2000字范文 > 火力发电 thermal power generation英语短句 例句大全

火力发电 thermal power generation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 20:43:29


火力发电 thermal power generation英语短句 例句大全

火力发电,thermal power generation

1)thermal power generation火力发电

1.Large quantity of water intake ofthermal power generation and the latest norm of water intake have been described in the paper.简述了火力发电用水量、取水量浩大 ,最新的取水定额指标 ;详述了 10项节水技术及其节水技术的节水率比较以及 2 0 0 5年的节水目标、措施和示例。

2.The methods of energy - sowing and loss reducing inthermal power generation in our country are analyzed from several aspecis in this paper such as regulating the structure of the thermal power generating units, improving the efliciency of the generating units in service term and lowering the ratio of the power utility rate in the plants.从调整火电机组的结构,提高服役机组的效率,降低厂用电率等几个方面,分析了我国火力发电节能降耗的途径。


1.a thermal power station火力发电厂 [站]

2.steam-power station火力发电厂,汽力发电厂,热电站

3.Code for fire protection design of power plant and substation火力发电厂与变电所设计防火规范

4.The fireproofing and block burn measure research of cable in coal based power plant and substation;火力发电厂及变电所电缆防火阻燃措施

5.Auxiliary Scheme of Thermal Power Plant火力发电厂的厂用电接线

6.Standard for design of electrical laboratory of thermal power plant火力发电厂电气实验室设计标准

7.Optimization Design of Auxiliry Power Wiring for 1000MW Units1000MW火力发电厂厂用电优化设计

8.Research and Application of Energy-saving in Large Power Plant大型火力发电厂节电工程研究与应用

9.The Applications of Low-voltage Electromotor Protection in Thermal Power Plants低压电动机保护在火力发电厂的应用

10.Power Coal Blending Technique for Coal Fired Boilers;动力配煤原理在火力发电厂中的应用

11.Study on the Model of Human Resource Management in Thermo-Power Plant;火力发电企业人力资源管理模式研究

12.Benefit Analysis of Energy Conservation and Reduction Emission of Wind Power Plant and Thermal Power Plant风力发电与火力发电的节能减排效益比较分析

13.Development of simulation teaching platform for thermoelectric power plant based on WEB;基于WEB火力发电仿真教学平台开发

14.Promoting Large-scale Corporation Reforger by Marketing Internal火力发电厂在发展循环经济中的应用

15.Thermal power plant fire risk analysis and preventive measures火力发电厂的火灾危险性分析及预防措施

16.Optimization of Water Spray Extinguishing System for Oil Tank in the Main Factory Building of Thermal Power Plant火力发电厂主厂房油箱水喷雾灭火系统的优化

parison and application of firepower plant gas fire-extinguishing system火力发电厂气体灭火系统的比较与应用

18.Study of WSN Protocol in Large-Scale Thermal Power Plant Equipment Monitor大型火力发电厂发电设备监测的WSN协议研究


thermal power火力发电

1.Life cycle emission inventories for the fuels consumed bythermal power in China;中国火力发电燃料消耗的生命周期排放清单

2.Analyzes about Thermal power plant s coal management s method;关于火力发电厂的煤炭管理的方法分析

3.On the basis of analyzing the features ofthermal power logistics system, the paper puts forward some measures of controlling logistics costs inthermal power plants.物流成本是火力发电企业成本的重要组成部分。

3)thermal power plant火力发电

1.The paper gives solutions to the problem that the maintenance of the screw cinder cleaner needs shutting the boiler in athermal power plant, which makes it practical for a shutting door to be set in the boiler and this is proven in practice.针对火力发电厂燃煤锅炉使用螺旋捞渣机不能实现不停炉维修之问题提出了解决方案。

4)thermal power plant火力发电厂

1.Regarding the institutional innovation opportunity of Guangdong-Hongkong regional environmental management from the perspective of the "emission trading pilot scheme forthermal power plants in the Pearl River Delta region";从“珠三角火力发电厂排污交易试验计划”看粤港区域环境管理制度创新机遇

2.Design of the automatic fire protection system inthermal power plant;火力发电厂自动消防系统的设计

3.Study on planting landscape arrangement in factory area ofthermal power plants;火力发电厂厂区植物景观配置探讨

5)coal-fired power plant火力发电厂

1.The development status of technologies for separate and capture of CO2 fromcoal-fired power plants is introduced, which are the important emission fountains of CO2.针对于CO2的集中排放源,介绍了火力发电厂各种CO2分离捕集技术的发展现状。

2.The problems of coal-sampling machinery of coal as received incoal-fired power plant are discussed, and the solving methods are put forward.分析探讨了火力发电厂入厂煤机械采样机使用中出现的问题,并给出了解决措施。

3.According to can keep on the development and circulating economy strategy,coal-fired power plant must Construction the FGD.按照可持续发展和循环经济战略,火力发电厂实施烟气脱硫刻不容缓。

6)fossil-fired power plant火力发电厂

1.Introduction to electrical energy-saving technology forfossil-fired power plant;火力发电厂电气节能设计方法

2.Study on technical measures of water-saving for afossil-fired power plant;火力发电厂节水技术措施研究


