2000字范文 > 农村和谐文化建设 construction of harmonious culture in rural areas英语短句 例句大全

农村和谐文化建设 construction of harmonious culture in rural areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-30 17:41:52


农村和谐文化建设 construction of harmonious culture in rural areas英语短句 例句大全

农村和谐文化建设,construction of harmonious culture in rural areas

1)construction of harmonious culture in rural areas农村和谐文化建设

1.Strengthening theconstruction of harmonious culture in rural areas and prospering the cultural undertakings of rural areas, which is an important content for the construction of new rural areas of socialism, and also the objective requirement to con- struct harmonious society of socialism .加强农村和谐文化建设,繁荣农村文化事业,是社会主义新农村建设的重要内容,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的客观要求。


1.Promoting the Construction of Harmonious Culture in Countryside by Constructing the Family Tradition;以家风建设推进农村和谐文化建设之管窥

2.Research on the Ideological and Political Work of Rural s Harmonious Culture;农村和谐文化建设中的思想政治工作研究

3.The Investigation about a Harmonious Cultural Construction in Chinese New Rural Minority;我国少数民族地区新农村和谐文化建设研究

4.On Systematical Framework of Harmonious Cultural Construction in New Socialist Countryside;论社会主义新农村和谐文化建设的制度框架

5.On ponderation of Harmonious Culure in Rural Rrea of The Yanbian;关于延边农村和谐文化建设的几点思考

6.Some Basic Relation that Should be Carefully Handled in the Construction of Rural Harmonious Culture:Based on the Survey of Rural Harmonious Culture in Fujian;农村和谐文化建设中应处理好的几个基本关系——基于福建省农村和谐文化的调查

7.On the Initiation of the Operational Mechanism of the Harmonious Culture in the New Rural Community of Socialism;社会主义新农村和谐文化建设运行机制创新论析

8.The Rural Culture Research in Perspective of a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视角下的农村文化建设研究

9.Exploration on Functions of Harmonious Culture in Building New Countryside和谐文化在新农村建设中的作用新探

10.Mao Zedong"s Views on Culture and the Cultural Construction of a New Harmonious Socialists Countryside毛泽东文化观与社会主义和谐新农村文化建设

11.The Study of Construction of Harmonious Culture in the Building of Harmonious Towns and Villages和谐村镇建设中的和谐文化建设研究

12.Strengthening the Village Cultural Reconstruction and Promoting Harmonious Societys Construction;加强农村文化建设,促进和谐社会的构建

13.Strengthening the Cultural Construction in Rural Areas to Build a Harmonious Society;加强农村文化建设,努力构建社会主义和谐社会

14.Basic Culture Construction in Countryside:Basic Project in Shaping Rural Harmonious Society;农村基础文化建设:构建农村和谐社会的基础性工程

15.Research on Building the Socialist New Countryside and Constructing the Harmonious Society Developing Rural Sports Culture;建设新农村与构建和谐社会中发展农村体育文化探析

16.Inheritance of Traditional Sports Culture and Construction of Harmonious Society of Rural Area;民族传统体育文化传承与农村和谐社会建设

17.Establishment of New Rural Culture in Establishing the Harmonious Society和谐社会视野下的新农村文化建设探析

18.Strengthening the Construction of Countryside Culture to Promote the Harmony of Rural Society--Investigation on the New Countryside Culture Construction of Xiangning County,Linfen City加强农村文化建设 促进农村社会和谐——临汾市乡宁县新农村文化建设调查


harmonious society in rural areas和谐农村建设

3)Rural Harmonious Culture农村和谐文化

1.The Ideological and Political Work in the construction ofRural Harmonious Culture, under the background of the current backward ideological level in our countryside and the increasing inharmony of the current situation, is proposed for promotion of cultural construction in rural areas in response to the ideological infiltration of the Western hostile forces into the villages in our country.农村和谐文化建设中的思想政治工作,立足于我国当代农村思想文化还比较落后、不和谐因素有所增多的实际状况,对于应对西方敌对势力在意识形态领域的分化渗透、加强社会主义新农村建设有重大的意义。

