2000字范文 > 信息技术革命 IT revolution英语短句 例句大全

信息技术革命 IT revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-18 23:44:55


信息技术革命 IT revolution英语短句 例句大全

信息技术革命,IT revolution

1)IT revolution信息技术革命

1.On the reasons of theIT revolution about the society and history——Study based on the SST s theory;论信息技术革命的社会历史原因——基于SST理论的分析

2.The Reformation of IT Revolution and Archivistics Educatioral System;信息技术革命与档案学教育体系的变革

3.IT Revolution and Economic Globalization;信息技术革命与经济全球化


1.On Information Technology Revolution and Rebuilding the Flow Diagram of Credit Business论信息技术革命与信贷业务流程再造

2.The Reformation of IT Revolution and Archivistics Educatioral System;信息技术革命与档案学教育体系的变革

3.The Transformation of the U.S. Manufacturing under the Background of the Information Technological Revolution (1980-2000)信息技术革命背景之下的美国制造业变革(1980-2000)

4.Technological Innovation of Development and Core of Information Technology--Go Forward to the Second Revolution in Information Technology信息化的发展方向及核心的技术创新——向第二次信息技术革命进军

5.With the rapid spread of the Internet since the early "90s, and the relentless technological innovations generated through it.互联网急速普及,信息技术革命随之产生。

6.Affection of Information Technology Revolutionary to Library Reader Service;信息技术革命对图书馆读者服务工作的影响

7.Modern Information Technology Revolution & Development of Logistics Industry;现代信息技术革命与物流产业的发展趋势

8.Promoting the Rural Economy by Means of Improving Agricultural Information Technology Revolution;推动农业信息技术革命 促进农村经济发展

9.To Optimize and Innvate Structures of Government Organizations Pushed by ITRevolution;信息技术革命条件下政府组织结构的优化与创新

10.On the reasons of the IT revolution about the society and history--Study based on the SST s theory;论信息技术革命的社会历史原因——基于SST理论的分析

11.The Impact of Modern IT Revolution on China s Gradual Social Transformation;当代信息技术革命对中国渐进式社会转型的影响

12.The Revolution of Information Technology- Distribution of Economic Activities and the Development of Developing Countries in a Striding Way;信息技术革命、经济行为分布与发展中国家的跨越式发展

13.Advantages and Disadvantages of China s Medium-sizedand Small Commercial Banks during the Information Technology Revolution;信息技术革命中我国中小商业银行的优势与劣势

14.Information Technology in Decision Age-ABB Industrial IT Solution for P&P Industry;信息技术革命进入决策时代—ABB工业IT方案在造纸工业中的应用

15.The 20th century"s revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century"s revolution in biotechnology.20世纪信息技术的革命将由此同21世纪的生物技术革命融为一体。

16.New Industrial Design Revolution Attributed to Information Technology;利用信息化技术实现工业设计的新革命

17.These revolutionaty technological developments are what is new to information warfare and information operations.这些革命性技术的发展就是信息和信息作战的新意所在。

18.Infotech is part of the technological revolution and that is with us now.信息技术是技术革命的一部分,它已与我们密不可分。


information technology revolution信息技术革命

1.The economic impact ofinformation technology revolution;浅谈信息技术革命对经济的影响

2.How the advent and development ofinformation technology revolution affect the future manufacturing mode is discussed in this paper.以信息技术革命为首的新技术革命正在蓬勃发展,它对当今世界的各个方面产生了巨大的影响。

3.Theinformation technology revolution has contributed to the reallocation of global power and wealth, which is neither balanced nor equal.在信息技术革命中 ,由于时代变迁所造成的全球权力和财富的重新分配既不均衡也不平等。

3)information technology revolutionary信息技术革命

1.This paper discusses briefly the deep influence ofinformation technology revolutionary on the construction of documental resources of China.简要阐述了信息技术革命对我国图书馆文献资源建设所产生的深刻影响。

4)revolution of information technology信息技术革命

1.From the requirements of information classification and transmission of the space to coordinate the economic activities- therevolution of information technology drive the regulator economy decentralized while on the other hand- it deepens the division of work and increases the complexity of economic activities and dependence- which makes the geographic clustering more important.从协调人类经济活动的信息分类及其传递空间要求来看,信息技术革命一方面使常规性经济行为空间分布趋于分散,同时又使分工进一步深化,增加了经济活动的复杂性与相互依赖性,使得地理上集聚更为重要。

5)information and communication technology revolution(ICT revolution)信息与沟通技术革命

6)information. technology revolution on banks银行信息技术革命


