2000字范文 > 小提琴作品 Violin works英语短句 例句大全

小提琴作品 Violin works英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 03:18:26


小提琴作品 Violin works英语短句 例句大全

小提琴作品,Violin works

1)Violin works小提琴作品


1.On the Polyphony in the Single-Line of the Violin Works by Bach;论巴赫小提琴作品单线条中的多声部

2.Analysis on Stravinsky s Violin Works--Italian Suite;论斯特拉文斯基的小提琴作品《意大利组曲》

3.Creation of Electronic Music Works for Violin and Its Interactive Development;小提琴电子音乐作品创作及其互动发展

4.The making and sale of masterly hand-crafted violins , violas , cello &double basses.制作、销售手工小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和贝司。

5.CAI"S violin shop, established by Mr.蔡氏提琴制作室,由蔡春方先生创立,专业制作高级小提琴、提琴、提琴。

6.Chen Gang s Chinese Violin Solo Compositions of "Red Classic";陈钢“红色经典”中国小提琴独奏作品解析

7.the piano, violin, cello, etc part钢琴、 小提琴、 大提琴等部.

8.The Composition Features of Tan Xiaolin"s Duet for Violin and Viola谭小麟《小提琴及中提琴二重奏》的创作特征

9.Study of the Playing Speed of Beethoven s Op 47, Kreutzer;贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲第9号 作品47《克莱采》演奏速度研究

10.The string instruments mainly are the violin, the viola, the cello and the bass.弦乐器主要有小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴。

11.On the Artistic Features of Cello Music--Sichuan Pitch论大提琴作品——“川腔”的艺术特色及演奏

12.The piano and the violin are not in tune.钢琴和小提琴不合调。

13.A violin made by Nicol Amati or the members of his family.阿马蒂小提琴尼科洛·阿马蒂或其家族成员制作的小提琴

14.as a violinist, she has the edge on(over)my sister作为小提琴手,她比我的妹妹更胜一筹。

15.She went on playing first addle in the band.她继续在乐队中作第一小提琴手。

16.I shall think of her as the most gifted violinist here .我把她看作这儿最有才华的小提琴手。

17.In this passage the violins double the sopranos.小提琴在本乐节兼作高音乐器演奏.

18.The Research on the Composition about the Music of Violins in China as Viewed from Society and Culture;中国小提琴音乐创作的社会文化研究


violin works transplant小提琴移植作品

3)Chinese violin composition中国小提琴作品

1.Chinese violin compositions are good examples of communication and integration between Chinese music culture and western music culture.中国小提琴作品是中西方音乐文化相互交融的结晶。

4)Four violin works四首小提琴作品

5)cello works大提琴作品

1.This paper analyzes and compares cello sonata in Baroque period and Schubert s and Schumanncello works in Romantic period.通过对巴洛克时期大提琴奏鸣曲和浪漫主义时期舒伯特、舒曼的大提琴作品的分析、比较,简要论述了巴洛克时期和浪漫主义时期大提琴作品不同的艺术风格。

6)works for solo double bass低音提琴独奏作品


