2000字范文 > 赣中南 central-south of Jiangxi Province英语短句 例句大全

赣中南 central-south of Jiangxi Province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 02:26:21


赣中南 central-south of Jiangxi Province英语短句 例句大全

赣中南,central-south of Jiangxi Province

1)central-south of Jiangxi Province赣中南

1.The Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks from Tantou Group which exposed broadly in thecentral-south of Jiangxi Province are developed obviously volcanic rocks and a combination of volcanic rocks-clastic sedimentary rocks.赣中南一带广泛出露前震旦纪新元古代潭头群变质沉积岩,地层中火山岩较发育,属火山-沉积碎屑岩组合。


1.Investigation of Freshmen s Psychological Health and Countermeasures in the Higher Vocational Schools in the Middle and South of Jiangxi;赣中南地区高职院校新生心理健康调查及对策研究

2.The Single-sleeve of Performance Skills in Gannan Caicha Dance;谈赣南采茶舞中的表演技巧“单袖筒”

3.Gannan Rural Markets in Qing Dynasty On the Aspect of Hakka Culture;客家文化视野中的清代赣南农村市场

4.Determination of cadmium,chromium and lead in navel orange from South Jiangxi Province江西赣南地区脐橙中镉、铬、铅的测定

5.Population Flow and Social Reconstruction in the Border Area of Fujian,Guangdong,Jiangxi in Ming Dynasty--the Analysis on the Case of Gannan;明代赣闽粤边的人口流动与社会重建——以赣南为中心的分析

6.Early-Middle Jurassic basins and features of igneous rocks in the western Fujian - southern Jiangxi region闽西-赣南早-中侏罗世盆地及其火成岩特征

7.On Thinking of "Watching" Method and Creating Practice;论赣南客家人物形象油画创作中的审美观照

8.An Analysis on Contemporary Rural Genealogy with the Area of South Jiangxi and West Fujian as a Centre;当代农村宗族谱研究:以赣南闽西为中心

9.Informal Systems and Social Changes in Gannan Rural Markets in Modern Times;赣南农村市场中的非正式制度与近代社会变迁

10.The Position of Hakkas Settlement and Development in Gannan Area;论赣南在客家民系形成和发展中的地位

11.Rational Application of Hakkas" Culture in Local and Special Products of the South of Jiangxi客家文化在赣南土特产包装中的合理应用

12.Fund Research about Southern Jiangxi of the Governor Wang Yangming-Taking Salt Law as Center王阳明巡抚南赣经费研究——以盐法为中心

13.Reinforcement Design of Gan River Zhongzhi Great Bridge on Nanchang Ring Road南昌绕城公路赣江中支特大桥加固设计

14.Determination of potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium and phosphorus in navel orange from South Jiangxi Province江西赣南地区脐橙中钾、钠、钙、镁、磷的测试

15.Thir d, in the south and the middle part it obviously exceeds in the north and it in the plain exceeds in the mountain area. It takes place most in the east of south Jiangxi and little in the plain in north Jiangxi.三是南部、中部明显多于北部,山区多于平原,赣南东部发生最多,赣北平原为少发区;

16.Hotbed and Center: Gannan s Position in Hakka Family in the South Song and Mid Ming Dynasty;温床与中枢:南宋与明中叶赣南在客家民系中的地位

17.Gannan,the residence and transfer spot of the Hars from the central plain migrating southwarels,is a cradle of the formation of the Hakka people.赣南,中原汉人南迁的中转站与聚散地,是客家民系形成的摇篮。

18.It is popular in eastern Guangdong, southern Jiangxi, southwest Fujian, Taiwan and among overseas Chinese.主要分布在粤东、赣南、闽西南、台湾地区及国外华裔客家人中间。


south-central Jiangxi赣中南地区

1.Qingbaikouan strata are well developed and widespread insouth-central Jiangxi.赣中南地区青白口纪地层发育,出露面积广泛,属东南地层区桂湘赣地层分区。

3)central-southern Hunan and Jiangxi Province湘赣中南部

1.The higher-rank coal is predominant incentral-southern Hunan and Jiangxi Province.湘赣中南部地区的煤主要是高变质煤。

4)South Jiangxi赣南

1.The Pneumatothermal Fluid Leaching Metallogenic Mechanism of Felsic Cryptoexplosive Breccia─Examplined by No.6722 Uranium Deposit in south Jiangxi;论长英质隐爆角砾岩的气热流体溶浸成矿机制──以赣南6722铀矿床为例

2.Protection of Plant Resources and Diversity inSouth Jiangxi;赣南植物资源与植物多样性保护

3.The Discovery of Late Jurassic Shoshonitic Rocks inSouth Jiangxi;赣南晚侏罗世橄榄玄粗岩系列的发现


1.Exploration on the Rapid Development and Reasons ofGannan"s Tobacco Production in Qing Dynasty;清代赣南烟草生产的迅猛发展及其原因探析

2.Natural Environment and Formation of Humanity Characteristics of Hakkas: Based on the Study of Natural Disaster inGannan;自然环境与客家人文特质的形成——以赣南自然灾害研究为中心

3.Geochemical Characteristics of Rar e Earth Elements(REE)in Some Crops inGannan;赣南某些作物中稀土元素地球化学特征

6)southern Jiangxi Province赣南

1.Contents and Distribution Pattern of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in Ganjiang River in the Southern Jiangxi Province;赣南小流域水体中溶解态稀土元素地球化学特征

2.Geological Evidence for Determination of Mesozoic Shoshonite Rock Series from Southern Jiangxi Province;赣南中生代橄榄玄粗岩系列厘定的地质证据

3.The tungsten ore deposit can be divided seven kinds of types insouthern Jiangxi Province.赣南地区钨矿床可划分为七种类型,其中石英脉型是最重要的类型,其次为矽卡岩型和岩体型,破碎蚀变岩型钨矿床是近年来发现的新的矿床类型。


赣西赣南起义中国共产党赣西特别委员会和赣南特别委员会,根据中共中央"八七会议"精神和中共江西省委员会秋收起义计划,分别在赣西、赣南地区农民运动基础较好的乡村,组织和武装农民,进行起义的准备。1927年11月,中共赣西特委领导万安县的农民举行起义,组成工农革命军第5纵队。1928年 1月,第5纵队在人民群众配合下,攻占万安城,成立了县苏维埃政府。不久,在国民党军进攻下,遭受很大损失,少数人员分别转到吉安县东固和赣江西岸农村坚持斗争。在此期间,峡江、永丰、吉安、安福、分宜、永新、莲花等县的部分农民,也相继举行起义。吉安县的东固和吉安、安福、分宜三县交界的延福地区的农民起义武装,分别组成工农革命军第7、第9纵队,开辟了以东固、延福为中心的两块游击根据地。9月,这两个纵队合编为江西红军独立第 2团。1928年春,中共赣南特委领导于都、赣县、南康、信丰、寻乌、兴国等县的部分农民举行起义。兴国、于都等县的农民起义武装,组成工农革命军第15、第16纵队和游击队,在当地开展游击活动。翌年2月,上述武装合编为江西红军独立第 4团。赣西赣南起义和起义后组建的红军独立第2、第4团,为建立红军第6军和赣西南革命根据地创造了条件。
