2000字范文 > 机动目标 maneuvering target英语短句 例句大全

机动目标 maneuvering target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-04 00:05:35


机动目标 maneuvering target英语短句 例句大全

机动目标,maneuvering target

1)maneuvering target机动目标

1.Amplitude information based particle filtering for passive tracking ofmaneuvering target;结合幅度信息的粒子滤波机动目标被动跟踪

2.Passive locating and tracking ofmaneuvering targets from single airborne observer;机载单站对机动目标无源定位与跟踪

3.ISAR imaging algorithm formaneuvering targets based on LWVD;基于LWVD的机动目标ISAR成像新方法


1.A Maneuvering Target Tracking Scheme for Mobile Robot一种移动机器人跟踪机动目标的方法

2.A Maneuvering Target Fuzzy Tracking Algorithm with Maneuvering Frequency Adaptive机动频率自适应的机动目标模糊跟踪算法

3.Tracking Algorithm for Target with Multiple Models and Multiple Maneuvering Strategies机动目标跟踪的多模型多机动策略算法

4.Tracking algorithm for maneuvering target with dual - wave band ERST双波段红外警戒机动目标的跟踪算法

5.Study of the Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging to Maneuvering Targets;机动目标的逆合成孔径雷达成像研究

6.Research on the Methods of Track Initiation and Maneuvering Target Tracking;航迹起始及机动目标跟踪方法的研究

7.Research on Algorithms and Applications for Highly Maneuvering Target Tracking;高速强机动目标跟踪算法及应用研究

8.Research on Hitting Effect Evaluation of Sea s Tractarian Target;海上机动目标打击效果评估问题研究

9.goal directed motivation目标导向动机 目标导向动机

10.User goals are user motivations用户目标是用户的动机

11.A New Motivation Approach in Sport:Goal Orientation Theory;运动动机研究的新方向:目标定向理论

12.ASMI (Airfield Surface Movement Indicator)机场地面活动目标显示器

13.airport surface movement indicator机场地面活动目标指示器

14.Dolly Target(/Spotlight)移动摄像机(/聚光灯)的目标点

15.The pilot locked onto his target and then pulled the trigger.飞行员锁定其目标,然后扣动了扳机。

16.a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets.战斗机掩护地面行动或目标的装置。

17.Strategy on Environmental Goals and Management Mechanisms for Offshore Activities岸外活动环境目标和管理机制战略

18.Fuzzy Decision for Design Values of Aeroengine Reliability航空发动机可靠性目标值的模糊决策


maneuvering targets机动目标

1.Imaging ofmaneuvering targets based on parameter estimation of multicomponent polynomial signals;基于多分量多项式信号参数估计的机动目标成像

2.To track themaneuvering targets, an improved adaptive tracking algorithm based on truncation normal models is proposed, which has the properties of simple computing and strong robustness.针对机动目标跟踪,提出了基于截断正态概率模型的改进自适应目标跟踪算法,该算法具有结构和计算简单,鲁棒性好的特点,通过仿真结果对比,充分说明了文中所提出的跟踪算法能够较好地弥补传统的Kalman滤波方法在跟踪机动目标时的不足。

3.Based on some rules ofmaneuvering targets on the sea,this paper analyses the movement character ofmaneuvering targets on the sea and builds the mathematics model of forecasting movement by the interpolation and extrapolate method.分析了海上机动目标的运动特性,针对海上机动目标在某些时间段运动具有一定的规律性,用插值外推法建立了预测其运动的数学模型。

3)maneuverable target机动目标

1.If we employ PN(proportional navigation) guidance law, we are unable to intercept highlymaneuverable targets because: (1) control precision is not good enough, (2) overload demand of acceleration command is not low enough.传统的比例导引(PN)具有两个缺点,一是攻击大机动目标的控制精度差,二是指令加速度过载大。

2.Interception of amaneuverable target can be described as a "pursuit-evasion game" model.机动目标的拦截问题可以用"追逃游戏"模型描述,考虑追击者的惯性、控制量有限等动力学特征时,拦截位置和控制量的确定是非常困难的。

4)mobile target机动目标

1.Trackingmobile target by composed Kalman leap prediction method;组合Kalman隔点预测法用于跟踪机动目标的仿真研究

2.Kalman prediction method was applied to simulation of trackingmobile target of theodolite, and simulating study on trackingmobile target was conducted under different target beacon velocity.将Kalman预测方法用于仿真经纬仪跟踪机动目标,对不同靶标旋转速度下的机动目标跟踪进行了仿真研究。

3.Kalman prediction method was applied to theodolite s trackingmobile target, and simulation research of trackingmobile target was conducted under different target beacon velocity.将Kalman预测方法用于经纬仪跟踪机动目标,对不同靶标旋转速度下的目标跟踪进行了仿真研究。

5)mobile objective机动目标

1.The motional general character of amobile objective is discussed.对机动目标的运动共性进行了研究 ,得到了未来运动趋势的多步实时预报模型 ,并具有很好的实时性。

2.In this paper the motional common character ofmobile objective was discussed when the background signal is the GAUSS white noise without building the accelerative model ofmobile objective.对高斯白噪声背景下机动目标的运动共性进行了研究,绕过了建立系统加速度模型的麻烦,得到了未来运动趋势的一步实时预报模型,并具有很好的实时性。

6)Target maneuver目标机动

1.Based on proportional navigation which is popularly used,target maneuver and guidance command is analyzed,and one design method of beginning time of reaction-jet is proposed.文中基于广泛应用的比例导引律,对目标机动与导引指令信号进行分析,提出了一种直接力引入时机的设计方法。

2.Considering the random bounded target maneuver,the boundary conditions of guidance system design are obtained via the analysis of the limitations on the missile body characteristic,the available missile acceleration,the guidance law and so on.基于平面拦截模型,给出了比例导引制导系统的有限时间鲁棒绝对稳定和输入输出稳定的条件,在此基础上针对有界的任意目标机动,分析了制导系统性能对弹体动态特性、可用过载和制导规律等因素的要求,给出了制导控制系统设计的边界条件。

3.The simulating results show that the guidance law designed in this paper based on TLC method is effective and has better guidance performance than that of the conventional proportional and sliding model guidance law in the situation of target maneuver.仿真结果表明,所设计的基于TLC方法的制导律是有效的,且在目标机动情况下比传统的比例制导律以及滑模变结构制导律具有更好的制导性能。


