2000字范文 > 竞技体育职业化 Athletics sports professionalism英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育职业化 Athletics sports professionalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 20:05:21


竞技体育职业化 Athletics sports professionalism英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育职业化,Athletics sports professionalism

1)Athletics sports professionalism竞技体育职业化


1.The Thinking of the Professional Way of Electronics Contest in China;关于我国电子竞技体育职业化的思考

2.On the Professionalism Development of Competitive Sports Under the Whole-Nation System举国体制下发展竞技体育职业化的思考

3.Some Influence of Chinese Tradition Culture on the Competitive Sport Professionalism;中国传统文化对竞技体育职业化的影响

4.A Study on Development of Chinese Professional Sports in the Perspective of Cultures between China and Western Countries从中西文化视角审视我国竞技体育职业化发展

5.0n the Four Steps of the Professionalization of Chinese Competition Sports;我国竞技体育职业化“四步曲”─—社会化、实体化、市场化与产业化的思辩

6.Rational Analysis on Factors Restricted the Professionalization Process of Chinese Competitive Sport;对我国竞技体育职业化进程的理性分析

7.A Research on the Credit Shortage and Reconstruction for Competitive Sports Professional in China;我国竞技体育职业化诚信缺失及重构问题研究

8.Problems of the Professionalism of Sports in China;对我国竞技体育职业化若干问题的思考

9.A Research on the Developing Trend ofProfessionalization in Athletic Sports;对我国竞技体育职业化发展趋势的研究

10.Athletic Sports Professionalize and the Essence of Sports for All--The Complement of Athletic sports and sports for all in the period of social transformation竞技体育职业化与群众体育的本质回归——社会转型时期竞技体育与群众体育利益互补

11.The development of combat sports vocationalization and the educationalinstitutionalization management of sport team in armed force;关于竞技体育职业化发展与部队体工队院校化管理的研究

12.Research on the Managerial and Educational System of Sports Agent in the Course of Professionalization of Sports in China;我国竞技体育职业化进程中的经纪人管理与培养体系研究

13.The Theoretic Research on Influencing Factors of the Professionalization of Chinese Male Soccer and Basketball我国竞技体育职业化发展主要影响因素的理论研究

14.Innovational Study on Our competitive Sports Management System in the Professionalism Situation--in the Sight of the Interests Protection of Professional Competitive Sports Investors;职业化形势下我国竞技体育管理体制创新研究——从职业竞技体育投资人权益保护的视角

15.Looking Sports Professionalization on the Three Radical in china Development Competitive Sportsp;从我国社会三大变革与竞技体育发展历程看体育职业化

16.Motive Factors of Professionalized and Institutionalized Development in Process of Competitive Sports Socialization in Our Country;我国竞技体育社会化进程中的职业化、院校化发展动因

17.Study of governmental function transition in the development of the competitive sports undertaking;竞技体育事业发展中政府职能的转变

18.Research on the Inner Impetus of Interaction between Competitive Sports and Mass Media in the Process of Professionalization;对在职业化进程中的竞技体育与大众传媒互动内驱力的研究


Professional competitive sport职业竞技体育

1.The paper,according to property right economics,analyses the approaches of property right of professional competitive sport effecting the efficiency of professional competitive sport resources,and puts forward the fundamental orientation and actual way of institutional innovation of professional competitive sport on the basis of property right of Chinese professional competitive sport.依据产权经济学理论分析了职业竞技体育产权对职业竞技体育资源配置效率的影响途径,并结合我国职业竞技体育产权的现状,提出了职业竞技体育制度创新的基本方向和现实路径。

2.This thesis for the first time applies service goods, public goods theory and property rights theory to analyze and explore the general economic characteristics and law of produce, distribution and exchange about professional competitive sport this special domain in deep and an all-round way At home economic boundary, taking professional competitive sport service goods as cut entry.本文以职业竞技体育服务产品为切入口,在国内经济界首次运用服务产品、公共产品理论和新制度经济学理论,比较深入、系统地分析和探讨了职业竞技体育这一特殊领域关于生产、分配与交换的一般经济特点和规律。

3)Professional Sprorts Club职业竞技体育俱乐部

4)Professional competitive sports services products职业竞技体育服务产品

5)professional athletic competition职业体育竞赛业

1.Based on some documents and logical analysis,the author carries on a comparative study on Sino-US sports industries,including sports consumption,sports body-building,professional athletic competition,sports goods,sports brokerage,etc.通过文献查阅和类比分析,对中美体育消费业、体育健身业、职业体育竞赛业、体育用品业、体育经纪业等进行比较研究,认为由于历史、社会、国民收入及消费意识等方面的原因,我国的体育产业同美国相比,有较大差距,目前我国的体育产业还处于初级发展阶段。

6)Vocational sports职业化体育


