2000字范文 > 理论之圆 the round of theory英语短句 例句大全

理论之圆 the round of theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-04 07:55:43


理论之圆 the round of theory英语短句 例句大全

理论之圆,the round of theory

1)the round of theory理论之圆

2)the round of demonstrating论述之圆



1.This question has been assisted by the debate between two rival views, theory-theory and simulation-theory.本文主要讨论Martin Davies和Tony Stone关于心里模拟的论证:介绍二者提出的模拟机制和他们对模拟问题的澄清;对理论之理论学者批判的反驳;对争论热点问题的解释;以及和其他模拟理论学者理论上的比较。

2.Goldmandevelops his theory from his criticisms of the theory-theory.Goldman 对模拟理论的合理性所作的论证,认为Goldman主要是在批评揭示理论之理论的方法论致命缺陷的基础上提出模拟观的,从心理同构性和心理状态的自我归属两方面重点考察了他论证模拟理论的逻辑思路,表明了他的理论主张是他的自然化认识论纲领的一种体现,以及他与Gordon相比较而言的温和模拟论立场。

5)On Circle in Western and Chinese Literary Theories中西文论之论圆

6)After Theory《理论之后》

1.The Theory "After Theory":Some Comments on Eagleton sAfter Theory;“理论之后”的理论——读特里·伊格尔顿的《理论之后》

2.Terry Eagleton,a British Marxism literary theorist,has made a counter response in this regard in his bookAfter Theory.伊格尔顿以《理论之后》一书,对世纪之交西方理论界的"理论终结论"进行了回应。


1.The Theory "After Theory":Some Comments on Eagleton s After Theory;“理论之后”的理论——读特里·伊格尔顿的《理论之后》

2.Beginning from Eagleton"s After Theory理论没有“之后”——从伊格尔顿《理论之后》说起

3.The Tao of Postmodernity: Process,Deconstruction and Postcolonial Theory;后现代之道:过程,解构及后殖民主义理论

4.After read the book, I understand the theory better.看了这本书之后,我对这理论有更深的理解。

5.Dobb, Maurice. Theories of Value and Distribution since Adam Smith.莫理斯.多博,《亚当史密斯之后的价值与分配理论》。

6.CRISIS: ETERNAL COMPANION OF LITERARY THEORY: The Thinking After Discussion About “Crisis”;危机:文艺理论的永恒之侣——“危机”话题讨论之后的思考

7.Rethinking upon Translation Studies Enlightened by Postcolonial Theory;后殖民之后:翻译研究再思——后殖民主义理论对翻译研究的启示

8.Flower of Understanding Is Blossoming: Walk into World of Hermeneutics;理解之花常开:走进诠释学世界——《理解之思———诠释学初论》读后

9.The triple helix theory come forth after national innovation system.三螺旋理论是继国家创新系统之后新出现的理论模型。

10.The Transmutation of Constitutive Theory in Germany and Japan--Beling and the Theoretical Development Thereafter德日构成要件理论的嬗变——贝林及其之后的理论发展

11.Ever since their argument, the line manager has been making it hot for her发生争论之后,部门经理就一直给她穿小鞋

12.Due to the limitation of the age, any theory may go rigid.之后由于时代局限,任何理论都有可能走向僵化。

13.For the next two years he did research on the history and theories of Chinese painting.在之后的两年中,他研究了国画的历史和理论。

14.The Research of Chinese Design Theory Developing after 1980s;20世纪80年代之后中国设计艺术理论发展研究

15.Considering the Suffering After Suffering:On Postcolonial Theory;切肤之痛 痛定思痛——关于后殖民理论的思考

16.Post-Saids Orientalism--Outline of Postcolonial Theory Studies of 1990s in China;萨义德的《东方主义》之后——20世纪90年代国内后殖民理论研究综述

17.Later Jin Yuelin’s View of Logical Truth;论后期金岳霖的逻辑真理观——金岳霖后期逻辑哲学思想探析之一

18.Rebirth of Post-Colonial Cultural Theory:A Review of Literature Between India and Britain:A Post-Colonial Perspective后殖民文化理论的“新生”——评石海军《后殖民:印英文学之间》


the round of demonstrating论述之圆



1.This question has been assisted by the debate between two rival views, theory-theory and simulation-theory.本文主要讨论Martin Davies和Tony Stone关于心里模拟的论证:介绍二者提出的模拟机制和他们对模拟问题的澄清;对理论之理论学者批判的反驳;对争论热点问题的解释;以及和其他模拟理论学者理论上的比较。

2.Goldmandevelops his theory from his criticisms of the theory-theory.Goldman 对模拟理论的合理性所作的论证,认为Goldman主要是在批评揭示理论之理论的方法论致命缺陷的基础上提出模拟观的,从心理同构性和心理状态的自我归属两方面重点考察了他论证模拟理论的逻辑思路,表明了他的理论主张是他的自然化认识论纲领的一种体现,以及他与Gordon相比较而言的温和模拟论立场。

5)On Circle in Western and Chinese Literary Theories中西文论之论圆

6)After Theory《理论之后》

1.The Theory "After Theory":Some Comments on Eagleton sAfter Theory;“理论之后”的理论——读特里·伊格尔顿的《理论之后》

2.Terry Eagleton,a British Marxism literary theorist,has made a counter response in this regard in his bookAfter Theory.伊格尔顿以《理论之后》一书,对世纪之交西方理论界的"理论终结论"进行了回应。


