2000字范文 > 土地增值税清算 Land value added tax liquidation英语短句 例句大全

土地增值税清算 Land value added tax liquidation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-12 14:12:24


土地增值税清算 Land value added tax liquidation英语短句 例句大全

土地增值税清算,Land value added tax liquidation

1)Land value added tax liquidation土地增值税清算


1.The Land Value-added Tax is Cleared to the Hongguang Real Estate Company Research of the Practice;红光房地产公司土地增值税清算实务的研究

2.The Land Appreciation Tax Accounting of Guangxi:Issues and Measures;广西土地增值税清算工作:问题及解决措施

3.A Study on the Development of Ordinary Residential under Clearing of Land Value-added Tax Policy土地增值税清算政策下普通住宅开发的研究

4.Influence of Liquidating Land Value-added Tax on Housing Price and Real Estate Enterprises;土地增值税清算对房价及房地产开发企业的影响

5.An Analysis of the Influence on the Real-estate Market with Liquidating the Land Value-added Tax;清算土地增值税对房地产市场影响分析

6.Influence of Land Value-added Tax Collection and Lliquidation on Real Estate Development;土地增值税预征清算对房地产开发的影响

7.Discussion about Reform of Land Appreciation Tax;从“预征”到“清算”——略谈我国土地增值税的改革

8.Analysis of the Impact on Real Estate Enterprise by Liquidating Value-added Tax and Its Countermeasures;土地增值税的清算对房地产开发企业的影响及应对措施分析

9.accrued liabilities for land value increment tax估计应付土地增值税

10.Land Appreciation Tax shall be assessed according to the appreciation amount derived by the taxpayer on the transfer of real estate and the tax rates prescribed in Article 7 of these Regulations.土地增值税按照纳税人转让房地产所取得的增值额和本条例第七条规定的税率计算征收。

11.Land Appreciation Tax shall adopt four level progressive rates as follows:土地增值税实行四级超率累进税率:

12.Research on Land Appreciation Tax Planning Methods for Real Estate Company房地产公司土地增值税筹划方法研究

13.Shortcomings of China’s Land Value Increment Tax System and Countermeasures;中国土地增值税制的缺陷与改革对策

14.Methods on Lower Land Increment Tax for Real Estate Industry;关于房地产企业降低土地增值税的方法

15.Study about Influence of Land Value Increment Tax to Real Estate Enterprises土地增值税征收对房地产企业的影响研究

16.Roll Back residential development land tax could bring new premises flows prices?土地增值税击退豪宅开发潮新房能否拉低房价?

17.Advice on Reform and Improvement of Land Value Increment Tax System in China;我国土地增值税改革与完善的对策建议

18.Regulation Mechanism of Land Value Increment Taxation on Residential Housing Price;土地增值税对商品住宅价格调控机理研究


land appreciation tax土地增值税

1.The Land Appreciation Tax Accounting of Guangxi:Issues and Measures;广西土地增值税清算工作:问题及解决措施

2.A Design on Perfecting Land Appreciation Tax;完善土地增值税的一个设想

3.Programming of reducing and waiving taxation inland appreciation tax according to policy政策范围内的土地增值税减免筹划

3)land value-added tax土地增值税

1.Based on the analysis of the policy of liquidatingland value-added tax,the paper points out that it may be raise the housing price but not descend in short term,and the effects ofland value-added tax on housing price in long term will be decided by supply-demand relationship.通过对土地增值税清算政策的分析,指出土地增值税清算短期内不会使房价下降,反而可能会促使房价上涨,土地增值税对房价长期作用将视供求关系而定。

2.The paper puts forwardthe necessity of levying property tax to the drawback that the tax system of the real estateexisted at present, explains the impact of levying property tax on house purchaser with ainstance, brings up the point that theland value-added tax paid by the developer s sellingtheir products can not be contained in the the property tax after the tax syste.本文对从开发商取得土地开始到商品房出售为止所涉及的房地产税进行了解释,同时对目前房地产税收制度存在的弊端提出了开征物业税的必要性,并以一实例阐明征收物业税对购房者的影响,提出房地产税制改革后的物业税不应将开发商出售房地产产品时缴纳的土地增值税涵盖其中,但应涵盖物业保有阶段增值税的观点。

4)land value added tax土地增值税

1.Analysis of Present-Land Value Added Tax;现行土地增值税的税法解读

2.According to the relationship betweenland value added tax and the cost,profit,price of real estate development project,the paper analyses the influence ofland value added tax collection and liquidation on real estate development.根据土地增值税与房地产开发项目成本、利润、价格的关系,分析了土地增值税预征清缴对房地产开发的影响,并从企业、政府方面提出了建议。

5)land increment tax土地增值税

1.As one of the means,national tax administration bureau and related departments released the notice in concerning that strengthens real estateland increment tax.作为调控手段之一,国家税务总局等部门发布了《关于加强房地产土地增值税的通知》。

2.Especially theland increment tax constituted recently gives a great impact to the real estate market.近期出台的关于清算土地增值税的政策,更是在房地产行业掀起了一股轩然大波。

6)land value increment tax土地增值税

1.This paper conducts an analysis of the shortcomings of theland value increment tax system in China and points out the negative consequences.开征土地增值税旨在均分土地财富、抑制土地投机,协调房地产市场发展。

2.In order to strengthen the administration of collection about ourland value increment tax,combined with the current background of the country\"s new policy,analyze the currentland value increment tax collection and management problems and to put forward a perfect countermeasure.为了加强对我国土地增值税的征收管理,结合目前国家新政策出台的背景,分析当前土地增值税征管中存在的问题,并提出完善的对策。


