2000字范文 > 捕获概率 acquisition probability英语短句 例句大全

捕获概率 acquisition probability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-23 14:51:42


捕获概率 acquisition probability英语短句 例句大全

捕获概率,acquisition probability

1)acquisition probability捕获概率

1.Aiming at the diversification of function system and homing modes in the development of submarine-launched torpedo,this paper analyses the advantages in operational application of wake homing torpedo based on its mechanism,such as stronger counter-countermeasure,higher speed,and higher targetacquisition probability for selected target.针对国内外潜射鱼雷在功能体制和制导方式等技术环节多元化发展的局面,基于尾流自导鱼雷制导原理,分析了尾流自导鱼雷在作战使用上的技术优势:抗干扰能力强,适宜高速制,可选择攻击目标和捕获概率高;以及其战术局限性:可攻目标的类型及速度受限,鱼雷航程损失大,与线导结合困难,对机动目标攻击效果较差。

2.Under a certain satellite andacquisition probability,the total scan field of the acquisition system will be the minimum during the foundation of links if the scan fields of the single scan of two terminals are equal.在一定的卫星平台性能条件和捕获概率要求下,当2个终端的单场扫描范围相等时,链路建立过程中捕获系统总的扫描范围最小。

3.According to the reception principles of GPS receiver, theacquisition probability of GPS receiver to repeater deception jamming is derived in this article, and the probability curves of GPS receiver receiving repeater deception jamming as well as GPS satellite signal is obtained by simulation.根据GPS接收机对GPS信号的捕获原理,推导出GPS接收机对转发式欺骗干扰的捕获概率,通过仿真得到了典型条件下GPS接收机对转发式欺骗干扰和GPS卫星信号的捕获概率曲线,表明转发式干扰机只需有较小的转发增益, GPS接收机对转发式欺骗干扰即有更高的捕获概率。


1.Research on Single-Photon Acquisition Probability in Satellite-Ground Quantum Optical Communication星地量子光通信单光子捕获概率研究


3.Research on the Probobility in Acquisition of C/A Code of GPS Receiver Under Electronic Jamming;电子干扰下GPS接收机C/A码捕获概率的分析

4.The expression of single photon acquisition probability is deduced from the fundamental-mode Gaussian beam.基于基模高斯光束,推导了单光子捕获概率的表达式。

5.Effect on Acoustic Homing Torpedo Capture Probability of Fire Elements and Errors声自导鱼雷射击诸元及误差对其捕获概率的影响

6.Study of One-time Acquisition Probability of Anti-ship Missile Under Condition of Long Distance Target Indication远程目标指示条件下的反舰导弹一次捕获概率研究

7.The correct detection probability,false alarming probability and mean acquisition time of the proposed method was derived.给出了该算法的检测概率、虚警概率和平均捕获时间等公式.

8.The Acquisition Research of High Speed and Probability in Space Laser Communication;自由空间激光通信系统高概率、快速捕获技术研究

9.Study on qualitative analysis of Kolmogorov predator-prey model with harvesting rate具有收获率的Kolmogorov捕食-被捕食模型

10.Study on incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus by capture recapture method应用捕获再捕获法探讨儿童1型糖尿病发病率

11.The Qualitative Analysis of Predator-Prey System with Harvesting Rate;具有收获率的捕食与被捕食系统的定性分析

12.Study on Simulation of Scout & Capture Probability of Infrared Imaging Guided Missile红外成像制导导弹搜捕概率仿真研究

13.frequency-programmed electroncapture detector频率程序控制电子捕获检测器

14.The Research of Regulation Mechanism for Integron Capturing Gene Cassettes;整合子捕获基因盒效率调控机制研究

15.Bifurcation of Michaelis-Menten-type predator-prey model with constant harvest带收获率的Michaelis-Menten型捕食-食饵模型分歧

16.A Method to Expand the Acquisition Range of Carrier Recovery Loop一种扩展载波环频率捕获范围的方法

17."Error: Audio data was lost during capture; reduce capture rate."错误: 在捕获过程中丢失声音数据,请降低捕获速率。

18.Trapped problems of prey-predator diffusion system with linear yield rate;具有线性收获率的捕食——食饵扩散系统的捕获问题


