2000字范文 > 声传输信号 acoustic transmission signal英语短句 例句大全

声传输信号 acoustic transmission signal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-29 05:58:10


声传输信号 acoustic transmission signal英语短句 例句大全

声传输信号,acoustic transmission signal

1)acoustic transmission signal声传输信号

1.The influences of acoustic transducer positions and carrier wave signals onacoustic transmission signals in the periodic pipe structure transmission channel were analyzed by use of the time and frequency domain simulation.构建了钻柱内一维低频纵波传输的有限差分模型,时域和频域仿真分析了换能器位置和载波信号对周期性管结构信道内声传输信号的影响规律,设计了时延脉冲OOK信号调制方法。

2)acoustic signal transmission声信号传输

1.In order to obtain higher data transmitting rate and the wireless transmitting technology while drilling with less influence by working condition,the system of near bitacoustic signal transmission was designed.为寻求更高数据传输速率和受工作环境影响更小的井下随钻无线传输技术,设计了近钻头声信号传输试验系统,论述了声传输的信道特性、影响因素和信号检测方法,分析了管箍界面以及泥浆介质的阻尼影响,通过色散曲线对钻杆中纵波传输的频域特性进行了详细分析,试验研究了近钻头中声信号传输时激励信号与接收信号的关系。


1.Technology and System Development of Transmitting Voice and Text Signal Based on the Telephone Line基于电话线的图文声信号传输技术和系统的研制

2.Noise-Assisted Signal Transmission in Discrete-Time Systems离散时间系统中的噪声辅助信号传输

3.An analysis of the noises produced in the signal transmission of the VOD system based on coaxial cable;同轴电缆VOD系统信号传输过程中的噪声分析

4.Simulation of CPLD chip in multi-channel acoustic signal data transmissionCPLD用于多通道水声信号数据传输的仿真研究

5.The Design of Audio Signal Acquisition Based on Sound Card in LabWindows/CVILabWindows/CVI上基于声卡的音频信号采集与传输

6.The objective now is to convert the analog voice (telephone) signal to a digital signal that may be transmitted electrically.现在的目标是将声音(电话)信号转化为可用电来传输的数字信号。

7.gyro output-axis pick-up陀螺输出轴信号传感器

8.ETI(Ensemble Transport Interface)信号群(组)传输接口

9.additional reference transmission附加基准信号传输法

10.a transmission line for high-frequency signals.高功率信号的传输线。

11.The digital filter was done to the output signal of the analog ultrasonic sensor.对模拟量超声波传感器的输出信号进行了数字滤波。

12.Robot System with Voice Identification and Video Signal Inspect and Transmission System;机器人系统的声音识别、图像信号采集与传输系统

13.Bluetooth Resolvent on How to Transmit the AE Signal of the Cracks of Runner Blade and the Integration of System;转轮裂纹声发射信号传输的蓝牙解决方案及系统集成

14.To send simultaneously using a multiplex system.多路传输(几种信号等)用多路传输系统同时传送

15.A typical SS7 network has signal switch points, signal transfer points and signal control points.典型的七号信令网有信号交换点、信号传输点和信号控制点。

16.The Fiber Optic Transmission and Intelligence Testing for the Signal of Electric Field Sensing;电场传感信号的光纤传输与智能测试

17.Analysis of technologies for transmission of sensor signals in optical access networks传感信号在接入网中传输的技术分析

18.A channel or conductor capable of transmitting signals.一种能传输信号的信道或导线。


acoustic signal transmission声信号传输

1.In order to obtain higher data transmitting rate and the wireless transmitting technology while drilling with less influence by working condition,the system of near bitacoustic signal transmission was designed.为寻求更高数据传输速率和受工作环境影响更小的井下随钻无线传输技术,设计了近钻头声信号传输试验系统,论述了声传输的信道特性、影响因素和信号检测方法,分析了管箍界面以及泥浆介质的阻尼影响,通过色散曲线对钻杆中纵波传输的频域特性进行了详细分析,试验研究了近钻头中声信号传输时激励信号与接收信号的关系。


4)underwater acous水声信号传输仿真模型

5)signal transmission信号传输

1.The anti-interference technology of thesignal transmission of force telepresence remote welding;力觉临场感遥控焊接信号传输抗干扰技术

2.Research on features of non contactsignal transmission channel for rotary machines;旋转件非接触信号传输中的通道特性研究

3.Study on thesignal transmission of EM MWD电磁随钻信号传输技术研究

6)Transmission of optical signals光信号传输


