2000字范文 > 液化石油气储罐 LPG tank英语短句 例句大全

液化石油气储罐 LPG tank英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-03 16:22:27


液化石油气储罐 LPG tank英语短句 例句大全

液化石油气储罐,LPG tank

1)LPG tank液化石油气储罐

1.Advances in investigation of response pattern ofLPG tanks exposed to fire;液化石油气储罐在火灾下的响应规律研究进展

2.The crackle of a 100m3LPG tank was analyzed.通过对1台100m3液化石油气储罐产生裂纹的分析,指出应力腐蚀、在用脆性裂纹及残余应力是产生该台液化石油气储罐裂纹的直接原因;并提出预防裂纹产生的措施。

3.Thecauses ofLPG tank inactivation which is in fire hazard environment are simply analysed fromtwo aspects, the inside factor (heat transfer and stress) and outside factor (fragment impact) ofthe tank, and do numerical simulation base on it with ANSYS and ANSYS LS-DYNA.通过对相关理论进行分析的基础上,分别从内部因素(传热行为和应力分析)和外部因素(破片撞击)两个方面对火灾环境下液化石油气储罐的失效过程进行探讨,并借助ANSYS和ANSYSLS-DYNA软件对其进行数值模拟。


1.Selection and Calculation of Safety valves for LNG Storage Tanks液化石油气储罐安全阀的选型及计算

2.Accident Simulation Assessment and Application of LPG Tank液化石油气储罐事故模拟评价及应用

3.Fire extinguishing system of liquefied petroleum gas storage station;液化石油气储罐站罐区消防系统的应用

4.Modification Analysis and Treatment for Level Meter of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank液化石油气储罐液位计改装分析及处理

5.Overall Inspection and Defect Treatment of LPG Container液化石油气储罐的全面检验和缺陷处理

6.Reasons of LPG Tanks Leakage & Explosion and Disposal Measures液化石油气储罐泄漏爆炸原因及处置措施

7.liquefied petrolem gas high-pressure holder液化石油气高压气罐

8.Study on the Welding Procedure of Steel in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Low Temperature Storage Tanks;液化石油气低温储罐用钢焊接工艺研究

9.Discussion on the Cracking Cause of LPG Tank in Service在用液化石油气贮罐裂纹成因的探讨

10.Failure Analysis of the Elastic Spring of the Safety Valve of a Liquefied Oil Gas Storage Tank液化石油气罐车安全阀弹簧失效分析

11.suspension deck LNG tank吊顶式液化天然气储罐

12.Application of Canned Pump on LPG Tank Truck屏蔽泵在液化石油气汽车罐车上的应用

13.A Study of Site-Remanufacturing Technology of LPG Spherical Tanks after Service;液化石油气球罐现场再制造技术的研究

14.Control on Stress Corrosion and Fails Analysis of LPG Rail Tank Car;液化石油气铁道罐车失效分析及应力腐蚀控制


16.Measures to Thoroughly Solve Leakage at Bottom Flange of PLG Spherical Tank石油液化气球罐底法兰泄漏的根本解决措施

17.Quantitative risk assessment of liquefied petroleum gas tanker fire and explosion consequences液化石油气罐车火灾爆炸后果风险定量评估

18.(1CC) Liquefies the PetroleumGas Storage Holder Type Container Trial Manufacturing Summary about JY24关于JY24(1CC型)液化石油气罐式集装箱试制总结


LPG underground tank液化石油气地下储罐

1.The main design points on fire fighting water supply and drainage inLPG underground tank field are summarized, and the matters needing attention in the design are discussed.总结了液化石油气地下储罐区的消防给水与排水的设计要点,讨论了设计中应注意的问题。

3)LPG Spherical tank液化石油气球罐

1.The safety measures of prevention and control for leakage of LPG spherical tank;液化石油气球罐泄漏危险的预防和控制探讨

2.The reasons for crack appearance in LPG spherical tank and the methods for prevention.介绍液化石油气球罐检验中裂纹形成原因及预防措施。

4)LPG tank液化石油气贮罐

1.In this article,the reform of the flange joint at the bottom ofLPG tank was introduced,and the methods to remove leakage were discussed as well.介绍了液化石油气贮罐根部法兰组合改造情况,并探讨根除泄漏的方法。

5)LPG tank液化石油气罐

6)LPG Tank Car液化石油气罐车

1.Feasibility Analysis on Transporting DME by RailwayLPG Tank Car;铁路液化石油气罐车装运二甲醚的可行性分析