Capture probability捕获概率

1.Deduce the FB formula for TSM, combined with the idiographic rule, a kind of mathematical model for capture probability is established, and the relationship between capture probability and scan parameter is analyzed, including the low speed scan and the high speed scan.本文研究工作主要包括下述方面 推导了末敏子弹占空比的计算公式,并结合具体的捕获准则,建立了捕获概率数学模型,分别分析了高、低速扫描条件下的捕获概率与扫描参数的关系,研究了最佳捕获准则的确定。

2.The simulation results show that this method has the feature of short synchronization time,high capture probability,low false probability and high anti-jamming performance.仿真结果表明,该跳频同步方案具有同步时间短,捕获概率高,虚警概率低和抗干扰能力强的特点。

3)target acquisition probability目标捕获概率

1.The mutual-guiding probability andtarget acquisition probability are calculated by Monte-Carlo method under different base course distance between two torpedoes,and the influence of different error distributions of target course and velocity on thetarget acquisition probability i.采用蒙特卡罗法仿真计算了在不同主航向间距下的齐射双雷互导概率和目标捕获概率,计算了不同的目标航向和航速误差分布对单雷和双雷攻击目标捕获概率的影响。

2.Also,the cause of thetarget acquisition probability reduction is discussed in detail.文中以投弹篮框干扰为例分析了导引头捕获目标的机理,并且详细研究了目标捕获概率降低的原因。

4)position acquisition probability位置捕获概率

1.According to the design of target capture parameters of terminal guidance radar, the whole and the onceposition acquisition probability are estimated by using Monte-Carlo method.根据导弹末制导雷达搜捕参数的设计,采用蒙特卡洛法估算了每种设计状态下末制导雷达对目标的全程位置捕获概率及一次捕获概率,同时对所有统计试验的计算结果进行了精度评定。

5)single-photon acquisition probability单光子捕获概率

1.The expressions ofsingle-photon acquisition probability in free-space quantum key distribution were deduced based on TEM10 mode Laguerre-Gaussian beams.基于TEM10模拉盖尔-高斯光束,推导自由空间量子密钥分配中单光子捕获概率表达式。

2.Single-photon acquisition probability is deduced from TEM_ 10 and TEM_ 01 mode Hermite-Gaussian beams of optical electromagnetic field equation.从光波电磁场方程的TEM10和TEM01模厄米高斯光束出发,推导了自由空间量子密钥分配的单光子捕获概率表达式。

3.In this paper,based on intersatellite optical communications,single-photon acquisition probability in satellite-ground quantum optical communication is studied.对于单光子捕获,一个重要问题就是单光子捕获概率问题。

6)the probability of scan and capture扫描捕获概率

1.As a result,the probability of scan and capture of intelligent mine is enhanced.在分析了壳体参数对智能雷飞行扫描运动影响的基础上,以影响智能雷飞行运动状态的壳体高度、壳体直径、壳体壁厚等主要因素为设计变量,以扫描捕获概率最高为目标函数值,应用正交优化设计方法求出了壳体参数的最优组合。


Mk23tas目标捕获雷达美利坚合众国海军的mk23 tas(目标捕获系统)雷达是作为北约“海麻雀”近程导弹系统的搜索和作战控制系统而研制的。1974年初,该雷达在美利坚合众国加州完成了陆上试验。mk23tas雷达的工程研制样机于1975年1月首次装备在美利坚合众国海军“唐斯”(downes)号(ffl070)护卫舰上进行为期三年的海上试验和鉴定。这些试验是与rim-7北约“海麻雀”导弹的海上试验同时进行的。试验证明,其探测能力、作用距离、反应时间和可用性均已达到要求。在1983财年,休斯飞机公司资助一项计划,旨在将两坐标的mk23 tas雷达改进成一个三坐标雷达系统。这个改进使mk23 tas雷达能提供目标仰角的测量数据,这对于近程防御武器系统是一个重要的参数。mk23 tas雷达的研制计划开始于70年代初,其整个研制时间表为:70年代初签订研制合同并着手研制;1975年对工程研制样机进行海上试验;1978财年开始生产;1981财年交付第一套产品;1983年开始研制mk23m(mk23的改进型)系统;1985年开始研制该系统的相控阵天线;1990年,mk23m雷达系统开始服役。
