2000字范文 > 课堂教学行为 teaching behavior in class英语短句 例句大全

课堂教学行为 teaching behavior in class英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-13 06:54:20


课堂教学行为 teaching behavior in class英语短句 例句大全

课堂教学行为,teaching behavior in class

1)teaching behavior in class课堂教学行为

1.The research onteaching behavior in class focuses on the behavior of teacher and the interaction of teacher and student,and adopts process-product method prevalently.课堂教学行为的研究,内容主要集中在教师行为和师生互动行为上,方法以“过程———结果法”尤为盛行,但也表现出对象理解的片面、方法使用的不恰当等问题。


1.Research on Teachers Teaching Behaviors in Class under the Background of the New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下教师课堂教学行为研究

2.Study on Classroom Teaching Deviated Behavior of University Teachers;大学教师课堂教学行为失范问题研究

3.Analysis of Mathematics Teachers Classroom Teaching Behaviour in Senior High School in Implementing the New Curriculum;新课程实施中高中数学教师课堂教学行为剖析

4.A Study on the Teaching Behaviors of the K-12 Teachers Based on the Excellent Lessons;基于优秀课例的中小学教师课堂教学行为研究

5.The Theory and Practice of Instruction Behavior in Geography Classes of Senior High School;高中地理课堂教学行为的理论与实践

6.How to Optimize Normal Students" Teaching Behavior in Geography Classroom论师范生地理课堂教学行为优化策略

7.On the Exploration of the System of Indexes to Evaluate Teaching Behaviors;新课程下教师课堂教学行为评价指标体系初探

8.The Integration of the Curriculum and the Change of Teacher s Instructional Behaviors in the Class;课程综合化与教师课堂教学行为的变化

9.On Teacher Behavior in Classroom Teaching to Achieve Education Fairness;教师在课堂教学行为中如何体现教育公平

10.On Teachers Behavior in Classroom Teaching to Achieve Educational Fairness;试论教师在课堂教学行为中如何体现教育公平

11.The Behavior Transformation of Teachers Classroom Instruction During the Course of Innovational Education;在创新教育中教师课堂教学行为应有的转变

12.Differences-Research on the Teaching Behaviors in Class of the Novice-Expert Teacher;新手—专家化学教师课堂教学行为差异研究

13.Theoretical Construction of Teaching Behavior of PE Teachers in PE Classes at the Middle Schools;中学体育教师课堂教学行为的理论构建

14.A Study on Influence of Classroom Instruction to Inferior Students;教师课堂教学行为对差生学业发展的影响

15.Elementary School Teachers Perception of Pupils Classroom Problem Behaviors;小学教师对学生课堂问题行为的知觉


17.Teacher Expectations Effect on Their Students Action in Classroom;教师期望对学生课堂行为的影响研究

18.The Implementation of Nonverbal Communication in Classroom Teaching;非言语交际行为在教学课堂中的实施


classroom instructional behavior课堂教学行为

1.Theclassroom instructional behavior is the key factor in affecting classroom learning-teaching effect.课堂教学行为是影响课堂教学质量的重要因素。

2.Thus, the author, starting from conducting a survey in Changshu, Jiangsu province, investigated history teachersclassroom instructional behavior in senior middle school under the cur.为此,通过在常熟地区问卷调查来研究新课程背景下高中历史教师课堂教学行为,调查研究高中历史教师的备课行为、课堂教学情况、课后教学反思、课程观念等。

3)classroom teaching behavior课堂教学行为

1.However, the fruits ofclassroom teaching behavior from the perspective of theory plus practice are rarely seen in today\"s academic circles.课堂教学行为作为“课堂”中的重要存在,直接关乎学校教育质量的提高与新课程改革任务的落实。

2.Until the mid-20th century,with the education and teaching reform in depth,the researchers will increasingly focus attention on the classroom,andclassroom teaching behavior appears and comes into education researchers and practitioners\" attention.直到20世纪中期,随着教育教学改革深入,研究者逐渐将视线聚焦在课堂上,课堂教学行为这一日见不察的现象才从其他教学问题中浮现出来,成为研究者和实践者关注的问题。

4)effective classroom instruction behavior有效课堂教学行为

5)analysis of classroom instructional behaviors课堂教学行为分析

1.In theanalysis of classroom instructional behaviors,the researcher applies the behavioral theory and instructional principles in analyzing all elements and their relations of classroom instructional behaviors as well as all the fulfilling units and mutual t ransformation between them in order to explore the objective laws of classroom instructional behaviors in student s developmen.课堂教学行为分析就是运用行为理论和教学原理对其构成要素及各个要素之间的关系进行分析,即要素论分析,同时对其实现单位及各个实现单位之间的内部转化关系进行分析,即过程论分析,从而进一步探明课堂教学行为在学生发展中的独特规律。

6)geography classroom instruction behavior地理课堂教学行为

1.And a series ofgeography classroom instruction behaviors of teachers and students built the structure of one geography class.因此,地理课堂教学行为研究对于促进当前的中学地理新课程改革具有重要作用。


