2000字范文 > 水文科技 Hydrologic science and technology英语短句 例句大全

水文科技 Hydrologic science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 09:21:38


水文科技 Hydrologic science and technology英语短句 例句大全

水文科技,Hydrologic science and technology

1)Hydrologic science and technology水文科技

2)fisheries paper水产科技论文

1.Discussion on inappropriate titles found infisheries papers;水产科技论文题名中常见问题分析

3)literature of science and technology科技文献

1.Notes at Mengxi Garden by SHEN Kuo from the Song Dynasty is of high academic value in the history of science in China and indispensableliterature of science and technology.宋代沈括的《梦溪笔谈》在中国科学史上有着很高的学术价值和学术地位,是不可多得的科技文献,为当代中医药研究提供了历史依据和难能可贵的经验。

2.The resource system ofliterature of science and technology is a set that made up a fair sized literature and have energy .一定科技文献的集合构成科技文献资源系统 ,具有能量。


1.Offers the opportunity to practice literature searching and writing scientific paper.练习科技文献检索和科技论文写作。

2.Studies on the Effect of Scientific and Technologic Literature on Horticultural Science and Technology;科技文献对园艺科技发展的作用研究

3.Discussion on Writing First Sentence of High-quality English Abstract for Scientific and Technical Literatures如何写好科技文献英文文摘的开头句

4.Scientech Documentation and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science中国农业科学院科技文献信息中心

5.Research and Applications on Text Feathurs Extraction from Science and Technical Literatures科技文献的文本特征抽取研究与应用

6.A Study of the Interdisciplinary System of Scientific Documents Retrieval and Scientific English;科技文献检索与科技英语交叉体系研究

7.Study about the Safeguard System of the Science and Technology Literature Information Resource;科技文献信息资源建设保障体系研究

8.Obstacles and Countermeasures in Propagation of On-line Scientific Documents in China;我国科技文献网络传播的障碍及对策

9.Discrimination of two Chinese terms "亲和""亲合"(qinhe) in science and technology literatures;科技文献中的“亲和”与“亲合”辨析

10.Chinese-Character Words & Loan Words in Japanese-Chinese Scientific Translation;日语科技文献翻译的“汉字词”与“外来语”

11.An Evaluation Model of Modern Sci-Tech Document and Information Institutions;现代科技文献信息机构评价模型研究

12.Scientific literature sharing platform construction in China我国科技文献共享平台建设情况调查

13.The Retrieval Thoughts and Acquisitioning Approaches of Aviation Sci-tech Literatures航空科技文献的检索思路及获取途径


15.PageRank Based Algorithm for Scientific Literature Quality Evaluation一个基于PageRank的科技文献质量评价算法

16.aeronautical and astronautical scientific and technical documentation航空航天科学技术文献

17.Defence Documentation Centre of Scientific and Technical Information国防科技情报文献中心(国防文献中心)

18.Bibliometric Analysis of SCI-embodied Literatures on Food Science and Technology in ChinaSCI收录我国食品科技类文献的文献计量学分析


fisheries paper水产科技论文

1.Discussion on inappropriate titles found infisheries papers;水产科技论文题名中常见问题分析

3)literature of science and technology科技文献

1.Notes at Mengxi Garden by SHEN Kuo from the Song Dynasty is of high academic value in the history of science in China and indispensableliterature of science and technology.宋代沈括的《梦溪笔谈》在中国科学史上有着很高的学术价值和学术地位,是不可多得的科技文献,为当代中医药研究提供了历史依据和难能可贵的经验。

2.The resource system ofliterature of science and technology is a set that made up a fair sized literature and have energy .一定科技文献的集合构成科技文献资源系统 ,具有能量。

4)sci-tech paper科技论文

1.Metering Unit of Mistaken Use and Correct Use of in Agricultural Sci-Tech paper;农业科技论文中常见错用的计量单位及正确使用

2.The writing standard of abstract for Agroculture Sci-Tech paper;农业科技论文摘要的写作规范

3.Standardization of dimension marking in structural dimension figures ofsci-tech papers;科技论文结构尺寸示意图中尺寸标注的规范化

5)scientific paper科技论文

1.Analysis on medical institutescientific paper output ability in 2001-;2001~我国医疗机构科技论文产出能力分析

2.The Writing Regulation on Summary of Scientific paper;科技论文摘要的写作规范

6)Scientific papers科技论文

1.Study on evaluating method of academic level of scientific papers;科技论文学术水平评价方法研究

2.Grasping scientific characteristics of scientific papers;科技论文的科学性特及其把握

3.Increasing the citation ratio of the scientific papers on agricultural engineering from China by both Ei and SCI;提高我国农业工程类科技论文Ei和SCI收录率的探索


