2000字范文 > 传统筝派 the traditional schools of Zheng英语短句 例句大全

传统筝派 the traditional schools of Zheng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-13 18:48:03


传统筝派 the traditional schools of Zheng英语短句 例句大全

传统筝派,the traditional schools of Zheng

1)the traditional schools of Zheng传统筝派


1.The Comparison Research on the Three Traditional Schools of Zheng in the Provinces of Yu、Lu、Shan in the North of China;豫、鲁、陕三个北方传统筝派比较研究

2.To Compare the Performance Methods Among the Schools of Shandong,Henan,Chaozhou and Hakka;筝统天下 风格各异——山东、河南、潮州、客家筝派演奏方法之比较

3.On the Differences of Guzheng Fingering between Zhe Faction and Yu Factions;简论浙派古筝与豫派古筝指法的差异

4.The company inherits the traditional skills of the making crafts, and combines the rich experience in making kites that has lasted for three generations in the Liu"s.在继承传统技术的基础上结合刘氏一族三代做风筝的实践经验,手工制作各类传统风筝。

5.Survey on the Function of Public Guzheng Education in Developing the Traditional Culture;社会古筝培训在传统文化衍繁中的作用

6.This is one of the traditional pieces of music for the zheng and the Chaozhou genre, and is known among musicians as the "mother of tone poems"此曲是潮州筝曲中流传最广泛的传统曲日之一,艺人们称为"弦诗母"。

7.Innovation Based on Tradition-An Analysis of Wang Zhong-shan s Zheng Piece Titled "The Moon on the Han River";在回归传统的基础上创造现代美——筝曲《汉江韵》分析

8.Melodious Tune among High Mountains and Running Torrents--Comparative study on Shandong Chinese Guzheng school and Wulin Chinese Guzheng school to play Gao Shen Liu Shui;高山流水韵依依——山东筝派、武林筝派《高山流水》比较

9.He has50 years of experience and research at theory and action of“ fist”.自幼研习各派中华传统武术,深得真传。

10.Modern Peotry s Inheritanc Ho Inheritance on Classical Peotry;现代诗派对古典诗歌艺术传统的承传

11.The Realistic Significance of Coexistence of Traditional and Modern Educational Thoughts论传统派与现代派教育思想并存的现实意义

12.Traditionally, Ching Ming Festival was also a time for celebration of the rebirth of nature. People celebrated it with outdoor activities, such as dancing, singing, picnics, and kite flying.传统上,清明节也是庆祝大自然复苏的时节。人们以户外活动来庆祝,例如舞蹈、唱、餐、风筝等。

13.The renaissance of regressing to tradition--The debate between New Culture school and Xueheng school;“回归”传统的文艺复兴——新文化派和学衡派关于传统文化的论争

14.On Differences of Sino-Japanese Schools of Zheng and Causes of Cultural Transmission;论中日两国筝流派的差异及其文化变迁原因

15.Artistic Styles and Characteristic Skills Of the Genre of Zhejiang Zheng浙江筝派的艺术风格特点及特色技法分析

16.Shanghai Painting School : Cultural Coordination & Self-controlled System“海派绘画”的文化策应和自律传统

17.Style of jazz that is neither traditional nor modern主流派爵士乐(介乎传统与现代之间者)

18.Rethinking Authorial Categorization by Literary School from Genre Division;从文类划分看以流派定位作家的传统


traditional Zheng school of Shandong山东传统筝派

3)traditional zheng music传统筝曲

pared withtraditional zheng music, modern one has enriched in its form but regressed in spirit.当代筝曲在古筝形制上(普遍仍用21弦S型钢丝尼龙弦筝)、弹奏技巧上(充分挖掘左手技巧)、作曲技法上(学习西方作曲技法)比传统筝曲丰富了许多。

4)the Traditional Zheng传统筝

5)zheng school in Henan河南筝派

6)zheng school in Hakka客家筝派


