2000字范文 > 文化象征 cultural symbol英语短句 例句大全

文化象征 cultural symbol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-04 07:30:20


文化象征 cultural symbol英语短句 例句大全

文化象征,cultural symbol

1)cultural symbol文化象征

1.This article,taking the classicalest Bixing(比兴) images-peony in Huar as an example,expounds that Huar s Bixing images have not only formal significance but special connotation of historical culture and deepgoing significance ofcultural symbol.本文以"花儿"中最经典的比兴意象——"牡丹"为例,说明"花儿"的比兴意象不只是具有形式上的意义,更有特殊的历史文化内涵,具有深刻的文化象征意义。

2.It has a long history and a profound significance of thecultural symbol and the social symbol.流传于贵州省石阡县仡佬族的“敬雀节”是一个集人与自然、社会为一体的传统节日,历史悠久,具有深刻的文化象征与社会象征意义。

3.Borges\" main influence embodied in three aspect: narrative revolution,language experiment andcultural symbol.博尔赫斯对中国先锋派作家的影响主要体现在叙事革命、语言实验、文化象征三方面。


1.The Cultural Symbol of Leisure and the Value Guidance of the Leisure Culture;论休闲的文化象征与休闲文化的价值导向作用

2.The Cultural Connotations of the Word "Long" and its Derivatives与“龙”有关的词语及“龙”的文化象征涵蕴

3.Festival and Society: the Cultural Symbol of the Gelao People s "Bird-Respecting Festival";节日与社会:仡佬族“敬雀节”的文化象征

4.A Comparison of Cultural Symbols of Color Words between Chinese & English;中英颜色词语及其文化象征意义比较

5.Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Dog;跨文化视角:狗的文化符号象征意义

6.The Comparison of the Symbolic Meaning of Animal Images in Sino-Russian Culture;汉俄文化中动物形象象征意义的比较

7.The Symbolical Expression of Nuo Ceremony--The Third Papers about Tujia Symbolic Culture;傩仪“过关”的象征表达——土家族象征文化研究之三

8.On Symbolic Culture in China;象征符号研究的新进展——评《中国象征文化》

9.Constructing Cultural Identity in Symbolic World--On the Function of Symbolic Images in The Woman Warrior在象征世界里构建文化身份——论《女勇士》中象征物象的作用

10.A Study of Cultureal Phenomena from the Angle of Language Features--A Perspective of Chinese Language and Culture in Qitai;从语言特征看文化现象——奇台汉语言文化透视

11.A Preliminary Inquiry into Bird Images and Their Cultural Characteristics among Tibetan Culture藏文化中的鸟形象及其文化地理特征探析

12."Paintings in different cultures must have different symbols, right?"不同文化中的绘画有不同象征,对吧。

13.The Symbol and Symbolization of Dress Culture in Ancient China中国古代服饰文化中的符号与象征

14.Preliminary Research on the Symbolic Culture of Gude Temple Enriched with Exotic Styles in Wuhan武汉古德寺之异域风格象征文化初探

15.The Research on the Eating Custom Culture and the Symbolic Significance of the Chinese Dumpling;中国饺子食俗文化与象征意义的研究

16.Mark s symbolic word-the cultural analysis of Bailu Plain;符号的象征世界——《白鹿原》的文化解读

parison of the Color Symbolization between China and the Western Countries;比较中西文化中颜色词汇的象征意义

18.On the customs and symbolic significances of trees in Russian culture;俄罗斯文化中树木的习俗、象征意义


Symbolic culture象征文化

1.The research of symbolic culture of the traditional unique local houses in Jingchu areas;荆楚地区传统民居的象征文化初探

2.The hakka earth building complex, which has prolific symbolic culture, has been the distinguished one in the art of architectural world.客家土楼以其鲜明的风格成为世界建筑艺术的一朵奇葩,其中蕴含着丰富的象征文化。


4)culture symbolic meaning文化象征意义

5)Symbol of modern culture现代文化象征

6)cultural symbolic system文化的象征体系


布鲁纳象征性模式布鲁纳象征性模式Bruner"s symbolic model布含纳象征性模式(Bruner’5 symbolicmodel)美国心理学家J.S.布鲁纳所提出的构成人类对世界的认知模式的三种表象模式之一。在人的心智能力的发展历程中,象征性模式的出现,表明人们能够运用语言、数字、图形等符号来代表经验或知识。它具有间接性和任意性。语一言的词既不是直接的事物,也不像映象那样和直接的事物相似,它是象征式的。语言的词可以搭配成任意的组合来表示事物。这种象征性模式,使人们具有考虑命题、构成概念层次结构的能力,以及探索事物的因果关系和预测未来的能力。(成立夫撰匾亘国审)
