2000字范文 > 水土保持产业化 industrialization of soil and water conservation英语短句 例句大全

水土保持产业化 industrialization of soil and water conservation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-06 18:48:49


水土保持产业化 industrialization of soil and water conservation英语短句 例句大全

水土保持产业化,industrialization of soil and water conservation

1)industrialization of soil and water conservation水土保持产业化

1.Study on the Countermeasure of Promoting Industrialization of Soil and Water Conservation of Yan He River Basin;延河流域水土保持产业化的对策研究


1.Study on the Countermeasure of Promoting Industrialization of Soil and Water Conservation of Yan He River Basin;延河流域水土保持产业化的对策研究

2.Preliminary Discussion of the Theoretical Basis for Industrialized Management of Soil and Water Conservation;浅谈水土保持产业化经营的理论依据

3.Theory and Model of Soil and Water Conservation Industrial Management;水土保持产业化经营的理论与模型研究

4.Approach to the Ways of Soil and Water Conservation IndustrializationTaking Dongning County of Heilongjiang Province as An Example;实现水土保持产业化的途径——以黑龙江省东宁县为例

5.The Industrialization Management of Eco-agricultural Tourism for Water - soil Conservation;水土保持与生态农业旅游产业化研究

6.A study on ways and measures for developingwater and soil conservation into industry;发展水土保持产业的途径与措施探讨

7.Way to Industrialized Realization of Water and Soil Conservancy & Ecoenvironment Construction --A Case Study of Yan an City, Shanxi Province;实现水土保持与生态环境建设产业化的途径——以陕西省延安市为例

8.soil and water conservation farming measures水土保持农业耕作措施

9.pasture measure of soil and water conservation水土保持牧业技术措施

10.They clean the air and keep water from running away.它们净化空气,保持水土。

11.Some Sugguestions in Professional English Teaching in Department of Soil & Water Conservation of Universities and Colleges of China;水土保持与荒漠化防治专业《专业外语》教学思考

12.Preliminary Studies on Bilingual Education for the Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating Major;水土保持与荒漠化防治专业双语教学初探

13.Current Situation and Development Measures in the Major of Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating;水土保持与荒漠化防治专业的现状和发展对策

14.Innovations of object teaching in specialty of soil and water conservation and prevention and control of desertification;水土保持与荒漠化防治专业直观实践教学改革

15.Article 15: All areas shall develop their irrigation, drainage and water and soil conservation work according to their water and soil conditions to promote stable and high agricultural yield.第十五条 各地区应当根据水土资源条件,发展灌溉、排水和水土保持事业,促进农业稳产、高产。

16.Article15. All areas shall, according to their respective water and soil resources, develop irrigation, drainage and water and soil conservation to bring in stable and high agricultural yields.第十五条各地区应当根据水土资源条件,发展灌溉、水和水土保持事业,促进农业稳产、产。


18.Study of Soil and Water Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture Development in Anhui Province水土保持与安徽省持续农业发展分析


water and soil conservation industry水土保持产业

1.Discussion on the development way towater and soil conservation industry;浅析水土保持产业的发展途径

3)Soil and water conservation水土保持

1.Analysis of soil and water conservation in value of ecology——The soil and water conservation planning in Nan′an district;水土保持的生态效益价值分析——以重庆市南岸区为例

prehensive use of environment protection and soil and water conservation project for Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station;宜兴抽水蓄能电站环保及水土保持工程的综合利用

4)water and soil conservation水土保持

1.On strategic aim and some suggestions about development ofwater and soil conservation;水土保持发展的战略目标及建议

2.Water and soil conservation and ecology repairing of The thousand mountain areas of An"shan;浅谈鞍山市千山区水土保持与生态修复

3.Monitoring and assessment of mid-construction periodwater and soil conservation for Baise Multipurpose Dam Project;百色水利枢纽工程建设中期水土保持监测及评价

5)conservation of water and soil水土保持

1.The environment protection andconservation of water and soil in Ni erji water conservancy project;尼尔基水利枢纽工程环境保护及水土保持概述

2.Part of iron ore enterprises exploit in disorder and bring about a serious harm toconservation of water and soil and eco- logical environment.青龙县部分铁矿企业的无序开采给水土保持、生态环境带来了严重危害。

3.The article has emphatically elaborated theconservation of water and soil in highway construction,and after analyzing the causes and characteristics of soil erosion and considering the actual situation,put forward some measures to prevent soil erosion in the highway construction in Shanxi Province.文章着重论述高速公路建设中的水土保持问题,先从水土流失的成因、特点进行分析,结合实际情况,对我省高速公路建设项目的水土保持提出了相应的防治措施。

6)soil and water conversation水土保持

1.Application research of technique with defining classification signatures based on virtual reality on remote sensing investigation ofsoil and water conversation;基于虚拟现实的分类模板定义技术在水土保持遥感调查中的应用

2.It analyzes the situation of soil erosion, achievement, experience and shortage, and offers some suggestion to strengthensoil and water conversation and restoration of ecological environment in China.而水土流失是生态环境恶化的根源 ,本文针对我国水土流失的现状 ,分析了水土保持综合治理和生态环境建设的成绩、经验及不足 ,提出加强水土保持、生态建设的对策及建


水土保持与荒漠化防治专业水土保持与荒漠化防治专业 业务培养目标:业务培养目标:本专业培养具备生物学、生态学、森林及草场培育学、环境科学与工程、水利工程等方面的知识,能在国土资源、水利、农业、林业、环境保护等部门从事水土保持与荒漠化防治的规划、设计、施工及森林生态环境建设的高级工程技术人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习生物学、生态学、森林及草场培育学、环境科学与工程、水利工程等方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到水土保持与荒漠化防治生物措施、工程措施的规划、设计、施工、管理的基本训练,具有水土流失与荒漠化的监测、防治及森林生态环境建设等方面的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.具备扎实的数学、物理、化学等基本理论知识;2.掌握生物学、林学、环境科学与工程、水利工程学科的基本理论、基本知识;3.掌握水土保持、防沙、治沙的规划设计方法和监测、评价技术;4.具有应用生物措施与工程措施防治水土流失与荒漠化的基本能力以及森林生态环境建设管理的基本技能;5.熟悉我国林业、水土保持与荒漠化防治、生态环境保护的方针、政策和法规;6.了解国内外水土保持与荒漠化监测防治的理论前沿、应用前景和有关国际公约。主干课程:主干学科:生物学、环境科学与工程、林学。主要课程:生态学、森林环境学、植物学、保护生物学、测量与遥感、土壤学与地质基础、土壤侵蚀原理、沙漠化原理、水力学、水文学及水资源、环境地理学、环境监测等。主要实践性教学环节:包括实验、教学实习、生产实习、课程设计、毕业论文(设计)等,一般安排25--30周。修业年限:四年授予学位:农学学士相近专业:园林 水土保持与荒漠化防治 农业资源与环境
