2000字范文 > 生物防火 biological fire control英语短句 例句大全

生物防火 biological fire control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-31 09:36:47


生物防火 biological fire control英语短句 例句大全

生物防火,biological fire control

1)biological fire control生物防火

1.Fire characteristics were analyzed in this paper,constructing methods of shelterbelts ofbiological fire control and fire suppression technique of eucalypt plantation were discussed.分析了桉树人工林的火险特点,论述了在桉树速丰林营建中如何建设与维修生物防火林带尤其是免修半免修复层防火林带,探讨桉树人工林发生火灾时的扑灭技术。


1.Present Status and Countermeasures on the Construction of Biological Fire-resistant Forest Belt in Heyuan City河源市生物防火林带建设现状及对策

2.Study on Appraise and Afforestation Technique of Biological Fire Belt in Zhejiang Area浙江地区生物防火林带评价及营建技术研究

3.building firesafety design建筑物防火安全设计

4.Fire prevention design and fire danger of logistics distribution building物流配送建筑的火灾危险与防火设计

5.Applied Research on Modern Fire-preventing Technology of Fire Precautions in Lo gistical Areas现代防火技术在物流园区预防火灾中的应用

6.The carbon filaments are also used to make fabrics that are flameproof and can be used for a variety of protective apparel;碳纤维可以用来生产具有防火功能的织物。碳纤维织物还可以制作多种防护服装;

7.Retains the building the comprehensive repair, pays equal attention to the new installment fire protection and the hygienic facility.保留下来的建筑物将全面修葺,并重新装置防火及卫生设施。

8.Popular Wild Green Herbaceous Plants in Spring-time and Their Roles in Forest Fire Prevention in Kunming Area昆明地区春季常见野生绿色草本植物及其在森林防火中的作用

9.Smoking is dangerous. pay more attention about your cigarette.不要在野外生火,乱扔烟头,严防火灾。

10.Gate, fire doors, extendable doors, security doors production.卷闸门、防火门、伸缩门、防盗门的生产。

11.The power plant is the key unit of firefighting which is involved in inflammable and explosive materials,high accident rate and great losses.发电厂到处都是易燃易爆物品,火灾事故发生率高,损失大,是防火重点单位。

12.Abstract: The power plant is the key unit of firefighting which is involved in inflammable and explosive materials,high accident rate and great losses.文摘:发电厂到处都是易燃易爆物品,火灾事故发生率高,损失大,是防火重点单位。

13.Talking about the Hidden Dangers of the Fire Hazard of the Heritage Buildings(Temples) in Tibet and Fire Prevention浅谈西藏文物古建筑(寺庙)火险隐患及防火对策

14.Strengthen the management to the stock material, put measure of fireproofing and sanitation in to effect in order to keep the stock in good condition.加强对库存的物资的管理,落实防火措施及卫生措施,保证库存物品的完好无损。"

15.(British) and burglarproof and fireproof room in which valuables are kept.(英国)用来存放贵重物品的即防盗又防火的地方。

16.a building housing fire apparatus and firemen.有灭火器和消防员的建筑物。

17.The firemen played their hoses on (ie directed them at) the burning building.消防队员用水龙向失火的建 物喷水.

18.Management Regulations on Fire Prevention for Inflammable Chemicals化学易燃物品防火管理规则


biological fire protection forest belts生物防火带

3)biological fire prevention technique生物防火技术

4)biological fire-proofing project生物防火工程

1.Thebiological fire-proofing project consisted of immature soil belt and biological fire-preefing forest belt was used to prevent the diffusion of soil surface fire and invasion of forest crown fire.以生土带防火线和生物防火林带组成的生物防火工程,用以阻止和阻隔地表火蔓延和林冠火(飞火)的飞 窜入侵,生物防火林带经7年管护后,平均树高4。

5)biological fire belt生物防火林带

1.japonica mixed forests with percentage of 1: 1 plum blossom disposition was an idealbiological fire belt struc.选择木荷、红花油茶、杨桐等树种,采用随机区组设计和简单机械设计方法,分别进行了不同树种、不同配置、不同立地条件的混交(单层纯林)和复层结构的新建型、改建型防火林带试验研究,结果表明:木荷(杜英)+红花油茶;木荷(杜英)+杨桐1:1比例梅花型混交复层结构林带,是较理想的生物防火林带结构模式,具有良好的生长效益、混交效益、立地适应效应,同时还提出了在6种不同条件下较适用的防火林带类型,为今后防火林带体系建设提供了依据。

6)flame-proof fabric防火织物


