2000字范文 > 急性湿疹 acute eczema英语短句 例句大全

急性湿疹 acute eczema英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-04 04:31:16


急性湿疹 acute eczema英语短句 例句大全

急性湿疹,acute eczema

1)acute eczema急性湿疹

1.Objective To evaluate the effects and safety of Shuangfujin (SFJ) onacute eczema.目的观察中药爽肤巾对急性湿疹的临床疗效并评价其安全性。

2.Objective To study the effects of single Chinese herbs in common use for treatingacute eczema in inhibiting allergic contact dermatitis on the mice models and to explore the mechanism of treatment.目的研究常用治疗急性湿疹的单味中药(防风、甘草、地肤子、薏苡仁、金银花)抗Ⅳ型超敏反应作用,探讨中药作用机理。

3.ConclusionWet application of Chinese drug is one of the effective ways to treatacute eczema,the reasonable nursing makes better effect.[目的]观察中药湿敷治疗急性湿疹的疗效。


1.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Acute Eczema (the Type of Damp-heat) with ChuShiJieDuTang除湿解毒汤治疗湿热型急性湿疹的临床研究

2.Clinical Research of Qing-re-chu-shi Oralused Liquid of Acute Dampness-heat Type Eczema;清热除湿口服液治疗急性湿疹(湿热证)的临床研究

3.Curative Effect of Chinese Medicine Hydronium Spray on Subacute Eczema中药离子喷雾治疗亚急性湿疹效果观察

4.Clinical and Experimental Study of Anti-Inflammatary and Itchting of Shuang-Fu-Jin in Treating Acute Eczama;中药“爽肤巾”治疗急性湿疹的临床与实验研究

5.Observation on curative effect of Compound Pine Tar Paste in the treatment of subacute eczema复方松馏油糊治疗亚急性湿疹的疗效观察

6.A Study on the Effect and Mechanism of ZaoShiXiYao on Treating Child Acute Eczema;燥湿洗药治疗小儿急性湿疹的疗效观察及作用机理探讨

7.Clinical Efficacy of Hydroalcoholic Gel of Osthol for Subacute Eczema蛇床子素水醇凝胶治疗亚急性湿疹的临床疗效观察

8.Curative Effect of Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on the Level of Immunoglobulin E in Acute Eczema Patients中西医结合治疗急性湿疹患者的疗效观察及对血清IgE的影响

9.Study on Clincal and Experimental of Optimized Shuang-Fu-Jin in Treating Acure Eczema by Orthogonal Design Experiment;应用正交实验设计优化“爽肤巾”处方治疗急性湿疹的临床和实验研究

10.Clinical Study of Longdan Fumigating-washing Lotion for Acute Anal Eczema of Downward Flow Damp-heat;龙胆洗剂熏洗治疗湿热下注型急性肛门湿疹的临床疗效观察

11.Observation of clinical efficacy on subacute or chronic eczema treated with halometasone cream joint fusidic acid cream卤米松乳膏联合夫西地酸乳膏治疗亚急性或慢性湿疹疗效观察

12.Conclusion Herb injection “antiphlogistic No.1” has certain therapeutic effect on acute dermatitis and eczema.结论中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹有显著疗效。

13.Scratching can actually trigger eczematous rashes.抓挠事实上可以引起湿疹性的皮疹。

14.The clinical data of this thesis testifies the reliability of curative effect by administering treatment of acute dermatitis and eczema with heat clearing,damp inhibiting formulae according to pattern.本文临床资料分析结果在一定程度上证实清热利湿药治疗急性皮炎湿疹疗效的可靠性。

15.Therapeutic Effect Observation of Eczema Herb Oral Administration on the Patients with Chronic Eczema湿疹汤Ⅱ号内服治疗慢性湿疹临床疗效观察

16.acute congenital rubella of newbor新生儿急性先天性风疹

17.mallenders and sallenders马腕湿疹和马膝湿疹

18.ders and sallenders马膝湿疹邪马腕湿疹


eczema dermatitis/ acute湿疹/急性

3)acute eczema herpeticum急性泡疹性湿疹

4)subacute eczema亚急性湿疹

1.Phase Ⅱ clinical trial of Shichuangqing ointment in treatment ofsubacute eczema;湿疮清乳膏治疗亚急性湿疹的Ⅱ期临床试验

2.Clinical study of betamethasone neomycin ointment in treatment of patients withsubacute eczema;倍他米松新霉素软膏治疗限局性亚急性湿疹的临床研究

5)acute eczema of damp-heat type湿热型急性湿疹

1.Objective: This study is aimed at to observe the curative effect of the modification of ChuShiJieDuTang onacute eczema of damp-heat type, and the effect of it in serum total IgE levels and peripheral blood eosinophil percentage, through the comparison with cetirizine and demonstrate the safety and effect of traditional medicine.方法:150例湿热型急性湿疹患者,分为中药治疗组(77例)和西药治疗组(73例),中药治疗组以除湿解毒汤每日一剂,早晚水煎服,西药治疗组给予氯雷他啶胶囊l0mg,每日一次,两组外治均用马齿苋水煎进行中药塌渍,外涂益康唑/曲胺奈德(T)乳膏。

6)Acute universal eczema急性泛发性湿疹


