2000字范文 > 形式的隐喻 metaphor in form英语短句 例句大全

形式的隐喻 metaphor in form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 12:17:36


形式的隐喻 metaphor in form英语短句 例句大全

形式的隐喻,metaphor in form

1)metaphor in form形式的隐喻


1.Metaphor in Form and Preciseness in Design:Modernist Pinakothek at Munich形式的隐喻与设计的精确——慕尼黑现代绘画馆的设计分析

2.a metaphor that exploits a similarity between experiences in different sense modalities.利用不同感觉形式相似性的隐喻。

3.Motivation Analysis of Imperative Speech Acts in Metaphorical Form;祈使性言语行为隐喻形式的理据分析

4.Stydy of form and theory of metaphor thinking in sport area;运动领域的隐喻思维形式及理论探索

5.Linguistic Characteristics of Chinese Metaphors and the Impact on Metaphor Computation;汉语隐喻的语言形式特征及其对隐喻机器理解研究的影响

6.A figure of speech, especially a metaphor or simile.演说形式,尤指明喻或隐喻

7.Power of Metaphor;隐喻的力量——论民间巫术信仰的重要象征形式

8.Correspondence between English and Chinese metaphorical idioms and cultural sources英汉隐喻性习语的对应形式及文化溯源

9.Metaphor,Cognition and Creative Thinking Modes;从认知角度看隐喻及隐喻式的创造性思维方式

10.A Study of the Mode and Shaping Mechanism of Metaphor in English and Chinese Idioms;英汉成语中的隐喻模式及其隐喻机制的研究

11.In news editorials nominalization can be employed to metaphorize existingness, non-negotiability, logical relation and otherness.名词化在新闻社论中可以隐喻既存性、可协商性、辑关系等,是话语隐喻态度的有效实现形式。

12.Graphic Metaphor and the Complementary Semantic Models;图示隐喻与语义互补模式——评Persson的隐喻语义观

13.The Hypothesis of Metaphorical Meaning Construction Modelin Foreign Languagelearning and the Exploration of Foreign Language Learners"Metaphorical Competence外语隐喻意义建构的模式假设及外语隐喻能力

14.The culture metaphor of national graphic in the product design拟于心,喻于形——产品设计中民族图形的文化隐喻

15.A Metaphorical and Cognitive Approach to the Relation Between Linguistic Form and Meaning and Its Revelation on Language Teaching;语言形式与语义的隐喻认知解释及其对语言教学的启示

16.The People s View of Space and Time behind the Temporal Expressions in Chinese;汉语语言形式中的民族时空观——汉语时间表达中的空间隐喻

17.Chinese Spatial Metaphors and Its Expression Forms in English;汉语空间方位隐喻及其在英语中的相应表达形式

18.A Prospective Trend for ELT--A comparative study of english and Chinese conceptual metaphors in terms of form and meaning外语教学的新方向——英汉概念隐喻形式与意义表述关系研究



3)source domains of metaphors隐喻的喻体


1.Based on the theory of grammatical metaphor of mood in functional linguistics,this treatise analyzes metaphors of mood in English tests of listening comprehension,reaches conclusion of their functional characteristics in dialogues of listening comprehension,and discusses the functions and effects of thismetaphorical expression to English tests of listening comprehension.本文以功能语言学中的语气隐喻理论为基础,对英语听力理解中的语气隐喻现象进行了分析,得出了该现象在听力对话中的一些功能特征,并讨论了这种隐喻式的表达方式对英语听力理解的作用和影响。

5)metaphor mode隐喻模式

1.Polysemy and its cognitive characteristics can get congruousand clear explanation,especially under the frame of prototype theory andmetaphor mode.在认知语言学尤其是其中的原型理论和隐喻模式的框架下,多义现象及其认知特征能够得到统一而明确的解释。

6)metaphorical form隐喻式

1.On the existing difference between congruent form andmetaphorical form;论一致式与隐喻式的存在差异

2.Manymetaphorical forms are similar to the non-categorized verbs in the prototype theory of cognitive linguistics,while congruent forms are identical to the best representatives of the prototypes.隐喻式和一致式是语法隐喻理论中的两个重要概念。


隐喻1.暗中寄寓讽喻之意。 2.指言外之意。 3.修辞手法比喻的一种。又称暗喻。其构成方式是本体和喻体之间不用喻词"如"﹑"像"之类﹐而是用"是"﹑"成为"等动词来联系﹐有时连动词也不用﹐如﹕花的海洋﹔落后和贫困这两座大山。
