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上古史 Ancient History英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 13:10:52


上古史 Ancient History英语短句 例句大全

上古史,Ancient History

1)Ancient History上古史


1.The Historical Heritage of School of Discrimination of Ancient History and the Construction of Chinese Ancient History System;古史辨派的史学遗产与中国上古史体系的建设

2.On the Original Meaning of "the Three Rights"and "the Five Elements" --Also Some Problems in Ancient History;“三正”“五行”本义辨——兼论上古史若干问题

3.Imbroglio of Doubting and Reconstructing Antiquity:Focusing on the Rebuilding Pre-ancient History from the Different Manners About the Pre-Xia Dynasty of GU Jie-gang,FU Si-nian and Others疑古与重建的纠葛——从顾颉刚、傅斯年等对三代以前古史的态度看上古史重建

4.On the memory and record of history in ancient times;试析上古时期的历史记忆与历史记载

5.Research on the Historical Status of Miaodao Islands in Ancient Maritime Communication;庙岛群岛在古代海上交通史上的历史地位研究

6.The Nature of "the Past" and the Sublation of the Two Historical Attitudes of "Believing History"& "Doubting History";“过去”的性质与“信古”、“疑古”两种史学态度的扬弃(上)

7.To Be Scientific and Standard Is the Life of a History Textbook--Errors to Be Corrected in Ancient & Medieval World History,Higher Education Press Edition;科学性、典范性是历史教科书的生命——高教版《世界上古中古史》订误

8.It has the oldest human history on earth.它拥有地球上最古老的人类历史。

9.Consequently, historians have often spoken of Kaifeng as "an ancient city which was the capital of ten dynasties."因而,历史上有“开封古城,十朝都会”之说。

10.Ancient literature is a rarity in the history of our literature development.古代文学是我国文学发展史上的瑰宝。

11.Mural Painting is the oldest art in the history of human being" s painting.壁画是人类绘画史上最古老的艺术。

12.His such doing becomes an unfathomable enigma in the cultural history of China.这是中国文化史上的一个千古之谜。

13.This is a wonderful achievement without precedent in Chinese history.这是中国历史上亘古未有的奇绩。

14.Ancient history is on his agenda.这一段古代史也在他的议事日程上。

15.Historical and cultural information suitable to be reserved on ancient bronzes;应保留古代青铜器上的历史文化信息

16.Han Feizi"the contribution to the ancient history of literary form;《韩非子》在古代文体流变史上的贡献

17.Researching the Historical FuYu and WoZu People from Archaeology Material;从考古学材料看历史上的夫余、沃沮人

18.Ancient" and "Modern" in the History of Chinese Literature;中国文学史上的“古代”与“近代”


historical materials of the remote age上古史料

3)history of mathematics in early ancient China上古数学史

4)reconstruction of prehistory上古史重建

5)ancient history system上古史体系

6)The Antiquities of the Jews上古犹太史


