2000字范文 > 环境互作 Environment interaction英语短句 例句大全

环境互作 Environment interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-07 06:37:13


环境互作 Environment interaction英语短句 例句大全

环境互作,Environment interaction

1)Environment interaction环境互作

1.By analyzing the adaptability and stability of major economic characteristics and the environment interaction,it turned out that MSYunyan87 performed rather good concerning the adaptabil.通过对MSK326,MS云烟85,MS云烟87等3个烤烟雄性不育系在12个不同生态区的联合方差分析,得出烤烟雄性不育系由于生态区的不同,主要经济性状存在显著差异;通过对主要经济性状与环境互作的适应性及稳定性综合分析,MS云烟87的适应性及稳定性表现较好,MSK326表现其次,MS云烟85表现稍差。


1.Study on Dynamic Genetics of Allelopathy and lts Interactions with Environment in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻化感作用的动态遗传及其与环境互作研究

2.The genotype-environment interaction for cane yield is greater than that for brix in the cane.产量的基因型与环境互作比田间锤度的大.

3.Study on Genetic Variation and Environment Interaction of Grain Quality in Indica Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);籼稻稻米品质遗传变异及其环境互作效应研究

4.interactions with abiotic environment无生命环境的相互作用

5.On the Manufacture Method of Urban Simulation Environment and the Interaction in This Urban Environment;城市三维仿真环境制作和交互性研究

6.The Interaction between Farmer Specialized Cooperatives and Their Region Environment农民专业合作社与区域环境相互作用研究

7.The Interaction of Farmer Specialty Cooperatives and Regional Environment农民专业合作社与区域环境的相互作用研究

8.The Study of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors and Gene-environment Interaction for SLE;系统性红斑狼疮的基因、环境因素以及基因—环境交互作用研究

9.A new study on the mutual influence between human activities and geographical environment--And a study on the mutual influence betweeneducation and geographical environment;人类活动与地理环境相互作用机制新探——兼论教育与地理环境相互作用机制

10.Coherence in Quantum Computer Memory Interaction with Environent量子计算机存储器与环境相互作用的相干特性

11.The parts of the universe that can interact with the system are called the surroundings.能和体系相互作用的各部分领域叫做环境。

12.The Effects of Interaction between Cadmium and Bensulfuron-methyl on Their Environmental Behavior;镉与苄嘧磺隆交互作用对其环境行为的影响

13.Research on Interaction between Excavator and Environment Based on VPT;基于VPT的挖掘机与环境相互作用的研究

14.Study on the Interaction of Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors in Gastric Cancer;环境与遗传因素在胃癌发生中的交互作用研究

15.Gene-environment Interaction of Gene Mutation and Environmental Factors on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus;基因与环境交互作用与系统性红斑狼疮

16.Research on Mechanisms of Multi-Domains Secure Interoperability in Distributed Environment;分布式环境下多域间安全互操作机制研究

17.A Study on the Interacting Effect Mechanism of Institutional Environment and Entrepreneurial Behaviors;制度环境与企业家行为的互动作用机制研究

18.Research on College Ideological Work(CIW) On-line;基于互联网环境下的高校思想政治工作研究


QTL-by-environment (Q×E) interactionQTL-环境互作

3)QTL × environment interactionQTL与环境互作

4)QTL and environment InteractionQTL与环境的互作

5)genotype × environment interaction基因型×环境互作

1.Stability of rice grain’s milling quality in relation togenotype × environment interaction and climatic factors;水稻碾磨品质稳定性及基因型×环境互作与气候因子的关系

2.Unbiased prediction can be applied for predicting genotype effects andgenotype × environment interaction effects, which can then be further used for mapping QTL or developmental QTL with genetic main effects and GE interaction effects by interval mapping or composite interval mapping approaches.采用混合线性模型随机效应的无偏预测方法,可以预测基因型值和基因型×环境互作效应值,再运用区间作图法或复合区间作图法间接分析QTL的加性、显性遗传主效应及其与环境的互作效应,还能定位在特定发育阶段表达的QTL。

3.Genotype × environment interactions were expressed mainly as endosperm genotype × envi- ronment and maternal genotype × environment, while no cytoplasm × environment were detected signifi- c.用包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子性状遗传模型研究了稻米淀粉粘滞性谱(RVA谱)的3个特征参数(最高粘度、热浆粘度和冷胶粘度)的遗传基础。

6)Genotype by environment基因型×环境互作

1.An additive-dominance genetic model with genotype by environment interaction, combined with unconditional and conditional variances approaches, was applied to analyze the developmental genetic behavior in leaf stay-green trait at different developmental stages in maize inbred lines under different environmental conditions.采用包括基因型×环境互作效应的加性-显性遗传模型及非条件和条件的分析方法,研究多环境条件下玉米自交系叶片保绿度不同发育时期的遗传效应及与环境互作效应。

2.An additive-dominance-maternal genetic model with genotype by environment interactions by Zhu Jun were applied to analyze genetic main effects and genotype by environment interactions for leaf protein content in maize under different environment conditions and different developmental stages.采用朱军包括基因型×环境互作效应的加性-显性-母体效应遗传模型(ADM模型)分析方法,研究了不同环境条件下不同发育时期玉米叶片蛋白质含量的遗传主效应及其与环境互作遗传效应。


吐泻互作吐泻互作 吐泻互作 病证名。《幼科发挥》:“吐出上焦,泻出下焦,乃肠胃之病也。脾在中焦,管摄乎上下之间,吐泻互作者,乃脾之病也。”夏秋吐泻,饮水身热者,属脾胃湿热,治宜健脾化湿为主,宜胃苓汤加减;秋冬吐泻,面(白光)白,足胫冷者,属寒湿困脾,治宜温中健脾,用理中汤或益黄散。
