2000字范文 > 现代产权制度 modern property right system英语短句 例句大全

现代产权制度 modern property right system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 05:03:31


现代产权制度 modern property right system英语短句 例句大全

现代产权制度,modern property right system

1)modern property right system现代产权制度

1.The effect ofmodern property right system on distribution of large-scale instrumentation equipment resources in universities;现代产权制度对大型仪器设备资源配置的影响

2.Market economy andmodern property right system;市场经济与现代产权制度

3.In process of establishingmodern property right system, we must pay attention to make strict laws and regulations, built exchange markets, dredge “transfer” link.文章认为 ,我国在建立现代产权制度的过程中 ,必须充分重视建立“保护严格”的法律法规 ,构建交易市场 ,疏通“流转顺畅”这个关键环节 ,并提出了抓好地勘行业产权制度改革的几点思考。


1.Modern property rights system is the core of modem enterprise system.现代产权制度是现代企业制度的核心。

2.Modern Property Right System and Reform of Geological and Prospecting Industry Property Right System;浅议现代产权制度与地勘行业产权制度改革

3.Study of the Theory of Enterprise Human Capital Property Right on the Basis of Modern Property Rights System;现代产权制度下的企业人力资本产权理论研究

4.Modern Property Rights System and Legal Definition of the Property Rights of the State Enterprises;现代产权制度与国有企业产权的法律界定

5.On the Reform of Property Rights of Public Higher Education Institutions in the View of Modern Property Right System;论现代产权制度下的我国公立高校产权改革

6.Propery Rights Theory Creation of Marx and Construction of Modern Property Rights System;马克思产权理论创新与我国现代产权制度建设

7.Some Thoughts on Modern Property Rights Institution and the Development of Property Rights Market;现代产权制度与产权市场发展的若干思考

8.Thinking on the Mistakes of Property Rights Theory and Reform of Enterprise Property Rights Institution--Classical Property Rights Institution and Modern Property Rights Institute;产权理论的误区与企业产权制度改革——古典产权制度与现代产权制度

9.Establishing Modern System of Property Rights and Solving Inefficiency of Consumption Demand;建立现代产权制度,解决消费需求不足

10.The Establishment of Modern Property System to Promote Circulation Enterprise Development;构建现代产权制度 促进流通企业发展

11.Using Modern Property Rights System to Sustain Effective Corporate Governance;以现代产权制度支撑有效的公司治理

12.Deepen State-owned Forest Tenure Reform from Modern Property Rights System;从现代产权制度着眼 深入推进国有林权改革

13.The Innovation of Property Relations: The Thought for Our Country State-Owned Enterprises Establish Modern Property Relations;产权制度创新:对我国国有企业建立现代产权制度的思考

14.To develop tourism, property right deal system must be reformed and modern property right system should be established to endow the manager with right of use, beneficial right and right of management.发展旅游产业必须改革产权交易制度,建立现代产权制度,使经营者具有使用权、受益权、处置权;

15.The Exclusiveness, Transferrableness of Title and the Establishment of Chinese Modern Title System;产权的排他性、可转让性与我国现代产权制度的建立

16.Property:the key right in modern market economy;产权:现代市场经济制度的核心权利

17.Modern property Theory and China s Rural Land Owner System Reform;现代产权理论与我国农村土地产权制度改革

18.Contemporary Property-Rights Theory and China s SOE Property-Rights System Reform;从现代产权理论看国有企业产权制度改革


modern property system现代产权制度

1.To establish sturdymodern property system in the State-owned enterprises is important to the perfection of socialism market economy.国有企业建立健全现代产权制度是完善社会主义市场经济的重要环节,必须实现国有资产的产权归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅,才能确保国有资产保值增值的单一目标的顺利实现,并顺利推进国有企业改革。

3)modern property rights system现代产权制度

1.Constructingmodern property rights system has been certified as the important task of the next deepgoing reform,but to choose which theory of property rights to guide the construction exists a great difference.本文认为,建立现代产权制度已明确为我国下一步深层次改革的重要任务,然而用什么样的产权理论来指导我国现代产权制度的建设,却存在重大原则分歧。

4)modern equity system现代产权制度

1.The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the CPC proposes establishing and perfecting themodern equity system, points out that the property right is the core and main content of the ownership, is the key to reform.十六届三中全会提出建立健全现代产权制度 ,指出产权是所有制的核心和主要内容 ,是改革的关键所在。

2.The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the CPC proposes setting up and perfecting themodern equity system which should be clear belongingness, well defined power and responsibility, strict guarantee and smooth circulation.十六届三中全会提出要建立健全归属清晰 ,权责明确 ,保护严格 ,流转顺畅的现代产权制度。

5)Modern Institution of Property Rights现代产权制度(ModernInstitutionofPropertyRights)

6)property right system of modern tourist resources现代旅游资源产权制度