4)cultural construction of new countryside新农村文化建设

1.This paper expounds the importance of the library in thecultural construction of new countryside, points out that the library’s local literatures should serve thecultural construction of new countryside in Chongqing City, and probes into the problem of establishing the long-acting mechanism of the library’s serving thecultural construction of new countryside.阐述了图书馆在新农村文化建设中的重要性,指出图书馆地域文献要为重庆新农村文化建设服务,探讨了建立图书馆为新农村文化建设服务的长效机制的问题。

2.There is such a great diversity of cultural types and broad participation in the process ofcultural construction of new countryside in Qi County that cultural construction met the spiritual entertainment of the broad masses of people and different consuming needs of the broad masses of people.祁县新农村文化建设类型多样,参与广泛,满足了广大群众精神娱乐和文化消费的不同需求;简约自办,注重实效,代表了市场经济条件下社会文化发展的重要方向;内容向上,贴近实际,弘扬了新时期构建和谐文化的主旋律。

5)rural culture construction农村文化建设

1.In the light of the present situation ofrural culture construction,this paper probes into the development direction and service mode of rural library.针对农村文化建设的现状,对农村图书馆(室)的发展方向和服务模式进行了探讨。

2.The newrural culture construction requires the guidance of scientific theory,.正在进行的新农村文化建设是新农村建设的一个重要方面,它将关系到农村能否持续、健康发展,对推进当前农村的改革发展有着重要的作用。

3.The government of Heze City should increase the investment forrural culture construction,and widen the financial channels actively,so to ensure there\"s enough financial guarantee forrural culture construction.菏泽市政府应该加大对农村文化建设的投资力度,积极拓宽筹资渠道,使农村文化建设有足够的资金保证。

6)rural cultural construction农村文化建设

1.From four aspects this paper analyzes the main existing problems in therural cultural construction of our country,puts forward some advantages of mobile libraries,summarizes some practical suggestions and discusses the development opportunities that our mobile libraries will face in new century and countermeasures.本文通过对农村文化建设现状的分析,提出加快流动图书馆建设的优势所在,并总结出一些切实可行的建议,从而进一步探讨了新世纪我国流动图书馆面临的发展机遇和对策。

2.In the currentrural cultural construction there exist such problems as the ignorance of the cultural construction by some rural cadres, the backwardness of the rural cultural facilities, the inadequacy of the rural cultural market development and the imperfection of the management.目前我国的农村文化建设中存在着部分农村干部对文化建设不够重视,农村文化设施建设滞后,农村文化市场发育不足、管理不善等问题。

3.In a long time in our country,rural cultural construction has been neglected.长期以来,我国农村的文化建设一直处于被忽视的境地,农村文化建设严重滞后的局面已经远远满足不了农民日益增长的精神文化需求。


关于加强农村能源建设的意见关于加强农村能源建设的意见recommendations strengthening rural energy developmentguanyu iiaqiang nongeun nengyuan iianshe de yi」ian关于加强农村能源建设的意见(二co~ndationss既ngthening rural ene卿development)国务院关于加强农村能源建设的重要政策性文件。中国农村能源建设,在1981~1985年期间,通过贯彻执行“因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用、讲求效益”的方针,取得了显著的成绩。5年间,薪炭林、小水电、沼气、省柴节煤炉灶、风力发电、太阳能和地热的开发利用等都取得了较大的进展。但全国仍有许多地区,农村能源供应仍不能满足农村生产和生活的需要,严重制约着农村经济的发展和人民生活的改善。为此,国务院节能工作办公会议于1986年ro月4日召开了第三次会议,专题研究农村能源工作,审议讨论通过了国家经委提出的《关于加强农村能源建设的意见》。并经国务院同意,由国家经委以“经农【1986」8肠号”文件下发全国,文件要求贯彻8条意见:①编制发展农村能源的长远规划;②研究制定农村能源的技术经济政策;③加强农村能源科技攻关和开发示范工作;④抓好农村的节能工作;⑤建立和发展农村能源产业;⑥建立农村能源技术服务体系;⑦加速培养农村能源技术人员;⑧加强对农村能源工作的领导。每条意见都提出了近期要组织开展的工作和政策意见。 (邓可蕴)
