2000字范文 > 线性回归分析 linear regression analysis英语短句 例句大全

线性回归分析 linear regression analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-02 10:52:08


线性回归分析 linear regression analysis英语短句 例句大全

线性回归分析,linear regression analysis

1)linear regression analysis线性回归分析

1.With the most favorable factors acquired as above,the concentration of VC in fruit juice was determined and the results analyzed bylinear regression analysis to give an equation .在以上最佳条件下,测定了果汁中维生素C的含量,并通过线性回归分析,给出了测定浓度内的线性方程:△A=0。

2.Linear regression analysis was performed between the dimensions of cervical vetebrae .按年龄是否大于45岁进行分组,对各颈椎的测量数据与身高进行线性回归分析,建立颈椎推算身高的回归方程。


1.The Applied Research of Excel in Linearity Regression AnalysisExcel在线性回归分析中的应用研究

2.Application of linear regression analysis in the evaporation quantity of paddy rice线性回归分析在水稻腾发量中的应用

3.when the regression line is linear (y = ax + b) the regression coefficient is the constant (a) that represents the rate of change of one variable (y) as a function of changes in the other (x); it is the slope of the regression line.线性回归分析中计算出来的回归线的常数和自变量的系数。

4.Linear Regression Analysis between Chemical Constituents and Flavor of Tobacco Leaves烟叶化学成分及香吃刺劲之间的线性回归分析

5.Linear Regression with Interval-Censored Covariate;自变量为区间删失型数据的线性回归分析

6.Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for the Quantity of Staff and Faculty with Influential Factors;教职工数量影响因素的多元线性回归分析

7.Multiple Linear Regression Analysis applied to Fixed Assets Investment;多元线性回归分析在固定资产投资中的应用

8.Linearity Regression Analysis of the Gross Revenue of TourismIndustry in Yunnan Province Contribute to the GDP;云南省旅游业总收入对GDP贡献的线性回归分析

9.Appling Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis in Two Troops Batting with Each Other;多元线性回归分析在两军竞战中的应用

10.Effects of Learning Pressure on Psychosomatic Health of Primary and Secondary School Students Liner Regression Analysis;学习压力对学生心身健康影响的线性回归分析

11.To Forecast Compound Lower Limited Bidswith Unitary Linearity Regression Method;运用一元线性回归分析法预测复合标底

12.Analysis of multiple linear regression based on the factors related pulmonary edema and nationalities肺水肿与民族因素间的多元线性回归分析

13.Bayesian Predictive Analysis of the Multiple Linear Regression Model;多重线性回归模型的贝叶斯预报分析

14.Analysis to once basic linearity regression model by applying the Excel应用Excel对一元线性回归模型的分析

15.Multicollinearity in Multilinear Regression Models and Partial Least Squares Regression;多元线性回归中复共线问题及偏最小二乘回归分析

16.The Linear regress and Calculation of the Working Curve in the Photometry;光度分析中工作曲线的线性回归及计算

17.Principal Component Linear Regression Analysis on Performance of Applications主成分线性回归模型分析应用程序性能

18.Analysis on Correlations and Regression of Suffolk Mutton Buck萨福克肉用种羊性状线性相关与回归分析


Linear regression线性回归分析

1.In our study,we apply partial least-squares (PLS)to analyze infrared spectroscopy(IR)of urinary calculus through multiplet linear regression analysis.本研究是应用偏最小二乘法对泌尿结石的红外光谱进行多重线性回归分析,目的是探讨应用红外光谱对结石成分进行定量分析的可行性,从而为临床治疗提供有力证据。

3)nonlinear regression analysis非线性回归分析

1.A research is made about relationship between the reference value of 23001 examples Chinese healthy middle scent men s ESR and five geographical factors in Chinese 301 areas,which are determined by the way of Wintrobe laws,by using the method correlation analysis andnonlinear regression analysis.运用相关分析和多元非线性回归分析的方法,研究了其与地理因素的关系。

2.Nonlinear regression analysis is usually used to estimate the parameters of a mathematical model in engineering.非线性回归分析是工程中经常采用的一种用来估计数学模型参数的方法 ,该方法能否顺利运用与参数初始值的选择有极大关系。

3.Based on the actual observation data,the exponential smoothing andnonlinear regression analysis are integrated.以实际监测数据为基础,把指数平滑法与非线性回归分析法结合起来;以滑坡的变形值和变形速率为判据,对滑坡进行时间失稳的动态跟踪预报。

4)non-linear regression analysis非线性回归分析

1.The regression scheme is optimized based on 2nd ordernon-linear regression analysis.以二次非线性回归分析方法对回归方案进行优化计算,选择优化方案。

5)multiple linear regression analysis多元线性回归分析

1.Application ofmultiple linear regression analysis in assessing zonings of debris flows in Chedarengou River;多元线性回归分析在车大人沟河泥石流分区与评价中的应用

2.The application ofmultiple linear regression analysis in economic forest product demand forecast多元线性回归分析在经济林产品需求预测中的应用

3.According to the orientation investigation data in the field and the corresponding RS and GIS information,by means of principal components analysis,common factor analysis andmultiple linear regression analysis,the vegetation coverage and biomass estimation models were set up.选取内蒙古自治区毛乌素沙地东北部伊金霍洛旗为研究区域,以少量野外定位调查数据与其对应的RS和GIS信息为基础,利用主成分分析、因子分析和多元线性回归分析方法,建立以像元为单位的植被盖度和生物量的定量估测模型。

6)Multiple linear regression多元线性回归分析

1.Multiple linear regression analysis of association of the Plasmodium falciparum density with fevers and age of malaria cases in mobile population in high malaria endemic areas in Yunnan Province;云南省高疟区流动人口恶性疟原虫密度与发热等因素的多元线性回归分析


