2000字范文 > 中俄边贸 Sina-Russia border trade英语短句 例句大全

中俄边贸 Sina-Russia border trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-02 05:51:59


中俄边贸 Sina-Russia border trade英语短句 例句大全

中俄边贸,Sina-Russia border trade

1)Sina-Russia border trade中俄边贸

1.The paper analyses the present situation ofSina-Russia border trade,illustrates the features of border trade logistics,and puts forward the development direction ofSina-Russia border trade logistics.通过对中俄口岸的调查,分析中俄边贸的发展情况,阐述了边贸物流的特征,提出了中俄边贸物流的发展方向。


1.Influence of Financial Crisis Southeast Asia upon Border Trade between China and Russia and Countermeasure东南亚金融危机对中俄边贸的影响及其对策

2.Russia s WTO entry and its effect on the bilateral trade between China and Russia;俄罗斯加入世贸组织及对中俄双边贸易的影响

3.The Analysis of Technology Overflows from Russia in the Economic and International Trade Cooperation between China and Russia;中俄双边经贸合作中俄国的技术溢出效应分析

4.Sino-Russia Border Trade: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study;中俄边境贸易:理论分析与实证研究

5.Assumption to Construct Free Trade Area on the Eastern Border of China and Russia;构建中俄东部边境自由贸易区的设想


7.Empirical Analysis on the International Trade Theory of Bilateral Tradebetween Russia and China中俄双边贸易的国际贸易理论实证分析

8.The Problems Existing in and the Countermeasures for the Development of Frontier Trade between China and Russia;中俄边境贸易发展中存在的问题及其对策

9.The Development of the Relationship of Sino-Russian Trade and the Cross-Border Circulation Industry近年来俄中经贸关系与边境流通业的发展

10.A Comparative Analysis on International and Bilateral Trade between China and Russia in Transition Period;中国与俄罗斯对外贸易与双边贸易发展比较分析

11.Strengthening Sino-Russia Trading and Technology Cooperation,Promoting Further Development of Border Trade in Inner Mongolia;加强中俄经贸科技合作促进内蒙古边境贸易发展

12.In the period of Yongzheng, China and Russia opened up Qiaktu as a border trading port and started to dispatch officials for administration.雍正年间,中俄开恰克图为边境贸易口岸,并开始设官进行管理。

13.The Practical Argument over the Promotion of the Level of Bilateral Economic Cooperation in the Period of"Chinese Year"Held by Russia;俄举办“中国年”期间提升双边经贸合作水平的现实论证

14.The Influence of Russian Entry into WTO upon Sino-Russian Co-operation in Economy and Trade;俄罗斯加入WTO对中俄经贸合作的影响

15.The Development of Russia-U.S Trade Relationship and Its Impact on Sino-Russia Trade;俄美贸易关系的发展及其对中俄贸易的影响

16.The Russian Policy of Monopoly in the Early Sino-Russian Trade俄国早期对华贸易中的贸易垄断政策

17.After the signing of Sino-Russian Nibuzhu Treaty, China and Russia began a new round of negotiation about the boundary, escapee and trade.中俄《尼布楚条约》签订后,双方围绕边界、逃人、贸易诸问题展开新一轮的交锋。

18.Research on Timber Trade and Forestry Economic Cooperation between China and Russia;中俄木材贸易与中俄林业经济合作研究


Sino-Russian border trade中俄边境贸易

1.Sino-Russian border trade is a 60-year journey from small to big and from weak to strong,and is a true portrayal of the economic transition adjustment.中俄边境贸易60年历程是一个由小变大、由弱变强、不断拓展完善的发展史,是中俄60年经济转轨调整的真实写照。

3)Border Effect of Sino-Russia Bilateral Trade中俄贸易边界效应

4)Sino-Russian economy and trade中俄经贸

5)Sino-Russia trade中俄贸易

1.Gray Customs Clearance in Sino-Russia Trade and Countermeasures;中俄贸易中的灰色清关及其对策

2.Although it has had positive influence onSino-Russia trade,it also reflects some problems inSino-Russia trade.虽然它对中俄贸易有过积极影响,但是它也折射了中俄贸易中的一些问题。

3.Reviw the history ofSino-Russia trade developing course,no matter the peak,or the valley,it must be affected by the belateral trade environment.纵观中俄贸易发展历程 ,无论是高峰与低谷 ,自然受其当时双方贸易环境的制约。

6)Sino-Russian trade中俄贸易

1.Geo-structure of the Russian foreign trade: suggestions for promotingSino-Russian trade;俄罗斯外贸地理结构的成因——对推动中俄贸易的启示

2.In the recent ten years, theSino-Russian trade has made encouraging progress, but some problems are still existing in it.近 来 ,中俄贸易既取得了可喜的成绩 ,也存在着一些问题。

3.neither the government nor the academic circles fully understand theSino-Russian trade surroundings.回顾10年来中俄贸易的发展历程。


