2000字范文 > 元典章 The Collection of Laws of the Yuan Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

元典章 The Collection of Laws of the Yuan Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-20 20:44:07


元典章 The Collection of Laws of the Yuan Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

元典章,The Collection of Laws of the Yuan Dynasty

1)The Collection of Laws of the Yuan Dynasty元典章

2)Athens Charter《雅典宪章》

1.TwoAthens Charters and Preservation of Urban Monuments;两部《雅典宪章》与城市建筑遗产的保护


1.From "Athens Charter" to "Beijing Charter"──The Historical Reflections to the Housing Problem从《雅典宪章》到《北京宪章》──对居住问题的历史性思考

2.Review on the History of Chinese Cities一部以《雅典宪章》为脉络写史的经典著作——《中国城市发展史》评介

3."For this is a rule for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob."因这是为以色列定的律例,是雅各神的典章。

4.For it is a statute for Israel, An ordinance of the God of Jacob.诗81:4因这是为以色列定的律例、雅各神的典章。

5.He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel.19?将?的话指示雅各,将?的律例和典章指示以色列。

6.[NIV] this is a decree for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob.因这是为6以色列定的律例,是雅各神的典章。

7.Aristotle"s Philosophical and Political Orientation on Athens Constitution Reform of Ancient Greece亚里士多德对古希腊雅典宪法改革的哲学政治学取向论要

8.NIV] this is a decree for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob.[和合]因这是为6以色列定的律例,是雅各神的典章。

9."He makes his word clear to Jacob, teaching Israel his laws and his decisions."他将他的道指示雅各,将他的律例典章指示以色列。

10.He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel.诗147:19他将他的道指示雅各、将他的律例典章指示以色列。

11.Probe into the Elegant Beauty of Mozart s Harmony--Analysis of harmony of the first movement of Mozart s A Major Piano Concerto;浅论莫扎特和声风格典雅的美——《A大调钢琴奏鸣曲》第一乐章和声分析

12.On Li Yu s Refined and Popular Points of View about Lyric;“能于浅处见才,方是文章高手”——简论李渔关于曲文的典雅与通俗观

13.Charter of the Organization of American States (Charter of Bogota)美洲国家组织宪章(波哥大宪章)

14.In desperation the Assembly elected Solon as Archon of Athens with the widest possible brief to reform the constitution and save the economy.万般无奈之下,执政委员会推举梭伦担当雅典的执政官,要求他修改宪法,振兴经济。

15.Great Charter s Influence on Britain Constitutional Government--On Enlightenment of Great Charter Phenomenon to China Constitutional Construction;《大宪章》对英国宪政的影响——兼论《大宪章》现象对我国宪政建设的启示

16.of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times.属于或关于雅典、雅典居民、古雅典方言的。

17.Ottawa Charter for Health Promotio渥太华卫生推广宪章

18.Charter of the League of Arab States阿拉伯国家联盟宪章


Athens Charter《雅典宪章》

1.TwoAthens Charters and Preservation of Urban Monuments;两部《雅典宪章》与城市建筑遗产的保护

3)typical texts典型篇章

1.It is an effective way to guide the students to write through analyses oftypical texts.对典型篇章进行分析是指导学生写作的一条有效途径。

2.In his own teaching practice,the author finds that it is an effective way to guide the students to write through analyses oftypical texts.在教学实践中笔者体会到,对典型篇章进行分析是指导学生写作的一条有效途径。

4)The constitution and civilization典章文物


1.Tracing sportstraditions——Also a study of the modernization of Chinese traditional sports;追问体育元典——兼论中华民族传统体育的现代化

6)system of decrees and regulations五代典章制度


