2000字范文 > 客观经济环境 objective economic environment英语短句 例句大全

客观经济环境 objective economic environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-07 00:01:22


客观经济环境 objective economic environment英语短句 例句大全

客观经济环境,objective economic environment

1)objective economic environment客观经济环境

2)Macro economic environment宏观经济环境


1.Effect of Macro Economic Environment on China s Food Safety;宏观经济环境对我国食物安全的影响

2.Stock Market Performance,Macro-economic Environment and Corporate Financial Distress;股票市场表现、宏观经济环境与公司财务困境

3.Analysis of Chongqing?s Macro Economic Environment Early in the 21st Century and the Way to Deal with the Situations21世纪初重庆宏观经济环境分析及对策

4.Macroeconomic Environment for the Birth and Development of Activity Based Costing;作业成本法产生与发展的宏观经济环境

5.claim to income and net assets ,right to vote ,and the factors contriluting to stock price ,i. e. macro-economic environment,financial policy,and monetary policy.影响股票价格的各种因素 :宏观经济环境、财政政策、货币政策等因素。

6.An Empirical Research on the Effect of Macroeconomic Conditions on Adjustment Speed of Firms" Capital Structure宏观经济环境影响公司资本结构调整速度的实证研究

7.Successful economic management is not a beauty contest. It is not about who has cut interest rates how many times but about creating growth in a stable macroeconomic environment.成功的经济管理不是选美比赛,不是看谁降息次数多,而是要在稳定的宏观经济环境下创造增长。

8.Institution,Macro-economy and Recapitalization:Evidence from Listed Companies in China制度导向、宏观经济环境与企业资本结构调整——基于中国上市公司的经验证据

9.Resources, Enviromental Pollution and Macroeconomic Growth;资源约束、环境污染与宏观经济增长

10.Macro-Environmental Prospect of Geological and Mineral Resource Economy Development in the period of 11-th five-year plan;“十一五”地矿经济发展宏观环境展望

11.The Effect of Macroeconomic Policies on Environment in the Process of Economic Opening;开放经济过程中宏观经济政策对环境的影响

12.Ten Major Impacts of Macroeconomic Policies on the Resource and Environmental Protection;宏观经济政策对资源环境保护的十大影响

13.A Study on the Validity of Financial Adjustment Policy in the Chinese Open Economy;论开放经济环境下我国宏观金融调控的有效性

14.The Macro-design for Cities Development & the Enviromental Economy;城市可持续发展的环境经济与宏观设计

15.An Analysis on Influential Elements for Economic & Social Development in Anhui Province Beyond 20th Century;安徽跨世纪经济发展面临的宏观环境分析

16.This amounts to a form of socioeconomic theory in which (relational) context matters, in contrast with the universal rationalism assumed in orthodox economics.宏观经济理论强调理性环境的作用,而正统经济学则强调遍在理性。

17.Theoretical Analysis on Recycling Economy;循环经济的宏观路径——三循环理论

18.It is imperative to revive confidence and create a macro-environment for rejuvenating and developing global and regional economies.恢复信心,营造振兴和发展经济的宏观环境,已成为当务之急。


Macro economic environment宏观经济环境

3)environmental macroeconomics宏观环境经济学

1.The thought includes the viewpoint of sustainable development,environmental macroeconomics,steady-state economy,and so on.他的理论贡献主要包括可持续发展、宏观环境经济学和稳态经济等几个方面。

4)microeconomic environment微观经济环境

5)Objective environment客观环境

1.Why the CPC can make successes from victory to victory,one of the important reasons is to seriously analyse diversity of the developing objective environment,to strengthen the self-constructing,to adapt to the environment.中国共产党之所以能从胜利走向胜利,一个重要原因就是能认真分析客观环境的发展变化,加强自身建设,适应环境。

6)environment economy环境经济

1.Research on development ofenvironment economy in Dalian;大连市环境经济发展对策探讨


