2000字范文 > 宝玉哭灵 Baoyu KuLing英语短句 例句大全

宝玉哭灵 Baoyu KuLing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-21 16:01:45


宝玉哭灵 Baoyu KuLing英语短句 例句大全

宝玉哭灵,"Baoyu KuLing"

1)"Baoyu KuLing"宝玉哭灵

2)"Tongling Jade"通灵宝玉


1.Precious Jade of Tongling :Cao -yu,the Great Playwrights Affections as an Ordinary Person;“通灵宝玉”:戏剧家曹禺的凡人情怀

2.Conscience of Arts: "Magic Stone" for Literary Creation;艺术良心:文学创作的“通灵宝玉”

3.Questing for the Dear One in My Heart and the Psychic Precious Stone:Creative Inspirations of Cao Yu s Dramas;寻找“心灵的宝贝”和“通灵宝玉”——曹禺戏剧创作灵感论

4.The Aesthetic Change about Jade Statury in Song Dynasty;宝玉通灵 应目会心——论宋代玉雕审美之转捩

5."For fear lest the precious jade might disappear while Baoyu was asleep, Xifeng had it fetched and put it under her own pillow.""凤姐因怕通灵玉失落,便等宝玉睡下,命人拿来塞在自己枕边."

6.Pilot Studies on the Jades Unearthed at the Cemetery of Xipo Site of Yangshao Culture in Lingbao County;灵宝西坡仰韶文化墓地出土玉器初步研究

7."Even though his is headstrong and eccentric, lacking in intelligence, we nonetheless had certain hopes of him. ""惟嫡孙宝玉一人,禀性乖张,生性怪谲,虽聪明灵慧,略可望成,"

8.Two Lonely Souls Without Spiritual Homeland;找不到精神家园的灵魂——梅什金公爵与贾宝玉之比较

9.He didn"t dare to think about that now.可是去年那“灵验”,现在老通宝想也不敢想。

10.Great Sage Sun asked the Mighty Magic Spirit to forward his message to the Jade Emperor that if he was conferred the title of "the Great Sage Equalling Heaven,"he would refrain from attacking the Heavenly Palace of the Jade Emperor.孙大圣叫巨灵神去给玉帝报信:若依他作“齐天大圣”,不动刀枪,否则打上灵霄宝殿。

11.Zhen Baoyu and Jia Baoyu - A Contrast and Foil of True and False;真假相映、虚实相衬的甄宝玉和贾宝玉

12."Now Xiren was an intelligent girl, and being a couple of years older than Baoyu she already knew the facts of life. ""袭人本是个聪明女子,年纪本又比宝玉大两岁,近来也渐通人事"

13.The Usage of Adjectives is a Rich Mineral Deposit to be Explored形容词也是富产宝玉的矿藏——《通用英语形容词、数词教程》评介

14.The Intension Explanation on “Birth with Jade” --On Jia Baoyu s “Jade Morals”;“衔玉而诞”之内涵——论贾宝玉之“玉德”

15.a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish; is usually green but sometimes whitish; consists of jadeite or nephrite.一种次等宝石,需要高度打磨,通常呈绿色,但有时也带白色,含硬玉或软玉。

16.Baoyu fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.那宝玉就枕便睡着了

17.Nodding in appreciation Baoyu looked round him."宝玉听了,点头称赏."

18.Baoyu"s spirits rose again at this."宝玉听了,方又鼓起兴来."


"Tongling Jade"通灵宝玉


1.Effects of weed control yubao herbicide in maize Ⅱ. Study on different dose ofYubao herbicide;除草剂“玉宝”防除玉米地杂草的效果Ⅱ.不同使用剂量的除草效果

2.Study on the effiecency of weed control ofYubao herbicide in maizeⅠ. Study on effiecency of different dosage in different growth stage of maize;除草剂“玉宝”防除玉米地杂草的效果Ⅰ不同施用时期和不同剂量除草效果的初步研究

4)Bao Yu宝玉

1.The Freak of Flourishing in the Last Stage of the Feudalism Society——The Third Reading of A Dream of Red Mansions(Chapter Ⅱ) and Discuss the Art Image ofBao Yu Dialectically with Scholar FENG Qi-yong ZHOU Ru-chang,etc. Simultaneously;封建社会末期“盛世”的“怪胎”——《红楼梦》的第三种读法(之二)兼就全面辩证地看宝玉的艺术形象问题同冯其庸、周汝昌等诸位红学前辈商榷


1.Analysis ofBaoyu s Outlook on the Love for Things and its Context;宝玉的爱物观及其语境分析

2.Miaoyu s position in "the Twelve Hairpins of Jinling" indicates her special love entanglement withBaoyu.妙玉以靠前的排序进入“金陵十二钗”,证明她与宝玉有特殊的情缘纠葛。


1.One is when Jia Zhen lashesBao-yu, the other is when Jia She flogs Jia Lian.一是贾政拷打宝玉,二是贾赦杖责贾琏。


