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协作化 collaborative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-07 04:50:42


协作化 collaborative英语短句 例句大全



1.Then,the theories are used to probe the individualized andcollaborative teaching models based on the Teaching Requirements of College English.本文旨在通过对建构主义及其学习理论进行简要阐述,并以此为基础,在《大学英语课程教学要求》的指导下探讨个性化、协作化教学模式,以满足新时期学生对语言学习的需求以及国家和社会对人才培养的需要,为大学英语课堂教学观念的转变提供新思路。


1.The Application of Collaborative Teaching Model in Business English Course Delivery;协作化教学在《经贸英语》课程中的应用

2.The Research of Using Cooperative Co-Evolution Algorithm in Multi-Agent Cooperation;协作协进化算法应用于多智能体协作的研究

3.Multi-Agent Cooperation Mechanism Based on Cooperative Co-Evolution;基于协作协进化的多机器人协作机制研究

4.leather chemists associatio皮革化学工作者协会

5.Association of Technical Officers (Cultural Services)文化工作技术主任协会

6.Study of multi-sensor cooperative method based on co-evolution mechanism基于协进化机制的多传感器协作方法

7.American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)美国纺织染化学工作者协会

8.Association of Government Cultural Services Assistants政府文化工作助理员协会

9.The Sino-Russian strategic cooperation partnership has deepened constantly.中俄战略协作伙伴关系不断深化。

10.Optimization for Invitation and Bid in Agent-based Cooperation基于Agent的协作招投标优化模型

11.The glass-transition is a cooperative phenomenon.玻璃转化是一个协同作用的现象。

12.Working Party on Technical Harmonization and Standardization Policies技术协调和标准化政策工作队

13.Deepening Unity and Coordination to Jointly Create a Brilliant Future深化团结协作 共创美好世纪

14.The Study of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Methods for Cooperative Team;多Agent协作团队的强化学习方法研究

15.Research on Model of Cooperative Reinforcement Learning Based on Personality Agent;基于个性Agent的协作强化学习模型研究

16.A Research on Multi-Robot Cooperation Mechanism Based on PSO Optimizer;基于PSO优化的多机器人协作机制研究

17.Web-Based Subject/Project-oriented Collaborative Information Service Platforms;基于WEB的专业化课题协作服务平台

18.Performance Optimization of Supply Chain Collaboration Based on Theory of Constraints;基于约束理论的供应链协作绩效优化


cooperative co-evolution协作协进化

1.Adaptive representation selection ofcooperative co-evolution Algorithm;自适应代表个体选择方法的协作协进化算法

3)collaborative optimization协作优化

1.With VCM and MDO framework technologies,the missile system design was optimized based oncollaborative optimization(CO) and the marked optimization was acquired.为研究导弹总体多学科设计优化问题,给出了通用的导弹总体设计MDO表述,并基于协作优化(CO)表述,结合变复杂度建模技术和MDO框架集成技术,改造了某飞航导弹的总体设计过程,获得了较大的优化,验证了导弹总体设计CO表述的有效性,且该表述方法可以推广到各类导弹总体设计当中。

2.A new algorithm named as multimethodcollaborative optimization algorithm is advanced.提出一种新的优化方法一多方法协作优化方法。


5)coordinate in the construction协作化建设

1.The seismological information department is supposed to bring computer and net into full play,speed up the development of digitization,coordinate in the construction,improve the sense of service and strengthen the training of the information management staf地震科技情报工作应充分发挥计算机和网络的作用,加快数字化发展,进行协作化建设,并且强化服务意识,增强信息管理人员的培训。

6)socializing cooperation社会化协作

1.The problems and countermeasures of thesocializing cooperation about the science and research instruments;科研仪器设备社会化协作的问题及对策


