2000字范文 > 利益整合机制 Mechanism of the Interests Integration英语短句 例句大全

利益整合机制 Mechanism of the Interests Integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-28 12:14:18


利益整合机制 Mechanism of the Interests Integration英语短句 例句大全

利益整合机制,Mechanism of the Interests Integration

1)Mechanism of the Interests Integration利益整合机制


1.Careful and Skillful Mandling with the Conflicts of Interests and Amplification of the Integrating Mechanism of Interests;妥善处理利益矛盾 健全利益整合机制

2.Public Policy Making & Formulating Instituion of Coordinating Interests;公共政策制定与利益整合机制的构建

promise: an Effective Mechanism of Interests Integration--Thinking Based on Interests Contradiction and Conflict of Different Social Strata;妥协:一种有效的利益整合机制——基于阶层利益矛盾、冲突的思考

4.Studying Integrated Mechanism of Social Interests from the Perspective of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视阈下的社会利益整合机制研究

5.Challenges to the Integration of Social Interest in the New Period and the Countermeasures;新时期社会利益整合机制面临的新挑战及对策

6.Research on China′s Athletics Community Interest Reorganization Mechanism in Social Transformation Period;转型期我国竞技体育集团利益整合机制研究

7.On the Perfection of Mechanism of Government s Interest Integration from the Perspective of Information Diffusion;试论政府利益整合机制的优化——以信息网络化为视角

8.The Interests of Optimizing the Party in Power Combine the Mechanism--The demand of the harmonious society;优化执政党的利益整合机制——构建和谐社会的诉求

9.Interest integration mechanism construction in countryside reform--celebretion of 30 years countryside reform农村改革中利益整合机制的构建——纪念农村改革30周年

10.Theory Study on Farmer s Participation in Practical Technological Innovation --Discusses on Interest Integration Mechanism of Different Stakeholders;农民参与式实用技术创新的理论研究——不同利益群体利益整合机制探讨

11.To Perfect Society Moderate Mechanism,and to Integrate the Benefits Relation;完善社会协调机制 整合群体利益关系

12.On the Construction of the Mechanism of Giving Full Play to Party Interest s Integrative Function;论发挥党的利益整合功能的机制构建

13.The Mechanism of Interest Coordination and Conformity in Ethnic Autonomous Areas;民族自治地方利益协调与整合机制探索

14.The Conflicts of Interest among Investors andIntegration of Corporate Governance Mechanisms;投资者之间的利益冲突和公司治理机制的整合


16.A Study of Benefit Distribution s Mechanism and the Followed Adjusting Process in Team Cooperation;团队合作中的利益分配机制及其调整过程探讨

17.Research on the Interest"s Expression and Integration Mechanism in the Course of Legislation立法过程中的利益表达与整合机制研究

18.The development chance and conformity mechanism of democracy from the perspective of interest从利益的角度看民主政治的发展契机与整合机制


integrated mechanism of social interests社会利益整合机制

3)integration mechanism of social public interests社会公共利益整合机制

4)mechanism of interest adjustment利益调整机制

1.Modern legislation is themechanism of interest adjustment with rights and duties.现代立法以权利与义务为利益调整机制。

5)interest integration利益整合

1.Equity is the core value of public policy andinterest integration is the important function of public policy.公平是公共政策的核心价值,利益整合是公共政策重要功能。

2.Thus we should persist in the system and make good use of the function ofinterest integration by the system so as to accelerate building a harmonious society in socialist construction.社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质要求,利益整合是构建社会和谐的关键,我国的多党合作这一政党制度具有利益整合的独特优势。

3.Therefore,the government should play the role ofinterest integration in political participation.因此政府应发挥在政治参与中的利益整合作用。

6)interests integration利益整合

1.The historical tasks the Party undertakes and the historical position it is at determined that itsinterests integration function has to be specific and historical.党面临的具体历史任务和所处历史方位决定了党的利益整合功能的内涵是具体的、历史的。

2.To give full play to the function ofinterests integration is a basic principle for the Party in power.充分发挥利益整合功能,是政党执政的一项根本性原则。

3.The key to the construction of socialist concord society is the effectiveinterests integration based on social justice.要构建社会主义和谐社会,关键在于以社会公正为准则,有效地进行利益整合。


