2000字范文 > 政策内二孩生育 second child bearing with the policy permission英语短句 例句大全

政策内二孩生育 second child bearing with the policy permission英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-28 17:34:40


政策内二孩生育 second child bearing with the policy permission英语短句 例句大全

政策内二孩生育,second child bearing with the policy permission

1)second child bearing with the policy permission政策内二孩生育


1.The Study on the Phenomenon of Abandoning"the Right of Bearing Second-child under Policy Permission"in Chinese Rural Areas--Targeting at Liping County in Guizhou Province我国农村放弃“政策内二孩生育”现象的调查研究——以贵州省黎平县为对象

2.It is not Appropriate to Remove the Birth Spacing Policy Now, and China Needs a Smooth Transition to the Two-Child Plus Spacing Policy;以晚育为杠杆,平稳向二孩政策过渡

3.Necessity to Moderate the Current Birth-Control Policies;关于现行生育政策微调的思考——兼论“单独家庭二孩生育政策”的必要性与可行性

4.Experience on Two-Children Policy--Universal and Related Issues--A Review on "Fertility Policy Research in the 21st Century"二孩政策地区经验的普适性及其相关问题——兼对“21世纪中国生育政策研究”的评价

5.A Soft Landing with the Two-Children-Late-Birth Policy: Need and Feasibility;试论二孩晚育政策软着陆的必要性与可行性

6.Study on Policy Orientation of Fertility in The Process of Urbanization--The Empirical Analysis Based on Data of Shandong and Two-Child Pilot Areas城市化进程中的生育政策取向研究——基于山东及部分二孩试点地区的经验分析

7.The "One-and-A-Half Child Policy":An Analysis from the Perspective of Gender and Social Policy“一孩半”生育政策的社会性别与社会政策视角分析

8.These policies are more lenient than those with the Han people. Under these policies, an ethnic minority family generally may have two or three children;其生育政策宽于汉族的生育政策,一般规定,少数民族家庭可以生育两个或三个孩子;

9.Features and Connotation of Educational Policy Issues--Exemplified by the Analysis of Free Education for Teacher Education;教育政策问题的内涵及特征——以师范生免费教育政策问题分析为例

10."Why do you carry on the one-child family policy?"你们为什么还要实行只生一个孩子的计划生育政策?

11.The main contents of the current family planning policy in China are: Advocating delayed marriage and delayed child bearing, fewer and healthier births;中国现行的计划生育政策的主要内容是:提倡晚婚晚育,少生优生;

12.b) Main features of the pro-active fiscal policies of 1998(二)1998年积极财政政策的主要内容

13.And as if not enough, the government wants every Malay child and student in Singapore to have a strong educational base from the start.政府甚至更进一步,实行要新加坡的每一个马来孩童和学生,都有一个稳固的教育基础的政策。

14.China"s controversial family-planning law will be amended to allow some urban families to have a second child.中国备受争议的一胎政策将会修改,容许部分市区家庭生第二个小孩。

15.Diversity of China s Fertility Policy by Policy Fertility;从政策生育率看中国生育政策的多样性

16.Designed Mode and Indigenous Mode of Vocational Education Development: Significance for Policy Making;职业教育发展的设计模式、内生模式及其政策意义

17.Second, cooperate with the country to need, really pursue the present policy for education.二、合国家需要,确实推行当前教育政策。

18.Twenty Years of Educational Policy Studies in China;我国教育政策研究二十年(1985~)


fertility desire for two-child政策二孩生育意愿

3)one-and-half child policy一孩半生育政策

1.Analytical results indicate that,compared with the same order birth in other policy areas,the sex ratio at birth of the first birth in strict one-child policy and the second or higher-order births inone-and-half child policy area is more skewed,and that the sex ratio at birth of the first birth inone-and-half child policy and two-child policy areas is more balanced.政策与出生性别比的失衡存在直接和间接双重关系;生育政策的刚性制约和一孩半生育政策赋予胎次和激化效应特殊含义:(1)一孩政策地区低胎的出生性别比偏高、一孩半政策地区二胎及以上胎次的出生性别比极度失衡,显现"激化效应";(2)政策的多样性使部分低位女胎与男胎一样受欢迎,使一孩半政策及二孩政策地区低胎的出生性别比趋于正常,产生"胎次效应"。

4)Two-child policy二孩政策

5)birth policy生育政策

1.Estimate of Single child scale and adjustingbirth policy of single child will produce infection to our population control;我国独生子女规模估计及其生育政策调整对未来人口控制的影响

2.A study shows that the work onbirth policy s in minority regions still remains some problems: the population birth rate is high;the new born baby s sex rate is on the high side,the birth quality declines.鉴于此,应进一步完善和落实民族生育政策,加强新型婚育文化建设,从而降低人口出生率、提高人口素质。

3.Since 20 century 70’sbirth policy put into practice in china, china have changed from high birthrate, high death rate & high natural growth rate to low birthrate, low death rate & low natural growth rate.20世纪70年代初以来,计划生育政策的实行使得中国在较短时间内完成了人口转变过程,即实现了从“高出生率、高死亡率和高自然增长率”到“低出生率、低死亡率和低自然增长率”的再生产类型的转变。

6)Fertility policy生育政策

1.Several Problems on Adjustment of Fertility Policy;关于生育政策调整的若干问题

2.The survey collected data on the child-bearing desire, attitudes to childbearing, the family plan, and determinant factors, exploring relationships among the fertility policy, child-bearing desire, the family plan and practice.生育政策对人们的生育意愿和生育行为的影响已不是首要因素,经济、社会、文化等因素才影响人们的生育决策。


