2000字范文 > 中美家庭价值观 Sino-American family values英语短句 例句大全

中美家庭价值观 Sino-American family values英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-21 06:19:25


中美家庭价值观 Sino-American family values英语短句 例句大全

中美家庭价值观,Sino-American family values

1)Sino-American family values中美家庭价值观


1.The Analysis of the Features of Gathering and Seperating Between Sino-American Family Values中美家庭价值观的聚合性与离散性——语言哲学研究途径探索

parative Study about Family Education between China and America in the View of Values;文化价值观视野中的中美家庭教育比较研究

3.A Cross-Cultural Study of Chinese and American Work/Family Role Values and Work-Family Conflict中美工作/家庭角色价值观与工作家庭冲突之跨文化研究

4.On Joy Luck Club From the Perspective of Intercultural Communication:Different Family Values in Chinese and American Cultures;《喜福会》的跨文化交际学解读:中美不同的家庭价值观

5.Many people worry that American family values seem to be on the decline.( 许多人担心美国的家庭价值观似乎趋向衰退。

6.Perceptions of Family-Related Value among Shanghai College Students: Comparisons and Developments;上海大学生眼中的家庭价值观:比较与发展

7.Effects of Ethics and Values on Educational Investment Decision-making in Rural Areas;农村家庭子女教育投资决策中的价值观影响

8.Research on Traditional Virtues of Filial Piety in the Family Construction传统孝道在家庭美德建设中的价值研究

9.Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.和美国家庭的这种爱同时并存的是自强及独立的文化价值观。

10.On the Concept of Harmonious Family and Its Values at Present Age in the Book of Changes论《周易》家庭和谐观及其当代价值

11.The culture of the work force is a mix of Hispanic-Catholic family values and Asian-Confucian group loyalty.员工文化混合着拉丁美洲天主教的家庭价值观念和亚洲儒家的效忠集体的观念。

12.Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just as they are in your country.指导我们的很多价值观是在家庭中形成的,就像中国一样。

13.Correlation between Values Forming and Categories of Junior Family Function初中生家庭功能类型与其价值观形成的关系探讨

14.Oriental Families and Film Aesthetics in Disintegration: On Yasujiro Ozu"s Image Value裂变中的东方家庭与电影美学——论小津安二郎的影像价值

15.Research on the Relationship of Family Life Values Education and College Students Life Values;家庭生命价值观教育与大学生生命价值观的相关研究

16.Intergenerational Relationship,Values and the aged in household---A cultural analysis of the aged in hou seh old;代际关系、价值观和家庭养老——关于家庭养老的文化解释

17.Do the Americans have the same family value as the Chinese?美国人的家庭观和中国人的相同吗?

18.A sense of equality often exists in American homes.公平观念广泛存在于美国的家庭当中;


family values家庭价值观

1.One of the leading theories of intercultural communication,Hofstede s Value Dimensions,is applied to explain the emotional conflicts and cultural misunderstanding between mothers,the first generation of Chinese Americans and their daughters,the second generation,with the Purpose of analyzing the differentfamily values in Chinese and American cultures.文章从跨文化交际学的角度解读了美国华裔作家谭恩美的作品《喜福会》,并以跨文化交际学中Hofstede的价值观维度理论为主要依据,通过阐释小说中母女因文化碰撞而产生的爱怨与冲突,剥离出中国文化和美国文化中不同的家庭价值观。

2.While emphasizing the inheritance and ad- vancement of Confucianism and other Asian traditions,Singapore formulates its own shared values andfamily values in the state s white paper.在强调对儒家伦理等传统道德继承与发扬的前提下,以国家白皮书形式提出了自己的共同价值观,继而提出了家庭价值观。

3.The thinness of the traditionalfamily values and ethics, the desalination between family members’feelings, the imbalance of individual physical and mental, are the important reasons that caused family problems em.基于对问题成因的分析,文章提出新时期我国构建和谐家庭的根本途径就是以马克思主义的家庭理论为指导,加强对人们思想、价值观的引导、建设,树立和谐的家庭价值观;弘扬中国传统的家庭伦理道德;让家庭充满爱。

3)family values education家庭价值观教育

1.This study used the questionnaire of values Education and parental rearing patterns to explore the relationship betweenfamily values education and parental rearing patterns of undergraduate.本研究测量了山西大学、山西财经大学两所高校150名大学生的家庭价值观教育与父母教养方式,对其在性别、地区、父母不同教育水平方面进行了比较分析,并对二者进行了相关分析。

4)marriage and family values婚姻家庭价值观

5)family value家庭价值

1.The fairly systematic conception of family had been t aken shape by the Confucians before Qin dynasty, which includes home life , human relations, ethic s, household management andfamily value.先秦儒家形成了较为系统的家庭观念 ,涵盖家庭生活、家庭人伦、家庭道德、家庭治理、家庭价值等方面。

6)Sino-American Families中美家庭


