2000字范文 > 宽高比 aspect ratio英语短句 例句大全

宽高比 aspect ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-15 19:27:23


宽高比 aspect ratio英语短句 例句大全

宽高比,aspect ratio

1)aspect ratio宽高比

1.Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer in duct with differentaspect ratios;不同宽高比旋转方形通道内部流体流动与换热的数值研究

2.Simulation study on surface drag-reduction with V-size traveling wave of differentaspect ratios不同宽高比的V型随行波表面减阻仿真研究

3.The mixing characteristics of external flow with jets from five rectangular nozzles withaspect ratio of 1,4,8,12,16 and from an axisymmetric nozzle were studied numerically.用数值计算的方法 ,研究了宽高比分别为 1 ,4,8,1 2和 1 6的矩形喷管射流与外流的掺混特性 ,并与等面积的轴对称喷管进行了比较。


1.Effect of aspect ratio on 2-D hypersonic inlet performance宽高比对二元高超声速进气道性能的影响

2.Simulation study on surface drag-reduction with V-size traveling wave of different aspect ratios不同宽高比的V型随行波表面减阻仿真研究

3.The Gao-Rao case was handled rather leniently.高饶问题的处理比较宽。

4.For Match Size, select Match Width, Match Height, or Match Width and Height.为匹配大小,选择匹配宽度,比赛高度或者比赛宽度和高度.

5.a projection screen that is much wider than it is high.一种宽度比高度要大得多的投影屏。

6.having little width in proportion to the length or height.与高度或长度相比宽度很

7.the ratio (in percent) of the maximum width the the maximum height of the face.面部最大高度和最大宽度的比率。

8.The room is wide in proportion to its height.这房间就其高度的比例而言是很宽的.

9.Ensure that the width/height ratio is locked (chain is linked).确保宽度/高度比锁(链条连接).

10.A Study on Height-To-Width Ratio Limits of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Framed Structures;钢管混凝土框架结构高宽比限值研究

11.Parameter Optimization Based on High-Aspect Ratio Si Dry Etching基于高深宽比Si干法刻蚀参数优化

12.Morale is better with a more casual dress-code.比较宽松的服装规定会有比较高昂的士气。

13.Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio and high-density X-ray transmission grating大高宽比、高线密度X射线透射光栅的制作

14.The finest linewidth is 0.28 μm and the highest aspect ratio reaches 6.7.我们所达到的最小线宽为0.28微米,最高之深宽比可达6.7。

15.But the ratio of height to width is at work.增大框筒的高宽比可以减小相同高度比例处的剪力滞后效应。

16.You have chosen to keep aspect ratio, try width/height again.您已选择“保持纵横比”。请重试宽度和高度。

17.Unique mesurement device and scale huff to ensure the precise of products.独特的测宽装置和比例吹胀,使制品精度更高。

18.(motion pictures) projected on a screen with much greater width than height.(电影)宽度比高度要长的投射在银幕上的。


ratio of width to height宽高比

1.The definition principle ofratio of width to height of a lock wall in the design of monolithic lock chamber structure is studied,and the result shows that the range of the ratio in the current lock criterion is not suitable for high water-head locks.针对整体式闸室结构设计中闸墙底宽与闸墙高比值的取值规律进行了研究,认为现行船闸规范的闸墙底宽与闸墙高取值范围并不适合高水头船闸,因此根据材料力学原理推导了不同设计水头作用下,采用不同混凝土强度等级时闸墙底宽所需满足的最小宽高比公式。

2.The results show that: (1) The mean drag and lift coefficients of box shape bridge deck section have considerable Reynolds number effect; (2) theratio of width to height(B/H) affects on Reynold.在较大的雷诺数范围内测量了不同宽高比箱形桥梁断面的三分力系数 ,研究了三分力系数雷诺数效应以及宽高比对断面三分力系数雷诺数效应的影响。

3.The crack rigidity and failure pattern of the wall are understood,the effects of the control joints on the lateral rigidity of the wall are studied,based on the test of one wall with control joint under two-way loading,and the results of the FEM analysis on four types of wall modes with differentratio of width to height .通过一片设置控制缝砌块墙体在复合受力状态下的抗侧移试验,了解墙体的开裂刚度及破坏状态,并借助有限元程序建立了四种宽高比的墙体模型,研究分析了控制缝对实际工程中墙体抗侧移刚度的影响,认为控制缝引起墙体抗侧刚度的降低是有限的,刚度的降低程度随宽高比的增加而逐渐减少,为地震区合理设置控制缝提供试验与理论依据并总结了设缝墙体的抗侧移刚度公式,供工程应用参考。

3)width height ratio宽高比

1.The rigid foundation design must satisfy the limitation of thewidth height ratio of steps.刚性基础设计必须满足台阶宽高比 (刚性角 )的限制。

2.This paper introduces the general theory of sand cushion thickness design of replacement method, interprets the shortcomings existing in ladder-shaped distribution model and well-distribution model of the super imposed stress at the cushion base, and puts forward new standpoint, that is, the distributed law of superimposed stress at the sand cushion base is affected by thewidth height ratio.对换填法中关于砂垫层厚度的设计理论作了概括介绍 ,通过对土颗粒模型的分析 ,指出砂垫层底面附加应力为均匀分布和梯形分布两种假定的片面性 ,提出新的观点 :砂垫层底面附加应力的分布形状应根据垫层宽高比确定。

4)high aspect ratio高深宽比

1.Simplified microfabrication technology for producing SU-8 microstructures withhigh aspect ratio;高深宽比SU-8微结构的简易加工技术

2.Dry etching technique for silicon ofhigh aspect ratio in MEMS device fabrication;MEMS器件制造工艺中的高深宽比硅干法刻蚀技术

3.A key problem was analyzed in the electrical discharge machining(EDM) of thehigh aspect ratio micro-structures.针对电火花加工高深宽比微细结构时放电间隙小、加工产物不易排除的技术难题,在分析电火花加工电蚀产物稳定性的理论基础上,结合脉冲超声聚焦技术,提出了激波压力扰动辅助电火花加工高深宽比微细结构的方法,设计了激励电源和激波发生器试验装置,测试了相应的电功率和声功率。

5)ratio of length over width高宽比值

1.On the basis of theory and practice, it is feasible that theratio of length over width of ingot alloy steel is less than 5.从理论和实践两方面论述合金钢锭的高宽比值小于5是可行的,合金钢锭大小锭型细 长化是现代保护浇铸条件下进一步提高成材率的有效途径。

6)height width ratio高宽比


