2000字范文 > 当代网络女性创作 the online creation of contemporary women英语短句 例句大全

当代网络女性创作 the online creation of contemporary women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-11 17:41:06


当代网络女性创作 the online creation of contemporary women英语短句 例句大全

当代网络女性创作,the online creation of contemporary women

1)the online creation of contemporary women当代网络女性创作

2)works of modern women writers现代女性创作

3)modern women当代女性

1.Building of amodern women sports lifestyle evaluation index system当代女性体育生活方式评价指标体系的构建


1.Paternity Culture,Female"s Images and Women"s Emancipation in the Present Age父权文化与女性形象及当代女性解放

2.A Brief Study of Feminine Consciousness in Contemporary Prose by Taiwanese Women Writers;略论台湾当代女性散文中的女性意识

3.The Modern Women s Films in China,the Existence of Women and Their Future--Take Three Modern Women s Films for Example;中国当代女性电影、女性生存及未来——以三部当代女性电影为例

4.Women s Prose in the Structure of Modern Culture;现代文化建构中的中国当代女性散文

5.Anxiety and Frustrated Experience in The Feminist Writing;当代女性写作中的焦虑和创伤性经验

6.Study on the Molding of City Women by Contemporary Female Magazines;论当代女性期刊对都市女性的身心塑造

7.The Modern and Contemporary Chinese Female Literature in the Context of Western Feminism;西方女性主义观照下的中国现当代女性文学

8.On the Crankiness of Chinese Contemporary Woman Literature--Viewing Chinese Contemporary Women Literature through the Korean Play "Dea Jang Geam";偏执的女性表达——从《大长今》看中国当代女性文学

9.Simply Analyzing Women s Condition in Contemporary Poems of Women from the Angle of Family;从家庭角度浅析当代女性诗歌中的女性处境

10.Unique Female Consciousness and Independent Contemporary Women--On the Feminist Theme in the Poems by the Contemporary Irish Woman Poet Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill;独特的女性体验与独立的当代女性——当代爱尔兰女诗人古诺尔的诗歌的女性主义主题

11.Traditional,Modern,Post-modern:Triple Vision of Feminist Education;传统、现代、后现代:当代女性主义教育的三重视野

12.The Writing on the Conflict between Mother and Daughter in Feminine Texts of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature;中国现当代女性文本中的母女冲突书写

13.The Promoting Effects of Contemporary Female Literature Upon Female University Student s Quality Education;当代女性主义文学与女大学生素质教育研究

14.Feminism and Modern Women’s Consciousness of Female Students in the University;女性主义与当代女大学生的现代女性意识

15.Research on the Feminine Curriculum s Provision of Contemporary Women s University;当代女子大学女性特色课程设置研究

16.Feminism,Love and Contemporary Australian Women’s Fiction女权、爱情与当代澳大利亚女性小说

17.The Reconstruction of Women s Subjectivity in Contemporary Chinese Female Films;当代中国女性电影中女性主体性的重构

18.The Investigation of Theballadry about the Present Condition of the Women Nowadys;从当代城市民谣看当代中国女性地位的现状


works of modern women writers现代女性创作

3)modern women当代女性

1.Building of amodern women sports lifestyle evaluation index system当代女性体育生活方式评价指标体系的构建

4)Women"s writing女性创作

1.Great changes have taken place in women"s writing ever since late Ming Dynasty.晚明至民初的女性创作一直是一个不受重视的研究领域,少有研究者涉及,即使有,也只是作家的个案研究,或者是对某一群体或某一体裁的一般性考察,缺乏总体性的观照和研究,当然也就更谈不上对其有一个公正的、客观的评价。

5)Modern Woman Art Creation现代女性艺术创作

1.Study on the Science of Women, Women Script, Needlecraft and Woman Art Creation___Connection between Traditional Woman Art Education andModern Woman Art Creation;女学,女书,女红与女性艺术创作研究——传统女性艺术教育与现代女性艺术创作之关联

6)network women网络女性


