2000字范文 > 税收策略专利 tax strategy patents英语短句 例句大全

税收策略专利 tax strategy patents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-02 09:32:18


税收策略专利 tax strategy patents英语短句 例句大全

税收策略专利,tax strategy patents

1)tax strategy patents税收策略专利


1.On the Status Quo and the Trend of Tax Strategy Patent in the U.S美国税收策略专利现状及发展趋势研究

2.The application of enterprise tax preference of papermaking industry and the tax saving strategy;造纸企业税收优惠的运用与节税策略

3.Analysis of the pros and preferential tax policy and tax competition Inspiration;税收优惠与税收竞争政策利弊分析及启示

4.Research on Strategy for Improving the Tax Administrator System in Nantong Local Taxation Bureau;健全南通市区地税税收管理员制度的策略研究

5.Regulation and Control Effects of Tax on Transaction of Second-Hand House and Taxation Strategies二手房交易税调控效果及税收调控策略研究

6.CRIMINAL TAX LAW Theory, Prosecution, and Defense Strategies美国税收刑事法理论、控诉和辩护策略

7.The Research of Stocks Market Game Concerned Tax Policy in China;证券市场多方博弈下的税收策略研究

8.Corporate Tax-Planning: Theoretical Analysis and Strategy Research;企业税收筹划:理论分析与策略研究

9.Strategy analysis of multinational corporation international taxation designing;跨国企业实施国际税收筹划策略分析

10.On the Strategy of òRise of Central Chinaó and the Operational Function of Tax Policies;“中部崛起”战略与税收政策的作用空间

11.On Tax Planning Strategy in Financial Management;浅议财务管理过程中的税收筹划策略

12.The Taxation Issues in the Strategic Re-engineering of the State-owned Enterprises and its Countermeasures;国企战略性重组中的税收问题及对策

13.Optimal Tax Policy Analysis for the Trade-off among Manager,Shareholder and Government Revenue经理、股东及政府税收的最优策略分析

14.Tobacco Control Strategy in Elevation of Tobacco Price and Tax试论控烟策略——提高烟草价格和税收

15.Tax Planning for Universities with Preferential Tax Policies;利用税收优惠政策对高校进行纳税筹划

16.Study on the preferential tax policy for non-profit scientific research institutions;非营利科研机构的税收优惠政策探讨

17.An Analysis on Tax Policies for Foreign Investment and Some Suggestions on Tax Policies Transformation;利用外资的税收政策分析及转型建议

18.Analysis of the Welfare Effects of Tax Incentive in Host Countries;东道国税收激励政策的福利效应分析


patent strategy专利策略

1.As a result, study and analyze the patent competition environment together with its constructpatent strategy of foreig因此,目前分析和研究国外制药企业专利竞争环境、专利策略构建就显得十分必要。

3)the strategy of tax plan税收筹划策略


5)patent strategy alliance专利策略联盟

1.This paper studies preliminarily the patent alliance represented by the USA and thepatent strategy alliance in Taiwan area, and combining with the status quo in the Mainland China, analyzes its referential value so as to research into its application in Mainland China.对以美国为代表的专利联盟和台湾地区的专利策略联盟进行研究,并结合中国大陆的现状,分析可借鉴之处,以期对该制度在大陆的适用有一初步的研究。

6)Patent Licensing Tactic专利许可策略


