tax system are proposed.通过借鉴一些国家促进经济发展的税收制度和成功经验,从税收角度探讨了促进经济可持续发展的税制体系构想,提出了建立和完善我国科技税制、环保税制和资源税制的一些建议。


