2000字范文 > 静脉药物 Intravenous drug英语短句 例句大全

静脉药物 Intravenous drug英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-21 06:44:55


静脉药物 Intravenous drug英语短句 例句大全

静脉药物,Intravenous drug

1)Intravenous drug静脉药物

1.Objective Focus on the establishment and implementation of the management of intravenous drug admixture.目的论述静脉药物集中配制管理的建立与实施。


1.Analysis of Antitumor Drugs Application in PIVAS对静脉药物配置中心抗肿瘤药用药情况分析

2.The Management During Preparation of Chemotherapeutic Admixture at Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service静脉药物配置中心化疗药物集中配制的管理

3.High-tech Ordinance of Vein Medicine with the Human Service;高科技静脉药物配置注入人性化服务

4.The pharmaceutical service based on pharmacy intravenous admixture service基于静脉药物配制中心的药学服务实践初探

5.Analysis on the Common Unreasonable Drug Use in the Intravenous Disposition Center of Our Hospital我院静脉药物配置中心常见不合理用药分析

6.Integration and Application of Software System for PIVAS静脉药物配置中心软件系统的集成应用

7.The Role of Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Center in Hospital Infection Control静脉药物配置中心在医院感染控制中的作用

8.The development and practice of pharmacy intravenous admixture service本院静脉药物配置中心的建设和实践体会

9.Establishment and Implementation of the Management System for the Hospital Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service(PIVAS)我院静脉药物集中配制管理体系的建立与实施

10.Statistics and analysis of the prescription audit results of pharmacy intravenous admixture service in our Hospital我院静脉药物配置室审方结果统计与分析

11.The effect of human resource allocation of venous medicine disposing center静脉药物配置中心人力资源调配效果观察

12.A drug, nutrient solution, or other substance administered into a vein.静脉注射物注入静脉的药物、营养液、或其它物质

13.Puncture of a vein, as for drawing blood, intravenous feeding, or administration of medicine.静脉穿刺对静脉的穿刺,如为抽血、静脉给食或施用药物

14.Effectiveness of Chinese Herb by Wet Compressing in the Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Phlebitis中药湿敷治疗化疗药物性静脉炎效果观察

15.Analysis of 165 case reports of adverse drug reactions by intravenous administration in children165例儿童静脉给药致药物不良反应报告分析

16.Analysis of the Irrational Drug Use of Intravenous Antineoplastic Agents静脉用药调配中抗肿瘤药物不合理应用分析

17.Conclusion Patients with female reproductive system tumor receiving venous chemotherapy can be prevented from phlebitis and drug exosmosis through venous nursing care.结论对妇科静脉化疗患者进行系统的静脉护理可以预防静脉炎和药物渗漏。

18.Prevent and Cure of Seepage Caused by Intense Irritant Drugs Through Intravenous Injection for Children小儿静脉注射强刺激性药物渗漏的防治


pharmacy intravenous admixture静脉药物配置

1.The promoting effect ofpharmacy intravenous admixture services on training clinical pharmacists and rational use of medicines;静脉药物配置中心对合理用药及临床药师培养的促进作用

2.Implementation of barcode technology inpharmacy intravenous admixture services;条形码技术在静脉药物配置中的应用

3)Saphenous vein/drug effects隐静脉/药物作用

4)pharmacy intravenous admixture service静脉药物配置

1.Drug administration ofpharmacy intravenous admixture service in Changhai Hospital affiliated to Second Military Medical University;第二军医大学长海医院静脉药物配置中心的药品管理

2.Preparation for construction ofpharmacy intravenous admixture service;静脉药物配置中心的筹建思路

3.Analysis of 3 941 prescriptions refused to be dispensed inpharmacy intravenous admixture service of Changhai Hospital affiliated to Second Military Medical University;第二军医大学长海医院静脉药物配置中心3941份拒配处方分析

5)Pharmacy intravenous admixture services静脉药物配置

1.Practice on effectively running pharmacy intravenous admixture services;静脉药物配置中心有效运行的探索和实践

6)PORTAL/drug ther门静脉/药物疗法


