2000字范文 > 压力管道 pressure pipeline英语短句 例句大全

压力管道 pressure pipeline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 17:47:55


压力管道 pressure pipeline英语短句 例句大全

压力管道,pressure pipeline

1)pressure pipeline压力管道

1.Magnetic memory testing on welding line ofpressure pipeline;压力管道焊缝的磁记忆检测

2.The fatigue life computation method ofpressure pipeline containing defects based on reliability assessment;基于可靠性评价的含缺陷核压力管道疲劳寿命预测方法

3.Welding for large-scalepressure pipeline of HS610U-M;HS610U-M高强钢大型压力管道的焊接


1.Study on supervision work of pressure test of pressure pipeline压力管道压力试验监理工作重点探析

2.The Study on Simplized Stress Analysis Model for Industry Pressure Piping;工业压力管道应力分析简化模型研究

3.Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Pressure Conduit;钢筋混凝土压力管道的断裂力学分析

4.Choice of Pressure Pipe Wall Thickness and Stress-relatedIssues压力管道壁厚选择及相关应力的问题

5.Design of Temperature Controllable Drier for Pressure Vessel and Pipeline;便携式压力容器压力管道干燥机的设计

6.Study for High-head, Long Pressure Pipeline Safety Discharge Energy Dissipation;高水头、长压力管道安全泄流消能研究

7.Safety Assessment Method of Pressure Pipe with Volume Defects含体积缺陷压力管道安全评定的方法

8.Study on Criterion for Leak Before Break Assessment of Pressure Pipes压力管道“先漏后破”评定的准则研究

9.Research Advance in Canceling Expansion Joints of Penstocks水电站压力管道取消伸缩节研究进展

10.Coupling analysis of fluid-structure interaction in pressure pipes based on ADINA基于ADINA的压力管道流固耦合分析

11.Problems in Executing Rules for Examination and Supervision of Boilers Pressure Vessels Pressure Pipelines Welder执行锅炉压力容器压力管道焊工考试与管理规则时的若干问题

12.Opportune time for shuting preparatory circumferential welding seam of penstock′s expansion section压力管道伸缩管预留环缝合拢时机研究

13.Flexible Design of Pressure Pipeline and Selection of Metal Bellows Expansion Joints压力管道柔性设计及金属波纹管膨胀节选用

14.Air pressure forces the water through the pipe.空气压力使水通过管道.

15.Pressure testing of liquid petroleum pipelinesGB/T16805-1997液体石油管道压力试验

16.Nominal pressure for pipe componentsGB/T1048-1990管道元件公称压力

17.Experimental Study on Active Control of Pressure Pulse in Liquid-filled Pipe;充液管道压力脉动有源控制实验研究

18.The Research on Adaptive Filtering Methods for Pressure Signal of Pipeline;管道压力信号的自适应滤波方法研究


pressure pipe压力管道

1.Development of Modularized Design Software for Combination Tubes of Pressure Pipes;压力管道组合管件模块化设计软件开发

2.Vibration characteristic analysis ofpressure pipes with fluid-structure interaction;压力管道流固耦合振动特性分析

3.Experimental study on spectral characteristics of acoustic emission frompressure pipe leakage;压力管道泄漏声发射信号频谱特性实验研究

3)pressure piping压力管道

1.Welding Technique and Quality Control in Pressure Piping Engineering;压力管道工程焊接技术与质量控制

2.The Study of Safety Assessment Engineering Method of the Pressure Piping Containing LOP Defect;未焊透缺陷压力管道安全评定工程方法研究

3.Through investigating the safety administration ofpressure piping application units in one town,the situation ofpressure piping application safety in the enterprises in rural area was analyzed,and the measure and proposal for improvement were presented.通过对某乡镇压力管道使用单位安全管理的实地调查,来分析乡镇企业压力管道的安全状况,提出措施及建议。


1.The technique of single face welding with double face forming ofpenstock;压力管道单面焊双面成形技术

2.Study on formulas for calculating crack width ofpenstocks with inner steel liner and outer reinforced concrete;钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道裂缝宽度公式的探讨

3.Construction of inclined shaft for thepenstock of the Yele Hydropower Station;冶勒水电站压力管道斜井施工


1.Application of ANSYS to analying steel-reinforced concretepenstocks;ANSYS在钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道分析中的应用

2.Analysis of cracks causation of reinforced concretepenstocks of Yangling Hydropower station;杨凌水电站钢筋混凝土压力管道裂缝成因分析

3.Analysis on Steel Stress of the Penstocks of Three Gorges Hydroelectric Station三峡电站压力管道钢材受力分析

6)pressure conduit压力管道

1.The reason for crack of concretepressure conduit and remedial measures;钢筋混凝土压力管道产生裂缝的原因及处理方法

2.Through the experimental study on 8pressure conduits of reinforced concrete, the failure modes and the influence factors of bearing capacity are analyzed.通过对8根钢筋混凝土压力管道的加固试验研究,分析了构件的破坏形态及承载力的影响因素,比较了两种纤维材料的加固效果,并提出了理论计算公式,为工程实践提供了理论依据与技术支持。

3.In order to save materials,the limit value based on the allowable value of water hammer and difference of speed is used in computation of diameter and wall thickness ofpressure conduit,it is significant to save materials and reduce project costs.水电站压力管道的设计中,以水击压力的允许值和机组转速变化的允许值作为工程设计的限制值计算压力管道的直径和壁厚,这对于节约材料、降低工程造价具有一定的意义


压力管道压力管道pressure piping钾11 gual,d(泊压力管道(pn茂犯”repip吨)在一定压力或温度下输送流体(气体、液体)的管道。压力管道是在生产、生活中使用的可能引起嫩爆或中毒等危险性较大的特种设备。与压力管道相连接或装配成压力管道系统的组成件,包括管子、管件、阀门、法兰、补偿器、安全保护装t等也列人压力管道范畴。压力管道按其用途划分为:①工业管道,企业、事业单位所属的用于输送工艺介质的工艺管道、公用工程管道及其他辅助管道;②公用管道,城市或乡镇范围内的用于公用事业或民用的嫩气管道和热力管道;③长输管道,产地、储存库、使用单位间用于输送商品介质的管道。 了革习口未、
