2000字范文 > 国际贸易实务专业 mayor of International Trade and Business英语短句 例句大全

国际贸易实务专业 mayor of International Trade and Business英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-07 09:01:52


国际贸易实务专业 mayor of International Trade and Business英语短句 例句大全

国际贸易实务专业,mayor of International Trade and Business

1)mayor of International Trade and Business国际贸易实务专业

1.A set of practical projects and methods are concluded from the practice and exploration of enterprise-school teaching for the major ofmayor of International Trade and Business,Economics and Trades Department, Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College.介绍了河南机电高等专科学校经济贸易系国际贸易实务专业在“2+1”产学合作教学实践中的切实可行的产学合作方案及办法;并针对“1”阶段时间安排、实践教学环节尚存在的问题进行了认真的思考,提出了具有建设性的对策与建议。


1.International Trade Major Practice Teaching Reform Exploration;国际贸易实务专业实践教学改革探索

2.Teaching Practice of Mager of International Trade and Business on "2+1"Teaching Mode;“2+1”模式在国际贸易实务专业教学中的实践

3.Strengthen Teaching of Experimentation to Train Practical Professionals of Majoring in International Trade论高职院校国际贸易实务专业的实验教学

4.The Training Methods for Core Competencies of the Students Majored in International Trade Practices;国际贸易实务专业学生核心能力的培养方法

5.Research on the Training Aims and Mode for International Trade Practice Specialty in Higher Vocational Education;对高职国际贸易实务专业人才培养方案的思考

6.Fussy Integrated Evaluation of Bilingual Teaching Of International Trade Major国际贸易实务专业双语教学的模糊综合评价

7.On Teaching Reform of International Trade Practice and Professional Capability Training Based on KAS Model;KAS模式下的课程整合与实践能力培养——以国际贸易实务专业为例

8.Thoughts on the Bilingual Teaching of Practice of International Business;国际经济与贸易专业《国际贸易实务》课程双语教学的思考

9.Meeting of Experts on International Trade in Professional Services专业服务领域国际贸易专家会议

10.Exploration of practical teaching for international trade specialty in vocational colleges;高职国际贸易专业实践教学问题探析

11.A Preliminary Study on Practical Teaching Reform of International Trade Major in Vocational Colleges高职国际贸易专业实践教学改革初探

12.Analysis on the Teaching Approaches for the Comprehensive Experimental Class for Students Majored in International Trade国际贸易专业国贸综合大实验的教学模式浅析

13.The Establishment of International Trade Practice Course’s Competitive Major System in High Vocational Colleges;高职院校国际贸易实务精品专业课程体系的构建

14.Considerations about the Teaching of the Course of 《International Trade Theory and Practice》 in Business Administration Specialty;工商管理专业《国际贸易理论与实务》课程的教学思考

15.Case Choosing in the Course of International Trade Practice in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职高专院校国际贸易实务课程中的案例选择

16.Application of EDI trading way in international trade practice;EDI贸易方式在国际贸易实务中的应用

17.Reform and Practice of Experiment Teaching for the Major of International Economics and Trade;国际经济与贸易专业实验教学改革与实践

18.Exploration on Practical Teaching of International Trade Specialty In Higher Vocational Education;论高等职业教育国际贸易专业的实践教学


International Trade Major国际贸易专业

1.On Training Model for Talents of theInternational Trade Major in Higher Vocational Colleges;对高职国际贸易专业人才培养模式的思考

2.This paper points out that application college of international trade major should construct "employment-oriented" order-form education mode,under the "capacity-based" teaching ideology of "Successful & Practical Talents".本文指出应用型高校国际贸易专业应当在以能力为本位的SPT教学理念下,构建以就业为导向的订单式培养模式;同时结合"越秀"的改革经验,提出SPT理念下的订单式培养策略。

3.The course system of international trade major has to be adjusted on the basis of summary the shortage of the traditional one, extruding the cultivation of practice ability, enriching the course execute method, and shaping the major characteristics.高职院校国际贸易专业的 课程设置体系必须在总结不足的基础上进行调整,突出实践能力的培养,丰富课程的执行手段,形成专业特 色。

3)international trade majors国际贸易专业

1.Forinternational trade majors in vocational colleges,one of the effective ways to increase employment opportunities and improve employment quality is to get Vocational Qualifications which is highly recognized in our society.高职国际贸易专业学生取得社会认可度较高的职业资格证书是一种增加就业机会,提高就业质量的有效途径。

4)specialty of international trade国际贸易专业

1.Thespecialty of international trade in vocational colleges aims at raising the personnel with practical skills necessary in the performance of international business,which requires a special way of its teaching.高职国际贸易专业的目标是培养从事国际经贸业务的高素质技能型专门人才,这就要求办出自己的高职国际贸易专业的特色。

5)international trade specialty国际贸易专业

1.The teaching ofinternational trade specialty in higher vocational education is to educate students in mastery of management and international trade knowledge for all kinds of enterprises and government departments.高等职业教育国际贸易专业具有明确的行业指向性,主要为外贸专业公司、各级各类企业的外贸部门以及政府外贸主管部门培养专业技能熟练、适应面较广的管理、业务、服务第一线需要的高级技能型外贸专门人才。

2.The teaching ofinternational trade specialty courses in higher vocational education must integrate the content of theoretical courses with practical courses,and increase the proportion of practice teaching.高职国际贸易专业的课程教学必须整合国际贸易理论与实务课程的内容,加大实践性教学的比例。

3.Entered WTO,international trade specialty must be reformed to meet the needs of applied trade talents in our country.加入WTO后,为了适应我国对实用型外贸人才的需求,高职院校必须改革国际贸易专业的培养模式。

6)international trade国际贸易专业

1.Survey on the demands of graduates majoring ininternational trade of higher vocational education;高职国际贸易专业人才需求情况的调研

2.The author first analyzes the problems on senior vocational education ofinternational trade in China, such as curriculum arrangement, textbooks construction, employment goal and practical teaching etc, and then puts forward some proposals to tackle the above problems.分析我国高职国际贸易专业在专业课程设置、教材建设、就业培养目标、实际教学等方面所存在的问题,并提出几点建议。

3.With the uprising need forinternational trade professionals,people who are good at English communication as well as trade background information are appreciated by trading company.因此,要满足市场需求,高校国际贸易专业应展开系统性双语教学,从双语课课程设置、教学方式、教材选取、师资力量和监督模式几个方面进行完善,以图形成高校培养国际贸易人才的新模式。


