2000字范文 > 党员教育片属性 the properties of educational TV report on special subject to CCP members英语短句 例句大全

党员教育片属性 the properties of educational TV report on special subject to CCP members英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-05 23:42:36


党员教育片属性 the properties of educational TV report on special subject to CCP members英语短句 例句大全

党员教育片属性,the properties of educational TV report on special subject to CCP members

1)the properties of educational TV report on special subject to CCP members党员教育片属性

2)education campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members党员先进性教育

1.Theeducation campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members in universities has its own special features due to the objects of the education,the organization forms and the realization of the results.高校大学生党员先进性教育由于在教育对象、教育组织形式、教育效果体现方面的特殊性,要求学生党组织在构建先进性教育长效机制时应着力完善学生党员发展及预备期教育考察工作机制、学习教育机制、考核评估机制,确保学生党员在源头上、理论思想上、行动上的先进性,同时要注重将先进性教育与广泛的思想政治教育相结合,与全面成人成才教育相结合,与经常、多样、生动的组织活动教育相结合,从而让学生党员长期受教育、永葆先进性。


1.Progressiveness Education of Party Members Should Be Carried on Throughout Party Building Work Among College Students学生党建工作要贯穿党员先进性教育

2.How to Resolve the Difficulty of Criticism in Maintain the Advanced Nature of the CPC Members;论解决党员先进性教育中的“批评难”

3.Exploration and Application of Enduring-effect System in Building the Party;党员先进性教育长效机制探索与实践

4.Some methods in our hospital for the educational activities on keeping the advanced nature of members of the Communist Party of China;我院党员先进性教育活动的几点做法

5.University student party member thought present situation and educational channel exploration高校学生党员先进性教育途径的探索

6.The Factors of the Self-Cultivation of Party Spirit in the Advancement Education of the Communists;共产党员先进性教育中的党性修养因素

7.Taking an Active Part in the Education for Maintaining the Progressiveness of Party Members to Promote the Progressiveness Building of the Party;积极投身党员先进性教育活动大力推进党的先进性建设

8.Implementation of Party Constitution Should be Penetrated into the Advanced Education for Party Members把学习贯彻党章贯穿于党员先进性教育始终

9.The Creativity of Model Education of the Members of Communist Party and the Building of Party Organization at the Basic Level in Universities;高校党员先进性教育与基层党组织建设的创新

10.Revelation of Party s Members Progressiveness Education to the Party s Construction in Enterprise;党员先进性教育对企业党建工作的启示

11.Party construction through network: an effective means of carrying out ideological education of Party members;论“网络党建”——党员先进性教育网站建设构想

12.An Enlightment to Education of Party Member Advanced Character from First Party Rectification in New China;新中国首次整党整风对党员先进性教育的启示

13.Strengthening the Education of Progress among Communists in College so as to Enhance Battle Effectiveness of the Chinese Communist Party;加强高等学校党员先进性教育,提高党的战斗力

14.On the Advancing Education of the Party Members and Creativity of the Party Construction at the Grass-root level in Colleges;党员先进性教育与高校基层党组织建设的创新

15.Enhance Role of Education in Ethics in Maintaining Progressiveness of Party Members;保持共产党员先进性教育活动中的道德教育

16.The Education to Keep Party Member s Advanced Nature is the Eternal Theme of the Party-building: Also Discuss That the University Must Insist on the Education to Keep its Member s Advanced Nature;党员先进性教育是党的建设的永恒主题——兼论高校必须坚持党员先进性教育

17.Effective Way to Maitain the Progressiveness of College Students Party Members;在高校党建与思想政治教育结合中推进大学生党员先进性教育

18.Improve Quality of the Party Members and Keep the Forerunning Characer of Chinese Communist Party;提高党员素质,保持党的先进性——保持共产党员先进性教育活动党课报告


education campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members党员先进性教育

1.Theeducation campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members in universities has its own special features due to the objects of the education,the organization forms and the realization of the results.高校大学生党员先进性教育由于在教育对象、教育组织形式、教育效果体现方面的特殊性,要求学生党组织在构建先进性教育长效机制时应着力完善学生党员发展及预备期教育考察工作机制、学习教育机制、考核评估机制,确保学生党员在源头上、理论思想上、行动上的先进性,同时要注重将先进性教育与广泛的思想政治教育相结合,与全面成人成才教育相结合,与经常、多样、生动的组织活动教育相结合,从而让学生党员长期受教育、永葆先进性。

3)party members education党员教育

1.There are concrete measures in applying psychological laws to promote the humanization of college student Party members education:applying need psychological laws to enhance consciousness in learning theory;applying motivation psychological laws to straighten students motiv.坚持以人为本的教育理念,针对学生党员的思想特点和心理变化规律,应用心理规律,加强高校大学生党员教育,无疑是一个新的视角。

2.The core of Party members education is the education of ideas and believes.理想信念教育是党员教育的核心内容,党风党纪教育是后勤体制改革顺利进行的保障,党员素质教育是现阶段后勤改革向纵深发展的迫切要求。

3.From the perspective of the connotation of the state of being principal, the paper analyses the relations and the differences between the educated in the undergraduateparty members education and the educated in the traditional cultural education, and probes into .在以往的学生党员教育中 ,由于忽视受教育者的主体地位和主体作用 ,使得党员教育的针对性和实效性不强。

4)Party member education党员教育

1.Reflection on theParty member education of stated-owned enterprise;国有企业党员教育问题与思考

5)education of Party members党员教育

1.New cases and problems arise under the situation of deepening reform and strengthening opening, and education of party members is among these problems.在深化改革和扩大开放的新形势下,党员教育工作也出现许多新的情况和问题,如何适应发展变化的新形势,加强和改进党员教育工作,是当前党的建设需要认真思考和解决的重要课题。

2.Theeducation of Party members should start from the inner hearts of the staff.党员教育要从员工的内心深层次出发。

6)re-education of Party members党员再教育


教育影响连贯性和一致性原则德育原则之一。连贯性是指社会主义思想品德教育的内容和要求应循序渐进,前后连贯,有目的、有计划、有系统地进行;一致性是指校内全体教职工、各种学生组织,以及校外教育机构、家庭、社会同学校的教育要求都要互相配合、步调一致。思想品德教育的不连贯和教育要求的不协调,是造成教育效果不大,甚至完全无效的重要原因之一。学生思想品德的发展是有阶段性的,不同阶段有它特殊的矛盾,各阶段之间又是互相联系的。因此,对学前、小学、初中和高中学生进行思想品德教育,应注意教育内容的相互衔接和前后连贯,体现出螺旋式的上升,即便在同一个阶段的思想品德教育内容和要求,也不能忽视前后的连贯性,而要逐步提高。学生思想品德的成长,是学校、家庭和社会多方面影响的结果。在中国社会主义制度下,家庭、社会影响和学校教育理应是一致的。但是,由于社会和历史的原因,家庭、社会不可避免地或多或少地存在一些与学校教育不一致的因素 。因此 ,要求校内共产主义青年团、中国少年先锋队、学生会等各种学生组织和全体教职工都要把思想品德教育的要求、内容统一于社会主义教育目的之下;要求学校发挥专门教育机构的职能,同家庭建立多种形式的联系,统一思想,密切配合;学校应采取措施,对社会的影响加强控制和调节,把社会中的积极因素,组织到学校思想品德教育过程中来。教师在保持、维护思想品德教育的连贯性和一致性中起着主导作用。
