2000字范文 > 山西省独立学院 Independent College of Shanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

山西省独立学院 Independent College of Shanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-20 11:26:57


山西省独立学院 Independent College of Shanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

山西省独立学院,Independent College of Shanxi Province

1)Independent College of Shanxi Province山西省独立学院


1.The Influences of Student Family Financial Conditions on Leisure Sports in Shanxi Independent Colleges山西省独立学院学生家庭经济状况对闲暇体育的影响

2.Research on Present Situation and Countermeasure of Public Physical Education Teaching of Independent Colleges in Shanxi山西省独立学院公共体育课教学现状及发展对策研究

3.Investigation of the Sports Fitness Status of Teachers of Different Titles in Shanxi Independent College山西省独立学院不同职称教师体育健身现状的调查

4.P.E optional course of private colleges in Jiangxi province;江西省独立学院体育选修课调查研究

5.Study on Status and Countermeasures of Aerobics Teaching of Jiangxi Independent Institutes;江西省独立学院健美操教学的现状与对策研究

6.A Study on the Teaching Management for the Independent Colleges of Hunan;湖南省独立学院教学管理问题的研究

7.Research on the Course Teaching of "Western Economics" in Independent Colleges独立学院《西方经济学》课程教学研究

8.Some Thinking on the Orientation of Independent College--Based on the Survey of Some Independent Colleges in Hubei Province;对独立学院定位的思考——基于对湖北省独立学院的调查

9.Research about the Inspirit System--Take gym teachers in Fujian independent College as example独立学院体育教师激励机制研究——以福建省独立学院为例

10.Statistical Investigation Report of the Independent Scientific Research Institutions in Shanxi Province in 山西省独立科研机构统计调查报告

11.Exploration on the Talent-Trained Mode of Independent College in the Western Areas;西部地区独立学院人才培养模式探究

12.The Foreground Analysis and Development of the Independent College in Western;独立学院及其在西部发展的前景探析

13.An Analysis of Current Teaching Plan of Independent Collages in Hunan;湖南省高校独立学院教学计划现状分析

14.Analysis on the Present Satisfaction of Students towards Education Consumption in Hunan Independence College;湖南省独立学院学生教育消费满意度现状分析

15.Investigation and Development Research on Aerobics Situation in Independent Institute of HuBei Province湖北省独立学院健美操教学现状与对策研究

16.The Study of the Development of Independent Colleges in Zhejiang Province;浙江省独立学院发展问题与对策的个案研究

17.The Initial Research of Current Situation of Public P.E. in Independent College in HuBei Province;湖北省独立学院公共体育课开展现状初探

18.On management of the P.E teaching staff in the independent college of fujian province;福建省独立学院体育教师队伍建设探析


Zhejiang independent colleges浙江省独立学院

3)independent college独立学院

1.On management of the P.E teaching staff in theindependent college of fujian province;福建省独立学院体育教师队伍建设探析

2.Exploration on Employment Advice for Students in Independent College;对独立学院学生就业指导工作的几点探索

3.Problems and countermeasures forindependent colleges in their student enrollment;独立学院招生中存在的问题及发展对策

4)Independent institute独立学院

1.Exploration and innovation to make characteristics of the independent institute;开拓创新办出独立学院的特色

2.Analysis of the state of mental health and satisfaction of majors in freshmen of Independent Institute;独立学院新生心理健康状况与专业满意度分析

3.A Study on Students Management in Independent Institutes;独立学院学生工作的创新

5)Independent school独立学院

1.The author based on teaching management practice and proposed strategy using comprehensive quality management to construct the teaching quality monitor system,hoping it will contribute a little to improve independent school s education quality.笔者立足教学管理实践,提出全面质量管理来构建独立学院教学质量监控体系的策略,希望能对独立学院教学质量的提高起到实质性的作用。

2.Because of the particularity of medical education in independent schools,the characteristics of students learning motivations differ from those of other types of independent schools.医科独立院校由于医学教育的特殊性,使学生的学习动机呈现出不同与其他类型独立学院的特点。

3.As a new school-running mode of higher education under the new situation,the independent school is of its own conditions.独立学院作为新形势下高等教育的新型办学模式,有其自身的实际。

6)the independent college独立学院

1.A general plan for the governance ofthe independent college试论独立学院的治校方略

2.It s important to provide activities and programs, which are development-oriented, proactive-and preventive-focused to develop the training pattern of medical students inthe independent colleges, and so we suggest promote students "whole person development".近年来,独立学院迅速崛起,成为扩充本科优质教育资源的战略选择。

3.At the present stage,the independent college as a new pattern of school management,has a vast space for development in our country.独立学院作为一种新的办学模式,在现阶段的我国有广阔的发展空间。


山西1.山的西坡。 2.战国﹑秦﹑汉时称崤山﹑华山以西地区。又称关西。 3.称太行山以西黄河以东地区。隋末置山西河东黜陟讨捕大使,元置河东山西道宣慰使司,明置山西行中书省,清至今皆为山西省。
